Emergency Response Planning: For Corporate and Municipal Managers

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Elsevier, 18 янв. 1999 г. - Всего страниц: 564
Emergencies wreak havoc on businesses and governments on a daily basis. Whether it is a hurricane pounding a coastal community, a terrorist attack on a company's headquarters, or a hazardous chemical spill at a local school, the results can be loss of life, health, and property. How can you prevent or reduce the effects of such occurrences? By planning ahead.Emergency Response Planning is designed to help corporate and municipal managers quickly understand their roles in proactive and reactive emergency management. Author Paul Erickson shows how to develop partnerships with federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as community groups in order to prevent, prepare for, and respond to natural disasters and manmade emergencies.Emergency Response Planning provides essential information to help you comply with government regulations, design an emergency response plan, train personnel, use the proper safety equipment, safeguard information systems, and resume normal operations after an emergency as quickly as possible. It will also help consultants design emergency response plans for their clients, and provide practical information for students studying business continuity and emergency issues.Is an important resource for: - Corporate and municipal managers involved in emergency management - Organizational safety committee members - Industrial health and safety consultants and their clients - Graduate and undergraduate students studying emergency response issues - Outlines both proactive and reactive strategies to reduce risk to human life, health, and property - Describes how to form effective partnerships with government agencies and community support resources - Defines the roles of corporate and municipal managers, planning team members, and response personnel - Explains regulations and guidelines from key agencies including OSHA, EPA, FEMA, CDC, US Fire Administration, and more - Makes information easy to understand with dozens of tables, illustrations, and appendices

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Chapter 1 Scope of Emergency Response
Chapter 2 Elements of Holistic Planning and Management
Chapter 3 The Emergency Response Plan
Chapter 4 Command
Chapter 5 Physical and Chemical Hazards
Chapter 6 Biohazards
Chapter 7 Medical Surveillance
Chapter 8 Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Appendix B FEMA Addresses
Appendix C Regional and Area OSHA Ofices
Appendix D States with Approved Occupational Safety and Health Plans
Appendix E OSHA Consultation Directory
Appendix F State Emergency Response Committees
Appendix G FEMA Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry
Appendix H OSHA Training Curriculum Guidelines 1910120 Hazardous Waste Operations Emergency Response APP E Nonmandatory
Appendix I Terrorism Incident Annex to the Federal Response Plan

Chapter 9 Personnel Training
Chapter 10 Hazard and Risk Reduction Strategies
Chapter 11 Decontamination
Chapter I 2 Data and Information Management
Chapter 13 Monitoring Strategies and Devices
Chapter 14 Terrorism
Appendix A Glossary
Appendix J Presidential Decision Directive 39 Unclassified
Appendix K National Fire Academy and Emergency Management Institute Courses Related to Consequence Management
June 1995
Appendix M How to Prepare for Workplace Emergencies US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1995 Revised
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Стр. 13 - ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the sphere of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity.
Стр. 4 - Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate • Procedures to account for all employees after emergency evacuation has been completed • Rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform them...

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