Each thinks his neighbour makes too free, With sophistry their sauce they sweeten, ON THE DEATH OF MRS. (NOW LADY) THROCKMORTON'S BULLFINCH. YE nymphs! if e'er your eyes were red Her favourite, even in his cage, Where Rhenus strays his vines among, Or only with a whistle blest, Well taught he all the sounds express'd The honours of his ebon poll Were brighter than the sleekest mole, With which Aurora decks the skies, Above, below, in all the house, No cat had leave to dwell; Well latticed-but the grate, alas ; But smooth with wands from Ouse's side, Night veil'd the pole: all seem'd secure: A beast forth sallied on the scout, Long back'd, long tail'd, with whisker'd snout, And badger-colour'd hide. He, entering at the study door, Its ample area 'gan explore; And something in the wind Conjectured, sniffing round and round, Just then, by adverse fate impress'd, In sleep he seem'd to view A rat fast clinging to the cage, For, aided both by ear and scent, Minute the horrors that ensued; His teeth were strong, the cage was wood→→→ He left poor Bully's beak. O had he made that too his prey ! Might have repaid him well, I wote, Maria weeps the Muses mourn— The tree-enchanter Orpheus fell, THE ROSE. THE rose had been wash'd, just wash'd in a Which Mary to Anna convey'd, [shower, The plentiful moisture encumber'd the flower, And weigh'd down its beautiful head. The cup was all fill'd, and the leaves were all wet, To weep for the buds it had left, with regret, I hastily seized it, unfit as it was For a nosegay, so dripping and drown'd, And such, I exclaim'd, is the pitiless part Regardless of wringing and breaking a heart This elegant rose, had I shaken it less, Might have bloom'd with its owner a while; And the tear, that is wiped with a little address, May be follow'd perhaps by a smile. THE DOVES. REASONING at every step he treads, While meaner things, whom instinct leads, One silent eve I wander'd late, Our mutual bond of faith and truth While innocence without disguise Shall fill the circles of those eyes, Those ills that wait on all below. |