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"She left the world with all its toys,

For better, brighter worlds on high; Her faith embraced substantial joys,

Soaring beyond the starry sky.

"Methinks I see her now at rest,

In the bright mansion love ordain'd; Her head reclines on Jesu's breast,

No more by sin or sorrow pain'd.

"Twas through the strength of Israel's king,

She proved a conquerer when she fell; 'Tis to the praise of grace we sing, Though of a dying saint we tell.

"Fearless she entered Jordan's flood,

About Christmas last she began rapidly to decline, and, though generally happy, was still subject to many doubts and fears, which often distressed her; but God, in His infinite mercy, chased all away, and during the evening of Thursday, the 14th of April, revealed Himself to her in the brightness of His glory, so that, in the fulness of her heart, she exclaimed, "Never did I think Jesus would thus condescend to reveal Himself to me; I thought to taste joy, but this is joy unspeakable."

"Once I was needy, now every need is supplied." "Precious Jesus! I need

At peace with heaven she closed her no longer cry, Art thou my salvation?

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11, St. Nicholas Street,
King's Lynn, Norfolk,
May 6th, 1859.

DEAR SIR,-The following lines contain a brief sketch of the last few days of my dear sister's life. She was a reader and lover of the Gospel Magazine; and if you think well, perhaps the insertion of them may tend to the glory of God, and the comfort of some of His doubting children.

The first of the month was always hailed with pleasure by our dear departed one, as it brought your valuable perio


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On the 26th of April, 1859, the happy spirit of Anna Maria Holditch, of King's Lynn, Norfolk, winged its flight to mansions of eternal bliss, to be for ever in the bosom of her Lord.

Hers was indeed a joyful exit from this world of sin and sorrow.

Since October, 1856, she had been suffering more or less from consumption, and having at different times ruptured blood-vessels, had been brought to the brink of the grave, but again restored in some measure, that she might testify of the exceeding goodness of a covenant God.

for Christ is my Rock and my salvation."

"I can say now, 'For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.' Welcome, welcome death, when it comes. Oh, that He should thus favour me-I who was always doubting; how could I ever doubt ? answered All prayers are now ; more than answered. I am on the Rock. Jesus is mine, and I am His. I shall soon be sipping at the and all that is within me bless His holy fountain. Bless the Lord, O my soul; name.' My cup is full, heaped up, running over."

how her mind was? She replied, “I On the Friday her mother asked her have not had such a happy day as last much blessed to me, 'Though thou hast evening; but these words have been lien among the pots, thou shalt be as the wings of a dove, covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.'


She was very ill and weak, indeed, on the following day (Saturday), and thought it would be advisable to have some one with her during the night; when these matters were settled, she laid her head on her sister's shoulder, and said, "The summons won't be long, the rubbish is nearly all gone; just a little more dross to be purged away, I shall enter a purified being into my Father's house. He doeth all things well; how pleasant to feel it so. I know all is right. Bless His name, He doeth all things well."


April 17th. This Sunday was indeed a Sabbath of rest to our weary sufferer; she lay quiet throughout the day, every now and then repeating a verse or two of a hymn, a text, or conversing cheer

fully regarding her death, to those around her. Early in the morning, she said, "Can this be Jordan, so calm, so clear, not a wave, not a ripple! Oh no! it is the land of Beulah. How glorious! how bright! how happy I am! If ever I had a pain, the remembrance is quite gone; I am so happy, He has given me a glimpse of Himself upon earth; oh! glorious foretaste; and if this glimpse is so glorious, oh, what must it be to be there!"

how willingly she would join in the songs of triumph around the throne. Toplady's and Hart's hymns were much blessed to her; and next to her Bible, her great treasure and help was Krause; she was never weary of hearing his sermons and lectures.

There were many sweet sayings which fell from her lips that must necessarily be omitted, or this brief account would swell to a volume.

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On Tuesday, the 26th, the day on As she lay quiet and still, we could which she died, she mentioned_several often hear her say, "Precious, precious times, that she thought the Lord would Jesus! countless, countless hosts-in- take her home. About the middle of numerable hosts!" as if, with the eye of the day her affectionate__friend_and faith, she could already see the blood-pastor called to see her. He asked her bought throng around the throne; and how it was with her. She said, "He thither her willing soul was longing is leading me beside the still waters." to fly. All day Tuesday, the 19th, she "Then it is all joy and peace with you lay apparently dozing, but told her sister "Oh!" she replied, "it is joy unspeakin the evening she had not been sleeping, able and full of glory. I am at the very but holding sweet communion with portals of heaven, and as soon as I enter Jesus; He had been very near, and she I will cast my crown at His feet; and had asked him to take her home, but the shout, Alleluia, glory to the Lamb." answer was, "The refractory child must She then lay as if asleep, but with a wait until perfectly holy, then I will most beaming countenance; and pretake her to dwell with me for ever." sently, in thrilling accents, she exclaimed, So she patiently said, "I must wait the "I see the King in His beauty, and the Lord's time, and I wish to do so; but land that is very near. He is coming! oh! I long to be gone." He is coming! He is coming! Do you not hear His chariot wheels ?" After some time she opened her eyes and said, 'Am I still on earth? Oh, what a disappointment! I thought I was gone home.'

One day, as we stood by her bedside, awaiting her dismissal, and never expecting to hear her speak again, she broke forth with, "I have seen the King in His beauty, and the land that is very far off. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.""


On one occasion, having her hands bathed in cold water, she said, "Do you know of what this water reminds me? Of Jordan; yes, of Jordan; but I enjoy it. I have no fear, for underneath are the everlasting Oh! I will plunge with joy into the flood, for His hand is beneath to uphold me." Oftentimes, though weak, she would pray aloud and with much earnestness, wishing she could tell to all poor sinners, what a dear Saviour she had found; how she had been snatched as a brand from the burning; what a trophy she was of redeeming grace; and


At a little before eight, in the evening of the same day, she did indeed go home; her ransomed soul entered into rest. Her end was without much suffering; she burst a blood-vessel, and life gently ebbed away. Whilst the blood was flowing from her mouth she said, "Jesus! oh, Jesus!" and almost instantly her happy spirit was gone to take its seat near her Father's throne.

She had been the subject of heartconvictions for many years; and though often feeling safe, and sure that she was a child of God, yet she never dare say so until the glorious manifestation before named. She died in the 27th year of her age, and was interred in the village churchyard of North Wootton, near Lynn.

On earth, God's people have their respective homes, and particular places of residence; but, when we come to heaven, one home shall serve us.-Holmes.


whom the Lord foreknew, and loved with an everlasting love. But, much as may remain to be done, we believe that Jehovah can and will accomplish that much in a short time. How rapid have been the developments of the last few years. What a marvellous opening out has there been. Everything appears to be tending towards some great crisis. Even men of the world admit this. Moreover, though "it is not for us to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power," we must not forget, that, according to our own reckoning of time, and not taking into account some short period that may have been lost, we shall soon be in the

REV. AND DEAR SIR,-I have taken | hoof shall be left behind' of those the Gospel Magazine for ten years; have many times thought of writing to tell you how much the Lord has blessed it to my own, and dear wife's soul, as well as to many friends who have taken it in by my recommendation. The Holy Spirit generally makes it a "feast of fat things to our souls." By His power and love we have obtained from it light and comfort. I should like to particularize portions and seasons, had I time. I have thought, as I have seen you come from the pulpit in town, I should like to speak to you on these things. I have very much enjoyed your leading article this month; but there is one sentence in it which I have thought much about, and the meaning of which I cannot un-year sixty of the 19th century, or 5860. derstand, viz.: "And now in these This leaves but 140 years to complete latter times, when Jehovah's work on the six thousand, a thousand years earth is rapidly drawing to a close," &c. to a day; then comes on the SabMyself and others would feel it a great bath, or rest of a thousand years. Now favour if you would tell us in your next before this, we believe much has to be what you mean by this. We have so accomplished. Popery has to be dewondered what you mean "is rapidly stroyed, and a solemn but glorious dedrawing to a close." It cannot close struction it will be. The Jews are to be till the number of His elect be accom-gathered in with the fulness of the Genplished. We wonder whether you mean tiles. In what way all this is to be the probable nearness of the day of judg-effected, we do not presume to say.


I am, Rev. and dear Sir,
Yours respectfully,

J. E.

Many profess to have much light into prophecy; we are free to confess we have not. Although the coming of our blessed Lord is dear to our hearts, we know not when He shall come, nor [Most certainly the Lord's work, as far where, nor how; but the fact that He as the present time-state is concerned, will come, is unspeakably precious in will never be finished, until, as our cor- the contemplation; and from our hearts respondent intimates, "the number of we say, Come, Lord Jesus, come His elect be accomplished." "Not a quickly."-ED.]

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BELOVED BROTHER,-How often have I said since we have been home, "This comes of going to Bristol." However, all must be well, however miserable we may be for a season, while the fresh cross galls, or while the fresh fire burns. I do not know when I have been brought so low, or suffered so much pain, as during the past ten days. You see I caught influenza, and that is always sure to fly to my head. After Sunday's preaching, for two days and nights it seemed as if

I was going mad. This has left me in a very low place.

I have been so anxious about you. How hard it is to cast ALL CARE upon our only mighty Shoulder! We find, however, after all our carefulness, that He has been all the while carrying us and our cares too. He lets us feelingly carry our cares, and often they seem as if they must crush us; but in the end we find that Himself hath borne usand borne with us—in all, and through

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all! "He bare them and carried them! ["This comes of going to Bristol;" yes, all the days of old." I can but look at | brother, and our temporary church, unyou, and then at myself, and wonder at der God, comes of the same. And His grace and compassion! Why is it? what hath God wrought?" Come again Because of dear relation! "The Lord and see! We thought we had to break thy God bare thee as a man doth bare up fallow ground. Some thirty or forty HIS SON, in all the way that ye went, we fancied might drop in on the first until ye came unto this place!" "As a Sabbath; but when, ten minutes before FATHER pitieth his children!" Bless the service, we entered the place, and HIM! I want to be a better, more lov- found it was then half-full, though ing, more willing, more contented, more scarcely any notice whatever had been patient, more obedient child! But He given beforehand, we were fairly beaten. alone who bears with my bad manners Like Joseph of old, we would fain have can subdue my naughty, vile, rebellious "sought where to weep ;" and we verily heart, and make me wholly what He believed that the text of that morning would have me. He says, "I have seen would be realized, "In this place will I his ways !" and what? "I will cut him give peace, saith the Lord of hosts." down? send him to hell? No! "I will "The Lord hath indeed done great things HEAL him!" And when He heals again for us, whereof we are glad." We were and again, in the sweet renewals of His not at all prepared for such a gracious love and mercy, how does it make the display of His fatherly kindness. We willing feet run in sweet and swift obe- do venture to believe that the Lord in dience to carry the precious balm to any that humble building will "let fall many of the cast down among the Lord's dear handfuls of purpose " for His poor broken-hearted family, that they may gleaners, and you well know what partake of the healing too! Well, is blessed work preaching is when the oil not this the very reason we so often find flows-when Boaz is seen in the gospel ourselves stretched out, wounded, and field. We did not at all imagine sore broken in the spiritual hospital? I that the Lord had so gone before as to know it is! and yet my fool's heart prepare a people for His name, and that quarrels and rebels as much as though I so many would be found hungering and were ignorant of the "needs be!" thirsting after the bread and water of In much love, ever yours, life. To His name be the glory!-D.] Plymouth.

G. D. D.

Intelligence of the Nlonth.

(From our London Correspondent.)

THE exciting state of public affairs, both at home and abroad, has evoked during the past month the most lively interest amongst all classes, but especially amongst those who deem it a privilege, no less than a duty, to be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. Our space will not permit us to give even an outline of the proceedings at the great gatherings which are comprised under the appellation of" May Meetings.' We shall, however, endeavour to give, as briefly as possible, the most salient points of some of them which bear directly on matters of peculiar interest at the present moment. We shall select from the speeches of distinguished individuals a few sentences expressing great sentiments or opinions, or giving important information. Respecting

these " May Meetings," the Bishop of CARLISLE, at one of them, said, “The question had been often put, 'Where was the use of these Missionary Meetings?' It was said that they were a kind of religious dissipation, that people came together just for the sake of the excitement, and when they were over went away, and no good resulted from them. He held, on the contrary, that the greatest good had been accomplished by these gatherings, and great good was likely to be accomplished this year if those who were present would remember that they were not there for their personal gratification merely, but that they might exercise their personal influence when they went to their homes on behalf of the work, bearing in mind that they were each of them personally responsible to God."

At another, the Bishop of WINCHESTER in Ireland. Go to that country which has said, it was something like a Sunday feeling been her boast, and which you want to make which came over him when he attended such her shame. Go to that land which is her meetings, and he trusted that all present citadel. Strike through her heart; and then, would listen to the proceedings with a Lord's- in the days that are coming, when England day spirit in their hearts. Surely it was a will want every heart she can have-when privilege to be able to leave behind for a time England will need, in the threatening times those anxieties which were besetting the that are near us, a united people against a minds of so many who were engaged in tremendous foe,-then you will feel that you election contests. At these meetings there have done your duty to England, if you have were no such anxieties to disturb the mind, established on the foundation of truth and for their business was to consider what was righteousness the union with Ireland." best for this world and for the next.

Aged Pilgrims' Friend Society.-The fiftysecond annual meeting of this most invaluable Society was held on Monday evening, May 2nd, in the large room of the London Tavern, which was crowded; it being estimated by some old friends of the Society that it was the largest, and in many respects the best, ever held in its behalf. A hymn having been sung, and prayer offered by the Rev. E. MANNERING, Mr. W. JACKSON, one of the Secretaries, read the annual Report.-Mr. Box, the senior Secretary, read the cash accounts of the various funds connected with the Society. The Chairman, the LORD MAYOR, who has been long and intimately acquainted with the workings of the Institution, in the course of his speech remarked, that from the report read, he gathered that some of the pilgrim pensioners were relieved in poor-houses. He thought it a disgrace to any Church to allow one of its members to receive the compulsory relief of the law.

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At the conclusion of Mr. PAYNE's speech, the LORD MAYOR vacated the chair, and JOHN THWAITES, Esq., was unanimously called to supply his place.

The meeting was addressed by the Rev. W. LINCOLN, the Rev. J. P. TURGUAND, the Rev. Dr. HEWLETT, the Rev. J. JAY, and other friends.

Irish Church Missions to the Roman Catholics. The chairman, J. C. COLQUHOUN, Esq., observed:-"We see that Rome is busy in Parliament. She is pressing on Governments, Conservative and Liberal. She is crushing all. She is assailing the Church. She is pouring into the Church of England her principles of venom. She is assailing all portions of society. That is her warfare, vigorous, industrious, and incessant. Then what are we to do? Strike her to her heart

The Bishop of RIPON said: "There is not a truth, which we as Protestants hold to be fundamental and dear to us, which is not more or less mutilated or impaired by the corrupt Church of Rome. When we contend against Romanism, it is not contending for mere circumstantials,-it is not contending for minor or insignificant points,—it is contending for matters which intimately concern the truth of Christ's Gospel and the glory of his salvation.

The meeting was, in every respect, a highly interesting one.

British and Foreign Bible Society.—THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY presided at the Annual Meeting. The report is most satisfactory. The receipts of the year ending March 31, 1859, had exceeded those of any preceding year (excluding the Special Funds). The amount applicable to the general purposes of the Society was 78,0477. ls. Od., and the amount received for Bibles and Testaments 76,859. 5. Id., making the total receipts from the ordinary sources of income 154,9067. 6s. Id., being 5,5977. 19s. Od. more than in any former year.

To the above must be added the sum of 8237. 17s. 6d. for the Chinese New-Testament Fund, and 4,3327. 15s. 9d. for the Special Fund for India; making a grand total of 160,0627. 19s. 4d.

The issues of the Society for the year were as follows:

From the depôt at home 989,287
From depôts abroad 636,698

1,625,985 copies, being an increase of 23,798 copies over those of any preceding year.

The total issues of the Society now amounted to 35,609,931 copies.

The ordinary payments had amounted to 153,5907. 7s. 9d., and the payments on account of the Jubilee and Chinese New-Testament Funds to 5,0527. 7s. 3d., making the total expenditure of the year to amount to 158,6427. 15s. Od., being 5,4657. 10s. 4d. more than in any former year. The Society was under engagements to the extent of 87,5767. 16s. 9d.

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