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ment to his students. What would your response have been to the ACLU if they complained about the Reserve officer-Teacher X?

Mr. SYLVESTER. Again I am not clear. Is this a class conducted on a military installation under the military education program?

Senator THURMOND. No: he is a teacher-a Reserve officer-teaching in a school, who made that statement to his class which I just read, and a complaint was made about his statement because he is a Reserve officer. What would be your response to the ACLU?

Mr. SYLVESTER. My response to the American Civil Liberties Union would be that as a Reserve officer not on active duty, we have no control over his actions whatsoever and should have none.

Senator THURMOND. Under your directive, there seems to be some question as to whether or not you assumed some control, and I want to clarify that. Some Reserve officers have raised this point and they are in doubt about this.

Mr. SYLVESTER. I think it would be very easy for them if they were seriously in doubt, to find out, first, through the Reserve officers; second, through the Pentagon. Obviously they are not very well informed.


Senator THURMOND. There seems to be some question, in fact, considerable question, in the minds of reservists. Possibly this is the type of information that causes such concern. This is a directive mentioned earlier, November 30, 1961, contained in Weekly Information Bulletin 48, "Utilization of DOD Personnel in Public Information Programs.

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Although Reserve personnel are not subject to Army regulations except when on active duty, such regulations are distributed to Reserve units with the intention of providing guidance where appropriate. Members of the Reserve are encouraged to conform whenever possible to the spirit and intent of regulations even though they are not bound by them. It is pointed out that information they convey to the public becomes at least quasi-official when linked with their Reserve status.

Now, what did they mean by that?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I think what you are reading from is the document from the captain in New Haven?

Senator THURMOND. I am reading from an implementation of the directive you put out.

Mr. SYLVESTER. No; you are not. Pardon me.

Senator THURMOND. Excuse me, the implementation is by the Headquarters, Subsector, New Haven, Conn.

Mr. SYLVESTER. You are reading a communication from some obscure captain.

Senator THURMOND. It is from the New Haven Subsector Command, XIII U.S. Army Corps, under command of a general, as you know. The captain merely signed it as an adjutant, but he refers to the Department of Defense directive.

Mr. SYLVESTER. The reference to that is in the records of the committee. I think there would be no difficulty in reading it and seeing there was nothing in the directive, nothing in the memorandum comparable to that.

Senator THURMOND. That is what the XIII U.S. Army Corps has put out concerning public information.

Mr. SYLVESTER. It is not under my office, Senator.

Senator THURMOND. It is pointed out that information Reserve personnel convey to the public becomes at least quasi-official. Now, this is a Reserve officer not on active duty.

Mr. SYLVESTER. I think you will have to go back to our directives, not what some captain in New Haven has put out. I would say they have misunderstood it, or I can't understand what they have done. But this has no relation to what the Secretary stated. I have made a note of it and I shall follow up to see, through the Army.

Senator THURMOND. Do you think you could follow it up and clarify it for this corps?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I will ask the Army in the 1st Army area to run this down when you get through with it, if I can make some notes of it. As a matter of fact, it is important that I ask them to run this down. Senator THURMOND. Would you like this document?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I would, very much.

Senator THURMOND. He will Thermofax a copy for you. Mr. Kendall wants to keep the original.

I believe the directive which XIII U.S. Army Corps put out is based on Department of Defense TWX dated October 6, 1961, signed by Brig. Gen. R. F. Seedlock, and Arthur Sylvester, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.

Mr. SYLVESTER. Yes, Senator. If you will recall, on the 5th or 6th, when Mr. McNamara appeared before the committee, he outlined the principles for participation by the Armed Forces in public information programs. Almost verbatim, that same material he subsequently issued as a memorandum. It then became my responsibility to distribute it to all elements for which I was responsible. So what that is is almost verbatim the principles which he gave the committee during his testimony here.

Senator THURMOND. What we are concerned about is if the XIII U.S. Army Corps misinterpreted that memorandum, there is the possibility that other commanders might have done likewise. If you could run that down, it would be helpful.

Mr. SYLVESTER. I certainly will, and thank you very much.1

Senator THURMOND. Of course, you would not attempt to limit speech of citizen-soldiers or Reserve personnel, I am sure.

Mr. SYLVESTER. We have no power over them at all.

Senator THURMOND. And this XIII Corps memorandum, it appears, would do that.

With regard to the change in paragraph IV (A) in the 1959 directive, your predecessor spoke of coordination of information with the military departments. I believe you put it in this language:

The military departments and the civilian staffs shall exchange information and cooperate fully with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs). What did you have in mind there, particularly?

Mr. SYLVESTER. May I see the two, just for recollection?

You will recall, of course, Senator, that this directive is staffed through all the departments and it took several months for it

1 See "Military Cold War Education and Speech Review Policies," pt. 3, p. 1116.

Senator THURMOND. Mr. Secretary, did you have any additional comment?

Mr. SYLVESTER. Yes, I do, Senator. As I recall it, the purpose of this is more clearly to delineate the responsibilities of our office. If you will recall, when I appeared before your committee for confirmation, Senator Russell laid on me in very clear terms the responsibility, as he said, to coordinate and take a firm hand over the public affairs activities down there and not, if possible, have material coming out of three or four sources, but try to coordinate it to one.

So against this background, I think this delineated a little more sharply the relationships between the Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs), whoever he might be, and the military staffs.


Senator THURMOND. And this other paragraph is III (2) which states:

Develop public affairs plans, policies, and programs in support of DOD activities. Will you tell us what has been developed under this paragraph since July 1961?

Mr. SYLVESTER. Yes. I can tell you off the top of my head, but I would be happy if you would let me give you a list of those, because it is quite an extensive list.

We, for instance, coordinated and developed the present public information plan which has developed JTF-8, which is dominant out in the Pacific. We coordinated public affairs programs for almost any of the operations involving more than one service, and also any of the other departments. I would be happy to furnish you with this. It is quote extensive.

Senator THURMOND. You will furnish that for the record?
Mr. SYLVESTER. I will be happy to.

Senator THURMOND. That will be inserted in the record at this point (The information furnished is as follows:)

The following Public Affairs Guidances have been issued since July 1961: DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Instructions on handling direct telephone calls from Moscow-7 July 1961 (DEF 565832).

DOD Directive 5122.5 of 10 July 1961-Subject: Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)—Responsibilities of—with Deputy Secretary Gilpatric's policy statement of 11 July 1961.

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-President's Report to Nation of 25 July 1961forwarded by ASD (PA) Memo of 26 July 1961.

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Statements by Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff dated 26-27 July 1961-forwarded by ASD (PA) Memo of 28 July 1961.

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Response to Requests for Participation in Public Indoctrination-Memo of 2 August 1961.

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Instructions concerning the release of information on Soviet satellites and/or space vehicles-30 August 1961 (DEF 901773). DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Participation of Department of Defense Personnel and Use of Military Facilities in Public Information Programs sponsored by Non-Governmental Organizations or Groups-7 October 1961 (DEF 576057), with supplement dated 18 October 1961 (DEF 577961).

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Public Statements on Movements of U.S. Forces to Overseas Areas-16 October 1961 (DEF 577101).

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-South Viet-Nam-13 December 1961 (DEF 907110).

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Memorandum Updating of Public Affairs Guidances of 5 January 1962.

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Public Affairs Aspects of Missile and Space Vehicle Launches—Photographic Coverage-19 February 1962 (DEF 591004). DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Public Affairs Policy Guidance for Personnel Returning from South Viet-Nam-24 March 1962 (DEF 911763).

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Public Statements by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara (26 February 1962)-forwarded by ASD (PA) Memorandum of 2 April 1962.

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-State Department Press Guidance on Laos14 May 1962 (DEF 301667).

DOD Public Affairs Guidance-Thailand-18 May 1962 (DEF 914380).

The following Public Affairs Plans have been issued since July 1961:

Public Affairs Plan in Support of the Resumption of Nuclear Tests in the Atmosphere by the United States (PA 14/1)-2 March 1962.

Public Affairs Plan in Support of Nike-Zeus-ATLAS Boosted Target Test Program (PA 16/1)-1 June 1962.

Public Affairs Plan in Support of Project Advent (PA 15/1)—19 March 1962.


Senator THURMOND. Also paragraph III(7) which states:


Evaluate and approve requests for DOD cooperation in programs involving relation with the public.

Would you please give us examples of what has been done under this paragraph?

If you wish to supply that, you can do that.

Mr. SYLVESTER. Just a minute, Senator. What was that?
Senator THURMOND. Paragraph III (5) and III (7).


(The information requested is as follows:)


JULY 21-23, 1961

The initial request for Department of Defense participation in the reenactment of the Battle of First Manassas was received from the late Mr. Karl S. Betts, former Executive Director of the National Civil War Centennial Commission. The request contained information as to overall planned program for the reenactment and extent of materials and equipment (Civil War) available for the reenactment. As the planning progressed for the reenactment, additional requests were forwarded to the Department of Defense.

Planning meetings were held with the First Manassas Corp. and the National Civil War Centennial Commission in order to evaluate properly the many requests received for Department of Defense support of the reenactment. The military departments were asked to report what logistical support they could furnish without impairing operational capabilities.

This was to be the first major reenactment of the Civil War during the period 1961-65. Congress passed a special law authorizing the National Guard to participate. With the increased public interest generated, especially the reenactment of the Battle of First Manassas, the decision was made authorizing the military departments to participate in the reenactment by furnishing logistical support for this event.


Request initiated by letter of January 4, 1962, from Mrs. Charles U. Culmer, president, Girl Scouts of America, which requested assistance with the 1962 Girl Scout Senior Roundup under the enabling authorization of Public Law 87-149. The encampment is held in Button Bay State Park, Vt., from 18 to 31 July 1962, with an estimated attendance of 10,000 girls.

Support requested falls in the areas of construction, materiel, maintenance, security, communications, transportation, and program participation. Participation is at no cost to the Government. All transportation, repair, and rehabilitation costs are chargeable to the Girl Scout organization, who provide a prop. erty bond prior to receipt of Government properties.

Coordination is accomplished with General Counsel, Defense Supply Agency, Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Office of the Surgeon General Army, Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics Army, Recruiting and Information Offices of Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and commanding officers of military installations nearest to the encampment site.



Initial request for Department of Defense participation in the annual meeting was received from Mr. Andrew A. Kucher, SAE past president. Request explained that SAE planned a program for the meeting which would concern itself with a discussion of the technical problems faced by the military in its ground, aircraft, missile, and marine vehicles. Meeting would provide an opportunity for interchange of technical information between engineers and scientists in the military and their counterparts in industry.

In evaluating the request, the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) met first with officials of SAE to determine the extent of participation desired. SAE requested that military and civilian officials of DOD present papers at technical sessions during the meeting. Information then obtained from the military departments indicated that much was to be gained from such a meeting and that there was a desire to present a large number of papers.

Decision was made to permit presentation of technical papers by Department of Defense personnel, backed up by the necessary supporting exhibits.


Senator THURMOND. I believe that specific responsibilities in public affairs have increased from 8 listed in the 1959 directive to 13 in the 1961 directive. Is that correct?

Mr. SYLVESTER. I think that-I haven't the other one, but I assume your figures are correct, yes, sir.

Senator THURMOND. You do not feel this is centralizing too much power in your office?

Mr. SYLVESTER. No, I really don't, Senator, because as a matter of fact, I am afraid I haven't fulfilled Senator Russell's admonition to centralize it much more than we have.

Senator THURMOND. Is this streamlining the operation, or does it look like the assumption of greater authority?

Mr. SYLVESTER. No; I think what we are trying to do is work together, closely together with the services in sustaining and supporting them in every way and helping them and backing them in every way, and at the same time sustaining and supporting the Secretary and Deputy Secretaries, also providing as large a flow of nonsensitive information as possible to the American public at the same time, try to keep secure the sort of material you and I would not want to have fall in the hands of anyone who shouldn't have it, particularly our Communist opponents. We have tried much harder to get information, and in our open society, it is difficult but we try not to wrap things up and hand it to them in an open platter.

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