THE POET'S NEW YEAR'S GIFT. TO MRS. (NOW LADY) THROCKMORTON. MARIA! I have every good For thee wish'd many a time, Both sad, and in a cheerful mood, But never yet in rhyme. To wish thee fairer is no need, What favour then not yet possess❜d In wedded love already blest, To thy whole heart's desire? None here is happy but in part: There dwells some wish in every heart, That wish, on some fair future day, ("Tis blameless, be it what it may) PAIRING TIME ANTICIPATED. A FABLE. I SHALL not ask Jean Jaques Rousseau1 'Tis clear, that they were always able Must have a most uncommon skull. It chanced then on a winter's day, To forestall sweet St. Valentine, In many an orchard, copse, and grove, And with much twitter and much chatter Began to agitate the matter. At length a Bullfinch, who could boast 1 It was one of the whimsical speculations of this philosopher, that all fables, which ascribe reason and speech to animals, should be withheld from children, as being only vehicles of deception. But what child was ever deceived by them, or can be, against the evidence of his senses? Entreated, opening wide his beak, A moment's liberty to speak; My friends! be cautious how ye treat I fear we shall have winter yet. A Finch, whose tongue knew no control, With golden wing and satin poll, A last year's bird, who ne'er had tried Opposite in the apple tree, By his good will would keep us single Or (which is likelier to befall) Till death exterminate us all. I marry without more ado; My dear Dick Redcap, what say you? Dick heard, and tweedling, ogling, bridling, Turning short round, strutting, and sideling, Attested, glad, his approbation Of an immediate conjugation. Influenced mightily the rest, All pair'd, and each pair built a nest. But though the birds were thus in haste, The leaves came on not quite so fast, And destiny, that sometimes bears 232 PAIRING TIME ANTICIPATED. An aspect stern on man's affairs, Grew quarrelsome, and peck'd each other, MORAL. Misses the tale that I relate This lesson seems to carry- THE DOG AND THE WATER LILY. NO FABLE. THE noon was shady, and soft airs My spaniel, prettiest of his race, (Two nymphs adorn'd with every grace Now wanton'd lost in flags and reeds, Now starting into sight, Pursued the swallow o'er the meads It was the time when Ouse display'd Their beauties I intent survey'd, With cane extended far I sought But still the prize, though nearly caught, VOL. I. 1 Sir Robert Gunning's daughters. 22 |