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During this short seed-time may we scatter the precious seed widely, and make our life the seed-plot of a glorious and eternal harvest; not sowing to the flesh but to the Spirit, that we may of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

May we consider our High Priest and Leader, Jesus, who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest we be wearied and faint in our minds. May we also receive from thee the present and large aid of thy Holy Spirit, filling us with love to God and love to man, and enabling us to bring forth abundant fruit that thou our Father mayest be glorified.

Bless us as a people together, and especially that flock of Christ with which we are united. Prosper all our plans for doing good; give us patience and perseverance to go on with them; strength, zeal, and energy to accomplish them; and thine own blessing in them and upon them. Bless all that dwell in our [parish and] neighbourhood; strengthen and multiply the communicants; bless the schools and teachers; regard in mercy the destitute, the sick, and the afflicted; assist the visiters of the poor with thy favour. We thank thee for any tokens of good amongst us. Multiply these continually, and let us rejoice more in thy goodness to all around us.

O God, be merciful to us and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us. Restore and save thy people Israel, and thus let thy way be known upon

earth, and thy saving health among all nations, for our Redeemer's sake. Amen.




We thank thee, O merciful Father, our King and our God, that we are once more, as a family of thy children, assembled around the throne of thy grace in the name of our Redeemer. We bless thee for the many and great privileges thou hast given to our land. May we be recovered by thy love both from paganism and from popery, and enjoy the full and clear light of divine truth; exalted above all nations, and made the means of diffusing thy light to distant lands, and to Jews and Gentiles through the earth, and ever feel disposed to render the thanks which are due unto thee for such distinguished blessings! Great also are our daily family blessings in the measure of health and strength which we enjoy, the large share of domestic mercies, the hourly social comforts, and the spiritual advantages which thou hast bestowed. All our blessings come truly from thee, though many of them, from thy purpose of love to endear us to each other, are given by the hands of our fellow-creatures. Thou, thou only, art the true source and original fountain of all.

But we desire in lively faith to look at thy deeper goodness still, not merely in what is at present good and pleasant, but also as really manifested in what is painful. O may we see enlarged love in the chastenings, yea, even in the scourgings of thy hand; knowing that though no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous, yet that afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Help us then to glorify God in trials by patience and meekness, and may we rejoice in the blessed effects of tribulation.

Assist us by thy grace through this day. May we fall into no sin: may we run into no kind of danger: may all our doings be ordered by thy governance, to do always what is righteous in thy sight: may we remember that thou hast appointed to each of us our station and our daily work, and that it is the Lord's work; and may we fulfil it, not negligently but dili, gently, with a fervent spirit and a joyful and glad heart. Be present with us in all our occupations. In our daily duties may we have fellowship with thee, O Father, and with thy Son, Jesus Christ, and know what it is to walk in thy light and love, O thou God of all wisdom and of all goodness.

Bless thy church in all the earth. O may it be preserved from corruption within, and from enemies. without, and continually increase. Speedily consume the man of sin with the spirit of thy mouth. Speedily manifest the brightness of thy coming. We thank

thee for all the efforts now making to scatter the seed of thy word through the world. We bless thee that we live in a day in which we see so many signs of thy coming, kingdom, and glory. Oh may we watch and pray, and be diligent to be found of thee in peace. May our time, and influence, and property, and strength, be willingly and cheerfully given to him who has bought us with his blood.

Bless our magistrates, and all in authority. Preserve and extend order and obedience founded on reverence for thy holy word, among all classes of society. Bless the ministers of Christ, and may they diffuse throughout our country the full spiritual blessings for which the church of God has been established, so that no corner of the land may be destitute of the means of grace, or without a laborious, efficient, and faithful ministry of thy word among all classes and orders of men. Promote piety in our army and navy. May thy Sabbaths and all thine ordinances be honoured and observed by us throughout the land; so that we may, as a nation, be a people fearing God and working righteousness. Grant these blessings, for Christ's sake.





O thou who art the God of peace and love, we desire to come out of all the distracting cares and occupations of this sinful world, and to seek thy face in and through Jesus Christ. Incline our hearts by thy Spirit, that we may draw near to thee, and do thou thyself now draw nigh to us and manifest thy presence and blessing.

We would cast all our cares on thee, whatsoever those cares may be, whether bodily or spiritual, personal or domestic, temporal or eternal. We are sure that in every care thou carest for us; nor can a sorrow come to us, but it is known to thee, and in all our afflictions our sympathizing Redeemer is afflicted. Help us then to be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, to make our requests known unto thee. O remove from us the load of guilt, through faith in the blood of Jesus. O deliver us from the power of sin, by the mighty and immediate aid of thy Holy Spirit. O deliver us from all worldly anxieties, by assured confidence in thy faithful word.

Thou knowest, O Lord, the peculiar temptation of each of us, and thou knowest our peculiar weakness,

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