The Scots Magazine, Volume 3

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Sands, Brymer, Murray and Cochran, 1741

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Page 410 - That in case the Crown and imperial dignity of this realm shall hereafter come to any person, not being a native of this kingdom of England, this, nation be not obliged to engage in any war for the defence of any dominions or territories which do not belong to the Crown of England, without the consent of Parliament.
Page 77 - ... it, is plain from the very nature of language. Words have not their import from the natural power of particular combinations of characters, or from the real efficacy of certain sounds; but from the consent of those that use them, and arbitrarily annex certain ideas to them which might have been signified with equal propriety by any other.
Page 211 - FAR in a wild, unknown to public view, From youth to age a reverend hermit grew ; The moss his bed, the cave his humble cell, His food the fruits, his drink the crystal well : Remote from man, with God he pass'd the days, Prayer all his business, all his pleasure praise.
Page 214 - Then gladly turning, sought his ancient place, And pass'da life of piety and peace.
Page 399 - ... is under for maintaining the balance and liberties of Europe, on the event of the late emperor's death, as well as in the profecution of the prefent war.
Page 460 - Wilt thou be gone ? it is not yet near day : It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear ; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree : Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.
Page 211 - Banks, trees, and fkies, in thick diforder run. . To clear this doubt, to know the world by fight, To find if books, or fwains, report it right, (For yet by fwains alone the world he knew, Whofe feet came wandering o'er the nightly dew...
Page 311 - Becaufe we conceive it was plainly proved in former Debates, that the Army, fo greatly expenfive to this Kingdom, and which only was...
Page 386 - To affure his Majefty, that this Houfe will zealoufly ftand by and fupport him in adhering to the Engagements he is under for maintaining the Balance and Liberties of Europe, on the Event of the late Emperor's Death, as well as in the Profecution of the prefent War. To exprefs our...

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