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442-445-frontier problems, 446- Agha Khan, H. H., his views on
relations with the mother-country,

Africa, South, effect of the war on
Germany, 592.

Union in, 210, 712--the
Durban Convention, ib.-its result,
713-after the war, 714-the grant
of self-government, 715-economic
revival, 716-tendencies to union,
ib.-the Transvaal delegation, 717
-the new Constitution, 718 et seq.
-comparisons with other colonies,
719-the Senate, 721-and House
of Assembly, 722-the capital, 713
-native franchise, ib.-the native
protectorates, 724-the problem of
finance, 725-appeals to the Privy
Council, 726-grounds of oppo-
sition, 727-antagonists united, 728
-future effects, 729.

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education, 204, 569.

Agricultural Co-operation, 209,
299-influence of politicians, 300—
the future of farming, 301-advan-
tages of co-operation, 302, 310, 316–
318-result on the Continent, 303-
number of societies in Denmark, ib.
-in Ireland, 304-in England, 306-
308, 313-higher prices, 308-sale
of eggs and milk, 309-advantages
of the motor service, ib.-sale of
inferior manures and feeding stuffs,
311-number of 'dealers,' 312-
equality of small holders, 313–
amount of sales, 314, 318-number
of acres, 314, note-sales of the
Eastern Counties Farmers' Asso-
ciation, 318-educational methods,


Holdings Act, 206, 289,

labour, conditions of child-
labour, 205, 35.


and Land-
lords, 216, 412-Mr Hammond's
book, ib.-French and English
peasantry, ib.-area of cultivated
land in 1685, 444 the open-
field system, 445-details of its
working, 446-owners and free-
holders, 447-defects of the system,
448-450-causes of its disappear-
ance, 450-enclosure of commons,
451-Bridgewater Marsh, 452-
rural suffering, 453-rise of wages,
454-456-agrarian riots of 1830,
456-tithes, 457.

Agriculture, effect of Free Trade on,
202, 260-progress and develop-
ment, 218, 498-times of depres
sion, 503, 504-average weekly
earnings of labourers in 1913, 219,
586-summary of recorded sales of
land, ib. want of capital, 588—
use of motors, 220, 192.

Board of, attitude on the
importation of goats, 207, 127.

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School of, at Cambridge, 204,
507, 523.

'Ailesbury, Memoirs of the Earl of,'
203, 549. See James II.

Lady, her marriage, 203,
550-imprisonment in the Tower,
566-birth of a daughter, 568-
death, ib.

Lady, her friendship with Lady
Louisa Stuart, 209, 203.

Ailly, Cardinal Pierre d', the 'Imago
Mundi,' 221, 273-his tract, 'De
Legibus et Sectis,' ib.

Ain Sitti Mariam or Virgin's spring,
212, 79.

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aerial supremacy,' ib.--the air
service of France, 558, 560-air-
ships, aeroplanes and kites for
military purposes, 559-the Ger-
man organisation, 560-British,
561-the Military Wing, 561, 562-
564-the Naval Wing, 561, 562—
utility in reconnaissance, 564-567
-suitable landing-grounds, 566-
action of aircraft against aircraft
in the air, 567-against troops on
the ground, 568.
Airships and Aeroplanes, 217, 220
-experiments of the Jesuit Lana,
221-use of hydrogen, 222-dura-
tion of a balloon journey, 223—ex-
periments on the shape of an air-
ship, ib.-its capabilities and
utility, 225-invention of the aero-
plane, 226.

for military purposes, 220,

Airy, Sir George, Astronomer Royal,
221, 184—his opinion of Sir David
Gill, ib.

Aisne, battle of the, 221, 559.

Aitken, G. A., Matthew Prior,' 218,


Ainger, Canon, 202, 169-his lofty
religious standard, ib.-character of
his mouth, 170—gift of moral criti-
cism, 170, 187-his choice of a pro-
fession, 171-unchangeableness, ib.
-love of music, 172-conservatism,
173-appearance, ib.-his genius
for acting, 174-readings in public
and in private, 175, 190-Reader at Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of, 209, 329.
the Temple, 176 charities, 177—
Akers, C. E., 'A History of South
his wit, 177-179-characteristics,
America,' 213, 451.
179-power over quotations, ib.-
his verses, 180, 183-187-friend-
ship with Du Maurier, 181-his
genius for friendship, 182-death
of his sister, ib.-of his friend
Mrs Haslehurst, 183-lectures on
Shakespeare, 188-190-his trans-
lations, 191-friendships in litera-
ture, ib.-biography of Lamb, 192
—his sermons, ib.—religious views,
193-195 spiritual humility, 195–
charm as a preacher, ib.

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'Alabama claims,' terms of the settle-
ment, 204, 323.

Alba Longa, site of the ancient city,
218, 333.

Alban Hills, The, 218, 330-view of
them from Rome, ib.-geological
development, 331-earliest ceme-
teries, 333-site of the ancient city
of Alba Longa, ib.-constitution
of the Latin League, 334-the great
highways, 335-the Via Appia, 335,
340-the Via Latina, 335, 347-
importance of its geographical
position, 336-the chief resorts of
wealthy Romans, 337-episcopal


jurisdiction, 338-increase of the
power of the Barons, 339-the
power and wealth of the Papacy,
ib.-cultivation of the vine and
olive trees, 340-the site of Bovil-
lae, ib.-town of Albano, 341-
Ariccia, 342-Castel Gandolfo, 342,
352—temple of Diana, 342-Nemi,
343-Valle Vivaro, 343, 347-
Punta di Leano, 343-city of
Lanuvium and the temple of Juno
Sospes, 344-Civita Lavinia, ib.-
Sub Lanuvio, 345-Velletri, ib.
Maschio d'Ariano, 346-Lago della
Doganella and Castle of Piombi-
nara, 347-village of Rocca Priora
or Perjura, ib.-Labici, Monte
Porzio Catone, 348-Frascati, ib.—
hill of Tusculum, 349-351-abbey
of Grottaferrata, 351-Marino, 352.
Albania, insurrection, 203, 130-
grievances against the Young
Turks, 216, 209-revolutions, 210
-concessions of the Committee,
212-the problem of, 218, 287-
difficulties of autonomy, 288, notť-
prospects of unity amongst the
tribes, 289-creation of an inde-
pendent State, 571-character of
the inhabitants, ib.-the work of
consolidation, 572.

Albanians, number, 210, 249-decla-
ration of rights, ib.-their cha-
racteristics, 676-nationality and
language, 677, 688.

'St Albans, Book of,' 209, 355.
Albano, town of, 218, 341.
Albert, H.R.H. Prince, 207, 571-
his marriage to Queen Victoria, 573
-difficulties of his position, ib.-
his influence on foreign affairs, 594
-his draft of a letter on the case
of the Trent,' 596-death, ib.-
elected a Bencher of the Inns of
Court, 209, 385-his character-
istics, 213, 6-system of educa-
tion for King Edward, 16-his
letter to the Dean of Christ Church,


18-to Colonel Bruce, 19-21-to
his son, 22-result of his marriage,
218, 202.

Albright, V. E., 'A Typical Shake-
sperean Stage,' 208, 471.
Albuera, battle of, 219, 21.
Alcock, R. J., on preferential trade
with Great Britain, 202, 577.
Alcohol, use of, for motor fuel, 220,

Alden, Percy, 'The Unemployed: a
National Question,' 202, 637 et seq.

Raymond M., 'The Knight
of the Burning Pestle,' edited by,
220, 32.
Aldwinchle, Mr, on the use of con-
crete in building cottages, 205,

Aldworthe, Thomas, founds the Surat
factory, 221, 89, 91.

Aldwyn, Lord St, chairman of the
Commission on Ecclesiastical Dis-
cipline, 205, 243.

Aleman, Mateo, his 'Life of Guzman
d'Alfarache,' 209, 393, 397.

Alençon, Charles, Duc d', his mar-
riage and death, 221, 380.
Aleppo, Archdeacon Paul of, "The
Travels of Macarius,' extract from,
219, 140.

Alexander II, Czar of Russia, his
emancipation of the serfs, 204, 251
-assassination, 252-his charac-
ter, 219, 469, 470.

III, Emperor of Russia, his
maintenance of the autocratic
system, 204, 253-treatment of his
ministers, ib.


T. J., on Garden Cities, 216,

Alexandra, Queen, her interest in the
light-treatment of disease, 204,



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Alfonso XI, King of Castile, 'Libro Amadori-Virgili, G., ‘La Questione
de la Monteria,' 209, 346.

Rumeliota,' 210, 675.

Ali Riza Pasha, Turkish Commander-

in-Chief in Macedonia, 218, 269—

his policy, 271.

Aliens Act of 1905, 220, 15.

meaning of the term, 220, 2.
Aligarh College, foundation, 204, 562
-number of students, 563, 564-
proposed expansion, 569.

Allen, Grant, The Woman Who Did,'
208, 473.

P. S., his edition of the letters

of Erasmus criticised, 214, 395 et


Warner, his opinion of Gil

Blas,' 215, 336.

Allerton, Lord, on the Royal Com-
mission on Coal Supplies, 203, 138.

Alligator, destruction of the, 214, 335.

Alnwick Castle, 205, 116.

Alpine Club, The Jubilee of the,
208, 272-mountain climbing, 273
-use of implements, ib.-early
ascents, 274-foundation of the
club, 275—members, ib.—publica-
tions, 275, 278-number of associa-
tions, 276-standard of qualifica-
tion for election, ib.-number of
accidents, 277-changes brought
about, ib.-literature, 278-maps,
279 exploration of other parts of
the world, 280-art, 281-the
Alpine Journal, ib.

Alps, chain of the, 216, 523.
Alston, Leonard, Stoic and Christian
in the Second Century,' 212, 563—
Education and Citizenship in

India,' 214, 206.

Althorp, Lord, his Royal Commission
on the Poor-law, 202, 626.

Alvi, Cav-Piero, Jacopone da Todi,'

212, 53.


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Analecta Bollandiana,' publication of the, 221, 12.

Ancona, Alessandro d', 'Jacopone da Todi,' 212, 53.

Cyriacus of, his visits to Athens, 207, 418-drawings, ib. Andalusia, invasion of, 219, 11, 13. Anderson, the Rev. Dr, discovery of Nova Auriga, 212, 450. Anderson-Morshead, A. E. M., ' History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa,' 221, 233. Andler, Prof., his Introduction to ‘Étude Critique sur les Relations d'Erasme et de Luther,' 214, 410. Andrassy, Count Julius, 'The Development of Hungarian Constitutional Liberty,' 210, 658.

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Anglo-Japanese Treaties, 203, 599,
601, 607; 204, 288.
Anglo-Normans, their invasion of
Ireland, 205, 79, 102.

Anglo-Nubian breed of goats, 207, 116, 119, 122.

Anglo-Russian agreement of 1907, 210, 668. Angoulême, Duchess of, her characteristics, 210, 647-life in exile, ib.

Angoulême, Duke of, his appearance and character, 210, 646.

Andréades, A., Journal des Econo- Angus, 212, 266-its boundaries, ib.

mistes,' 220, 501, note.

Andrews, C. M., and F. G. Davenport, 'Guide to the Manuscript Materials for the History of the United

-hills and rivers, 267-memorials of prehistoric times, ib.-royal burgh of Dundee, 268-Forfar, 269 -Brechin, 270-Montrose and

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