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O thou good and gracious God, who hast so loved our lost world that thou gavest thine only-begotten Son to be a sacrifice for our sins-we thy sinful creatures, redeemed by his blood, come unto thee by that once crucified and now exalted Lord and Saviour. Draw us, and we will run after thee. O take possession of our whole souls, and make us willing to give ourselves unreservedly unto thee.

Give unto us pardon, peace and holiness, and all those things which thou seest to be needful and good for our souls, and turn away from us wrath and condemnation and sin, and all those things which thou seest to be hurtful to us. We indeed deserve not the good, and justly merit the evil; but Jesus appears

as a Lamb slain in the midst of the throne in heaven for us; he is worthy to receive all good, and we ask all in his name.

Assist us each to go through our appointed duties this day. May we study to be quiet, and each in our station to do our own business, and to work with our own hands. Impress so strongly upon our minds the sense of our utter insufficiency to think any thing good of ourselves, that we may constantly

be looking to thee for strength. Help us to be patient in trials, persevering in difficulties, meek under injuries, forbearing under provocations, and firm amidst temptations. May we resist the devil, overcome the world, and crucify the flesh. May none of us fail in our duties to each other. May we look not on our own things only, but on the things of others also; help us to warn the unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, and be patient towards all, ever following that which is good amongst ourselves and towards all men.

We pray especially for the church of Christ in our country, and for all the ministers of the gospel. May all discern their great responsibility, as belonging to a church thou hast so favoured in this land from age to age, and especially in our repeated deliverances from the apostacy of Rome.

And O look upon this nation which thou hast so highly exalted among all nations, and to which thou hast given such extended dominion and power and such wide-spread opportunities of being useful to all nations. May our beloved country, generally and nationally, rise to that high and blessed office to which she is now called, of diffusing the glorious light of thy gospel through the world. May our President be as a Cyrus to returning Israel; may our statesmen be like Daniel and Nehemiah, ruling in thy fear and faith and love: and may holiness to the Lord be inscribed on all our possessions, commerce

and wealth, that thus we may be a full blessing to every land through Jesus Christ, our all-sufficient Helper and Redeemer. Amen.




O Everlasting God, the Lord of heaven and of earth; the King eternal, immortal, and invisible; the only wise God; the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, give us now to see thee as thou art, and to delight ourselves in thee, that we may have those desires of our hearts which we would now spread before thee in prayer.

Give us by thine own Spirit the full assurance of faith that Jesus has reconciled both Jew and Gentile unto thee in one body, by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby. May we acquaint ourselves thus with thee and be at peace. Circumcise our hearts to love thee. May we joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have received the atonement, and may this joy be our strength.

We acknowledge, with shame and humiliation, that we are sinful and helpless creatures, guilty and wretched, polluted and unclean, in thy sight; yet by Jesus, even such are invited to approach unto thee, and encouraged to hope for thy saving grace. O visit us then with thy salvation; satisfy us early with thy mercy.

Give unto us a firm and steadfast mind to walk in newness of life, to do all to thy glory, and to set the Lord always before us, in all our daily occupations, even the humblest. May we be assured that they are really appointed for us by him who knows what is best for us, and who has pleasure in his saints, fearing him and showing their love to him in the diligent fulfilment of their daily duties.

O help us to remember the solemn testimony of thy word, that the end of all things is at hand; and thence to be sober, to watch unto prayer, and above all things to have fervent charity towards others, even that charity that covers the multitude of sins. May we also be clothed with humility, may we be pitiful and courteous, and show forth all Christian graces, to the glory of thy name and the good of all around us.

Bless our family; according to the necessities of each one, as manifest in thy sight, give to each one suitable and seasonable grace and help. And if any of us are yet unconverted, O give thou to them a new heart and a new spirit, and strengthen and renew all our souls for thy service.

Bless our neighbourhood, its ministers and people, its schools and religious societies, its rich and its poor, the prosperous and the afflicted, the sick and the dying, giving to each the good thou seest they severally need.

Bless the whole church and family of God every

where. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for the free progress of thy word in all lands. We pray thee to bless all missionaries among Jews or Gentiles, and at length fulfil all thy promises in the universal triumph of the holy and happy kingdom of Jesus through the world. O answer us for his name's sake. Amen.




O righteous God, the God of mercy and pity in Christ Jesus, even to sinful needy creatures like us, who in this day of grace call upon thee, through Christ, receive us now approaching unto thee. Fulfil unto us thy gracious promise, Draw nigh unto God and he will draw nigh unto thee. O give us thine own Spirit, that we may truly draw nigh to thee, not in mere form only, but with a believing, thirsting and loving heart. All thanks and praise, adoration and love be unto thee, O Father, for innumerable mercies day by day multiplied unto us, and especially for the gift of Jesus Christ and his great and free salvation.

Give us thy blessing in all that lies before us this day. May we now receive, out of the fulness of Christ, the Word of life, all that our souls require. O may the lusts of the flesh be mortified and cruci

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