Y 4.6 74/7: N28/2 FED-DOCS MOVING FROM "NEED TO KNOW" TO "NEED TO HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION AUGUST 3, 2004 Serial No. 108–217 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Reform Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.gpo.gov/congress/house 96-537 PDF U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 2004 DEPOSITORY For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Pinting Office FEB 1 7 2005 STANFORD UNIVERSIT JONSSON LIBRARY OPY COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM DAN BURTON, Indiana TOM DAVIS, Virginia, Chairman CHRISTOPHER SHAYS, Connecticut RON LEWIS, Kentucky JO ANN DAVIS, Virginia TODD RUSSELL PLATTS, Pennsylvania CANDICE S. MILLER, Michigan KATHERINE HARRIS, Florida HENRY A. WAXMAN, California DIANE E. WATSON, California STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, Maryland LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California C.A. "DUTCH" RUPPERSBERGER, Maryland ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, District of Columbia JIM COOPER, Tennessee BETTY MCCOLLUM, Minnesota BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont (Independent) MELISSA WOJCIAK, Staff Director DAVID MARIN, Deputy Staff Director/Communications Director PHIL BARNETT, Minority Chief of Staff/Chief Counsel (II) CONTENTS Page Kerrey, Bob, Commissioner; and John F. Lehman, Commissioner, Na- tional Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Light, Paul C., Robert F. Wagner school of public service, New York Regenhard, Sally, family member of September 11, 2001 victim; Beverly Eckert, family member of September 11, 2001 victim; and Robin Wie- Davis, Hon. Danny K., a Representative in Congress from the State 61 Kerrey, Bob, Commissioner; and John F. Lehman, Commissioner, Na- tional Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, pre- Watson, Hon. Diane E., a Representative in Congress from the State Page Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by-Continued Wiener, Robin, family member of September 11, 2001 victim, prepared statement of Waxman, Hon. Henry A., a Representative in Congress from the State of California, prepared statement of 11 127 MOVING FROM "NEED TO KNOW" TO "NEED TO SHARE": A REVIEW OF THE 9/11 COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATIONS TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2004 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:04 a.m., in room 2154, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Tom Davis (chairman of the committee) presiding. Present: Representatives Tom Davis, Shays, Ros-Lehtinen, McHugh, Platts, Schrock, Miller of Michigan, Turner, Carter, Blackburn, Harris, Waxman, Kanjorski, Maloney, Cummings, Kucinich, Davis of Illinois, Tierney, Watson, Lynch, Van Hollen, Ruppersberger, Norton, McCollum. Staff present: David Marin, deputy staff director/communications director; Ellen Brown, legislative director and senior policy counsel; Jennifer Safavian, chief counsel for oversight and investigations; John Hunter and David Young, counsels; Robert Borden, counsel/ parliamentarian; Robert White, press secretary; Drew Crockett, deputy director of communications; John Cuaderes and Victoria Proctor, senior professional staff members; Mason Alinger, Brian Stout, Jaime Hjort, Susie Schulte, Shalley Kim, and Brien Beattie, professional staff members; John Brosnan and Randy Cole, GAO detailees; Sarah Dorsie, deputy clerk; Allyson Blandford, office manager; Kristina Sherry, legislative correspondent; Corinne Zaccagnini, chief information officer; Phil Barnett, minority staff director; Karen Lightfoot, minority communications director/senior policy advisor; Anna Laitin, minority communications and policy assistant; Michelle Ash, minority senior legislative counsel; Rosalind Parker and David Rapallo, minority counsels; Earley Green, minority chief clerk; Jean Gosa, minority assistant clerk; and Cecelia Morton, minority office manager. Chairman TOM DAVIS. Good morning. The committee will come to order. I want to thank everybody for coming. We are here today nearly 3 years removed from that terrible day of September 11th to simultaneously look back and look forward. We grieve again for the men and women who lost their lives and pray once more for their loved ones. But it is also a time to remind ourselves of the important challenges ahead, the tasks of securing our Nation and eradicating terrorist networks around the globe. (1) |