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the cause of her elopement, and endeavour to conciliate her affection by tender and respectful usage.


for the same journey; and, in order to refresh
his memory, made a second circuit round
all the places in that capital, where any
curious production of art is to be seen.
the course of this second examination, he
chanced to enter the Palais Royal, just as
two gentlemen alighted from a fiacre at the
gate; and all three being admitted at the
same time, he soon perceived that the stran-
gers were of his own country. One of
them was a young man in whose air and
countenance appeared all the uncouth gra-

The husband behaved with great humility and compliance, protesting that his chief study should be to contrive parties for her pleasure and satisfaction. But no sooner did he regain possession of his stray sheep, than he locked her up more closely than ever; and, after having revolved various schemes for her reformation, determined to board her in a convent, under the inspection of a prudent abbess, who should super-vity and supercilious self-conceit of a physiintend her morals, and recal her to the paths of virtue, which she had forsaken. With this view he consulted an English priest of his acquaintance, who advised him to settle her in a monastery at Lisle, that she might be as far as possible from the machinations of her lover; and gave him a letter of recommendation to the superior of a certain convent in that place, for which Mr Hornbeck set out in a few days with his troublesome charge.


Peregrine resolves to return to Englandis diverted with the odd characters of two of his countrymen, with whom he contracts an acquaintance in the apartments of the Palais Royal.

In the mean time, our hero received a letter from his aunt, importing that the commodore was in a very declining way, and longed much to see him at the garrison; and, at the same time, he heard from his sister, who gave him to understand, that the young gentleman who had for some time made his addresses to her, was become very pressing in his solicitations; so that she wanted to know in what manner she should answer his repeated entreaties. These two considerations determined the young gentleman to return to his native country, a resolution that was far from being disagreeable to Jolter, who knew that the incumbent on a living which was in the gift of Trunnion was extremely old, and that it would be his interest to be upon the spot at the said incumbent's decease. Peregrine, who had resided about fifteen months in France, thought he was now sufficiently qualified for eclipsing most of his contemporaries in England, and therefore prepared for his departure with infinite alacrity, being moreover inflamed with the most ardent desire of revisiting his friends, and renewing his connexions, particularly with Emilia, whose heart he, by this time, thought he was able to reduce on his own terms.

cian piping hot from his studies; while the other, to whom his companion spoke by the appellation of Mr Pallet, displayed at first sight a strange composition of levity and assurance. Indeed their characters, dress, and address, were strongly contrasted the doctor wore a suit of black, and a huge tiewig, neither suitable to his own age, nor the fashion of the country where he then lived; whereas the other, though seemingly turned of fifty, strutted in a gay summer dress of the Parisian cut, with a bag to his own grey hair, and a red feather in his hat, which he carried under his arm. As these figures seemed to promise something entertaining, Pickle entered into conversation with them immediately, and soon discovered that the old gentleman was a painter from London, who had stole a fortnight from his occupation, in order to visit the remarkable paintings of France and Flanders; and that the doctor had taken the opportunity of accompanying him in his tour. Being extremely talkative, he not only communicated these particulars to our hero in a very few minutes after their meeting, but also took occasion to whisper in his ear, that his fellow-traveller was a man of vast learning, and, beyond all doubt, the greatest poet in the age. As for himself, he was under no necessity of making his own eulogium; for he soon gave such specimens of his taste and talents, as left Pickle no room to doubt of his capacity.

While they stood considering the pictures in one of the first apartments, which are by no means the most masterly compositions, the Swiss, who sets up for a connoisseur, looking at a certain piece, pronounced the word magnifique! with a note of admiration; upon which Mr Pallet, who was not at all a critic in the French language, replied with great vivacity, "Manufac, you mean, and a very indifferent piece of manufacture it is; pray, gentlemen, take notice, there is no keeping in those heads upon the back ground, nor no relief in the principal figure: then you'll observe the shadings are harsh As he proposed to make the tour of Flan- to the last degree; and-come a little closer ders and Holland in his return to England, this way-don't you perceive that the forehe resolved to stay at Paris a week or two shortening of that arm is monstrous-agad, after his affairs were settled, in hope of Sir, there is an absolute fracture in the limb finding some agreeable companion disposed-doctor, you understand anatomy; don't

you think that muscle evidently misplac- | fragments of authors, whom his supposed ed? Hark ye, Mr What d'ye call um competitor did not even know by name; (turning to the attendant), what is the name while Mr Pallet stared with admiration at of the dauber who painted that miserable the profound scholarship of his companion. performance?" The Swiss, imagining that Our young gentleman, far from repining at he was all this time expressing his satisfac- this superiority, laughed within himself at tion, sanctioned his supposed commendation, the ridiculous ambition of the pedantic docby exclaiming sans prix. "Right," cried tor. He rated him in his own mind as a Pallet, "I could not recollect his name, mere index-hunter, who held the eel of scithough his manner is quite familiar to me. ence by the tail; and foresaw an infinite We have a few pieces in England done by fund of diversion in his solemnity and pride, that same Sangpree; but there they are in if properly extracted by means of his fellow no estimation; we have more taste among us traveller's vanity and assurance. Prompted than to relish the productions of such a by these considerations, he resolved to cultimiserable gout. A'n't he an ignorant cox-vate their acquaintance, and, if possible, comb, doctor?" The physician, ashamed of amuse himself at their expence in his his companion's blunder, thought it was ne- journey through Flanders, understanding that cessary, for the honour of his own character, they were determined upon the same route. to take notice of it before the stranger, and In this view he treated them with extraorditherefore answered his question, by repeat-nary attention, and seemed to pay particular ing this line from Horace,

Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur. The painter, who was rather more ignorant of Latin than of French, taking it for granted that this quotation of his friend conveyed an assent to his opinion, "Very true," said he "potato domine date,-this piece is not worth a single potato." Peregrine was astonished at this surprising perversion of the words and meaning of a Latin line, which, at first, he could not help thinking was a premeditated joke: but upon second thoughts, he saw no reason to doubt that it was the extemporaneous effect of sheer pertness and ignorance, at which he broke out into an immoderate fit of laughter. Pallet, believing that the gentleman's mirth was occasioned by his arch animadversion upon the works of Sangpree, underwent the same emotion in a much louder strain, and endeavoured to heighten the jest by more observations of the same nature; while the doctor, confounded at his impudence and want of knowledge, reprimanded him in these words of Homer :

Siga me tis allos Achaion touton akouse muthon.

This rebuke, the reader will easily perceive, was not calculated for the meridian of his friend's intellects, but uttered with a view of raising his own character in the opinion of Mr Pickle, who retorted this parade of learning in three verses from the same author, being part of the speech of Polydamas to Hector, importing that it is impossible for one man to excel in every thing. The self-sufficient physician, who did not expect such a repartee from a youth of Peregrine's appearance, looked upon his reply as a fair challenge, and instantly rehearsed forty or fifty lines of the Iliad in a breath. Observing that the stranger made no effort to match this effusion, he interpreted his silence into submission; then, in order to ascertain his victory, insulted him with divers

deference to the remarks of the painter, who with great intrepidity pronounced judgment upon every picture in the palace, or, in other words, exposed his own nakedness in every sentence that proceeded from his mouth.

When they came to consider the Murder of the Innocents, by Le Brun, the Swiss observed, that it was un beau morceau; and Mr Pallet replied, "Yes, yes, one may see with half an eye, that it can be the production of no other; for Bomorso's style, both in colouring and drapery, is altogether peculiar; then his design is tame, and his expression antic and unnatural. Doctor, you have seen my Judgment of Solomon; I think I may, without presumption-but I don't chuse to make comparisons; I leave that odious task to other people, and let my works speak for themselves. France, to be sure, is rich in the arts; but what is the reason? The king encourages men of genius with honour and rewards; whereas, in England, we are obliged to stand upon our own feet, and combat the envy and malice of our brethren -agad! I have a good mind to come and settle here in Paris; I should like to have an apartment in the Louvre, with a snug pension of so many thousand livres." In this manner did Pallet proceed with an eternal rotation of tongue, floundering from one mistake to another, until it was the turn of Poussin's Seven Sacraments to be examined. Here again the Swiss, out of the abundance of his zeal, expressed his admiration, by saying these pieces were impayable; when the painter, turning to him with an air of exultation, "Pardon me, friend, there you happen to be mistaken; these are none of Impayable's, but done by Nicholas Pouseen. I have seen prints of them in England; so that none of your tricks upon travellers, Mr Swiss, or Swash, or what's your name." He was very much elated by this imaginary triumph of his understanding, which animated him to persevere in his curious observa

red-hot thunderbolt, Keraunon amphipuron; there Pallas, dreadful to the view, Gorgopon, brandisheth her spear against the huge Enceladus; and Bacchus, with slender ivy rods, defeats and slays the gas teknon, or mighty son of earth. The painter was astonished and confounded at this rhapsody of names and instances, which was uttered with surprising eagerness and rapidity, and suspected at first that the whole was the creation of his own brain; but when Pickle, with a view of flattering the doctor's self conceit, espoused his side of the question, and confirmed the truth of every thing he advanced, Mr Pallet changed his opinion, and in emphatic silence adored the immensity of his friend's understanding. In short, Peregrine easily perceived that they were false enthusiasts, without the smallest pretensions to taste and sensibility, and pretended to be in raptures with they knew not what, the one thinking it was incumbent upon him to express transports on seeing the works of those who had been most eminent in his profession, whether they did or did not really raise his admiration; and the other, as a scholar, deeming it his duty to magnify the ancients above all competition, with an affected fervour, which the knowledge of their excellencies never inspired. Indeed, our young gentleman so successfully accommodated himself to the dispositions of each, that long before their review was finished, he was become a particular favourite with both.

tions upon all the other pieces of that celebrated collection; but perceiving that the doctor manifested no signs of pleasure and satisfaction, but rather beheld them with a silent air of disdain, he could not digest his indifference, and asked, with a waggish sneer, if ever he had seen such a number of masterpieces before. The physician, eyeing him with a look of compassion mingled with contempt, observed, there was nothing there which deserved the attention of any person acquainted with the ideas of the ancients; and that the author of the finest piece now in being was unworthy to clean the brushes of one of those great masters who are celebrated by the Greek and Roman writers. "O lud! O lud!" exclaimed the painter, with a loud laugh, "you have fairly brought yourself into a dilemma at last, dear doctor; for it is well known that your ancient Greek and Roman artists knew nothing at all of the matter, in comparison with our modern masters; for this good reason, because they had but three or four colours, and knew not how to paint with oil: besides, which of all your old fusty Grecians would you put upon a footing with the divine Raphael, the most excellent Michael Angelo, Bona Roti, the graceful Guido, the bewitching Titian, and, above all others, the sublime Rubens, the"He would have proceeded with a long catalogue of names which he had got by heart for the purpose, without retaining the least idea of their several qualifications, had not he been interrupted by his friend, whose indignation being kindled by the irreverence with which he mentioned the Greeks, he called him blasphemer, Goth, Baotian, and, in his turn, asked with great vehemence, which of those puny moderns could match with Paneenus of Athens, and his brother Phidias, Polycletus of Sicyon, Polygnotus the Thracian, Parrhasias of Ephesus, surnamed Abrodiaitos, or the Beau, and Apelles, the Having satisfied their curiosity in this prince of painters? He challenged him to place, Peregrine asked them to favour him show any portrait of these days that could with their company at dinner; but whether vie with the Helen of Zeuxis, the Heraclean, out of caution against the insinuations of or any composition equal to the sacrifice of one whose character they did not know, or Iphigenia, by Timanthes the Sicyonian; not by reason of a prior engagement, they deto mention the Twelve Gods of Asclepiado- clined his invitation, on pretence of having rus the Athenian, for which Mnason, tyrant an appointment at a certain ordinary, though of Elatea, gave him about three hundred they expressed a desire of being farther acpounds a-piece; or Homer's hell, by Nicias, quainted with him; and Mr Pallet took the who refused sixty talents, amounting to up- freedom of asking his name, which he not wards of eleven thousand pounds, and gene- only declared, but promised, as they were rously made a present of it to his own coun- strangers in Paris, to wait upon them next try. He desired him to produce a collection day in the forenoon, in order to conduct equal to that in the temple of Delphos, men- them to the hotel de Thoulouse, and the tioned in the Ion of Euripides, where Hercu- houses of several other noblemen, remarkales and his companion Iolaus are represent-ble for paintings or curious furniture. They ed in the act of killing the Lernæan hydra, with golden sickles, kruseais harpais, where Bellerophon appears on his winged steed, vanquishing the fire-breathing chimera, tan puripneousan, and the war of the giants is described-here Jupiter stands wielding the

From the Palais Royal he accompanied them to the cloisters of the Carthusians, where they considered the History of St Bruno, by Le Seur, whose name being utterly unknown to the painter, he gave judgment against the whole composition, as pitiful and paltry, though, in the opinion of all good judges, it is a most masterly performance.

thankfully embraced his proposal, and that same day made inquiry among the English gentlemen about the character of our hero, which they found so much to their satisfaction, that upon their second meeting they courted his good graces without reserve;

and, as they had heard of his intended de- | land!" "For a very plain reason," (replied parture, begged earnestly to have the honour the other), "because they are not so well of accompanying him through the Low fed. The iron hand of oppression is extendCountries. He assured them that nothing could be more agreeable to him than the prospect of having such fellow-travellers; and they immediately appointed a day for setting out on that tour.


He introduces his new friends to Mr Jolter, with whom the doctor enters into a dispute upon government, which had well nigh terminated in open war.

ed to all animals within the French dominions, even to the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air. Kunessin oionoisi te pasi." "Egad!" cried the painter, "that is a truth not to be controverted; for my own part, I am none of your tit-bits, one would think, but yet there's a freshness in the English complexion, a ginseekye, I think you call it, so inviting to a hungry Frenchman, that I have caught several in the very act of viewing me with an eye of extreme appetite as I passed; and as for their curs, or rather their wolves, whenever I set my eyes on one of 'em, ah! your humble servant, Mr Son of a bitch; I am upon my guard in an instant. The doctor can testify that their very horses, or more properly their live carrion, that drew our chaise, used to reach back their long necks, and smell at us as a couple of delicious morsels."

MEANWHILE, he not only made them acquainted with every thing worth seeing in town, but attended them in their excursions to all the king's houses within a day's journey of Paris; and, in the course of these parties, treated them with an elegant dinner at his own apartments, where a dispute arose between the doctor and Mr Jolter, which had This sally of Mr Pallet, which was rewell nigh terminated in an irreconcilable ceived with a general laugh of approbation, animosity. These gentlemen, with an equal would, in all probability, have stifled the disshare of pride, pedantry, and saturnine dis- pute in embryo, had not Mr Jolter, with a position, were, by the accidents of education self-applauding simper, ironically compliand company, diametrically opposite in poli- mented the strangers on their talking like tical maxims; the one, as we have already true Englishmen. The doctor, affronted at observed, being a bigotted high-churchman, the insinuation, told him with some warmth, and the other a rank republican. It was an that he was mistaken in his conjecture, his article of the governor's creed, that the affections and ideas being confined to no people could not be happy, nor the earth particular country; for he considered himyield its fruits in abundance, under a restrict-self as a citizen of the world. He owned ed clergy and limited government; whereas, in the doctor's opinion, it was an eternal truth that no constitution was so perfect as the democracy, and that no country could flourish, but under the administration of the mob.

These considerations being premised, no wonder that they happened to disagree in the freedom of an unreserved conversation, especially as their entertainer took all opportunities of encouraging and inflaming the contention. The first source of their difference was an unlucky remark of the painter, who observed that the partridge of which he was then eating, had the finest relish of any he had ever tasted. His friend owned that the birds were the best of the kind he had seen in France; but affirmed that they were neither so plump nor so delicious as those that were caught in England. The governor, considering this observation as the effect of prejudice and inexperience, said, with a sarcastical smile,-"I believe, Sir, you are very well disposed to find every thing here inferior to the productions of your own country." "True, Sir," (answered the physician, with a certain solemnity of aspect), "and not without good reason, I hope." "And pray," (resumed the tutor), "why may not the partridges of France be as good as those of Eng

himself more attached to England than to any other kingdom, but this preference was the effect of reflection, and not of prejudice; because the British constitution approached nearer than any other to that perfection of government, the democracy of Athens, which he hoped one day to see revived. He mentioned the death of Charles I. and the expulsion of his son, with raptures of applause; inveighed with great acrimony against the kingly name; and, in order to strengthen his opinion, repeated forty or fifty lines from one of the philippics of Demosthenes. Jolter hearing him speak so disrespectfully of the higher powers, glowed with indignation. He said his doctrines were detestable, and destructive of all right, order, and society; that monarchy was of divine institution, therefore indefeasible by any human power; and, of consequence, those events in the English history, which he had so liberally commended, were no other than flagrant instances of sacrilege, perfidy, and sedition; that the democracy of Athens was a most absurd constitution, productive of anarchy and mischief, which must always happen when the government of a nation depends upon the caprice of the ignorant hair-brained vulgar: that it was in the power of the most profligate member of the commonwealth

Peregrine both wished and hoped to see the disputants proceed to arguments of more weight and conviction; and the painter, dreading the same issue, interposed with the usual

provided he was endowed with eloquence, to [ should have made himself more master of his ruin the most deserving, by a desperate ex- subject. ertion of his talents upon the populace, who had often been persuaded to act in the most ungrateful and imprudent manner against the greatest patriots that their country had produced; and, finally, he averred, that the lib-exclamation of "For God's sake, gentleeral arts and sciences had never flourished men!" when the governor rose from the taso much in a republic as under the encour- ble in great dudgeon, and left the room, mutagement and protection of absolute power; tering some ejaculation, of which the word witness the Augustan age, and the reign of coxcomb only could be distinctly heard.Lewis XIV.; nor was it to be supposed that The physician being thus left master of the genius and merit could ever be so amply re- field of battle, was complimented on his viccompensed by the individuals or distracted tory by Peregrine, and so elevated by his succouncils of a commonwealth, as by the ge- cess, that he declaimed a full hour on the nerosity and magnificence of one who had absurdity of Jolter's proposition, and the the whole treasures at his own command. beauty of the democratic administration; Peregrine, who was pleased to find the canvassed the whole scheme of Plato's recontest grow warm, observed that there public, with many quotations from that ideal seemed to be a good deal of truth in what author, touching the to kalon; from thence Mr Jolter advanced; and the painter, whose he made a transition to the moral sense of opinion began to waver, looked with a face Shaftesbury, and concluded his harangue of expectation at his friend, who, modelling with the greatest part of that frothy writer's his features into an expression of exulting rhapsody, which he repeated with all the vidisdain, asked of his antagonist, if he did not olence of enthusiastic agitation, to the unthink that the very power of rewarding merit speakable satisfaction of his entertainer, and enabled an absolute prince to indulge him- the unutterable admiration of Pallet, who self in the most arbitrary licence over the looked upon him as something supernatural lives and fortunes of his people. Before the and divine. So intoxicated was this vain governor had time to answer this question, young man with the ironical praises of PicPallet broke forth into an exclamation of kle, that he forthwith shook off all reserve, "By the Lord! that is certainly fact, egad! and, having professed a friendship for our that was a home thrust, doctor." When Mr hero, whose taste and learning he did not Jolter, chastising this shallow intruder with fail to extol, intimated, in plain terms, that a contemptuous look, affirmed, that though he was the only person in these latter ages supreme power furnished a good prince with who possessed that sublime genius, that porthe means of exerting his virtues, it would tion of the divinity, of ti theion, which imnot support a tyrant in the exercise of cruelty mortalized the Grecian poets; that as Pythaand oppression; because in all nations the goras affirmed the spirit of Euphorbus had genius of the people must be consulted by transmigrated into his body, he, the doctor, their governors, and the burden proportioned was strangely possessed with the opinion to the shoulders on which it is laid," Else, that he himself was inspired by the soul of what follows?" said the physician. "The Pindar; because, making allowance for the consequence is plain," replied the governor, difference of languages in which they wrote, "insurrection, revolt, and his own destruc- there was a surprising affinity between his tion; for it is not to be supposed that the sub- own works and those of that celebrated Thejects of any nation would be so abject and ban; and, as a confirmation of this truth, he pusillanimous as to neglect the means which immediately produced a sample of each, Heaven had put in their power for their own which, though in spirit and versification as preservation." "Gadzooks, you're in the different as the odes of Horace and our presright, Sir," cried Pallet, "that, I grant you, ent poet laureat, Peregrine did not scruple must be confessed: doctor, I'm afraid we to pronounce altogether congenial, notwithhave got into the wrong box." This son of standing the violence he by this sentence of Pæan, however, far from being of his friend's fered to his own conscience, and a certain opinion, observed, with an air of triumph, that alarm of his pride, that was weak enough to he would not only demonstrate the sophistry be disturbed by the physician's ridiculous of the gentleman's last allegation by argu- vanity and presumption, which, not contentments and facts, but even confute him with ed with displaying his importance in the his own words. Jolter's eyes kindling at this world of taste and polite literature, manifestpresumptuous declaration, he told his antag-ed itself in arrogating certain material disonist, while his lip quivered with resentment, that if his arguments were no better than his breeding, he was sure he would make very few converts to his opinion; and the doctor, with all the insolence of triumph, advised him to beware of disputes for the future, until he

coveries in the province of physic, which could not fail to advance him to the highest pinnacle of that profession, considering the recommendation of his other talents, together with a liberal fortune which he inherited from his father.

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