Изображения страниц

Along Came Mary Ann, Daisy Deane Williamson..
An Afternoon with Forgotten Things, Helen F. McMillin..
Are you a Hiker? H. Reynolds Goodwin..

As the Road Unrolls, Helen F. McMillin..

At the Sign of the Lucky Dog, Helen F. McMillin.

Anthology of One-Poem Poets, An, compiled by Arthur Johnson:

A White Rose, John Boyle O'Reilly, 606; Ballad of Keith of Ravelston, Sid-
ney Dobell, 435; Bedouin Song, Bayard Taylor, 230; Dedication of Lord
Yvet, Arthur Christopher Benson, 282; Exequy on his Wife, Henry King,
606; Heraclitus, William Johnson Cory, 115; His Lady's Cruelty, Sir Philip
Sidney, 477; Identity, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, 115; I Have a Rendezvous
with Death, Alan Seeger, 476; In the Book That You Have Read, Sophie
Jewett, 231; Light, Francis W. Bourdillon, 370; Love and Time, Louise
Imogen Guiney, 231; Love Triumphant, Frederic Lawrence Knowles, 477;
Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae, Ernest Dowson, 607;
Not unto the Forest, Margaret Widdemer, 370; Of a Fan that Belonged to
the Marquise de Pompadour, Austin Dobson, 371; A Palaestral Study, Ed-
ward Cracroft Lefroy, 283; Pandora's Song, William Vaughn Moody, 371;
Renouncement, Alice Meynell, 330; Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth,
Arthur Hugh Clough, 180; The Nile, Leigh Hunt, 434; The Parting, Michael
Drayton, 115; The Return to the Sea, Frank Lillie Pollock, 541; The White
Moth, A. T. Quiller-Couch, 114; The Wharf Rat, Fitz-James O'Brien, 331;
There Was a Rose, Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt, 181; Uphill, Christina Georg-
iana Rossetti, 434; With Flowers, Emily Dickinson, 330; Winds To-day are
Large and Free, Michael Field, 180; Youth, Amy S. Jennings, 540.






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Candidates for Delegates-at-Large to Republican National Convention,

James F. O'Neil


Controversy on Vaccination, A:

Why I Voted Against the Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Bill, Dr. E. C. Chase
Why I Oppose Compulsory Vaccination, Arthur B. Green.......

County Farm Bureau and Its Work, The, H. Styles Bridges.

Culling Campaign in New Hampshire, A. W. Richardson.

Current Opinion in New Hampshire..



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Forty-Eight Hours, Taxation, and Water Power, Raymond B. Stevens...
The Democratic Party of the Future. Eaton D. Sargent...




Legion at the Weirs, The..

Legion, The-Maker of Americans.




Justice John H. Clarke in Manchester, Norris H. Cotton..


Kitchen of 1825 in a Thriving New England Town, A, Elinor Stearns.




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Legislatures of the Past, James O. Lyford..

Lincoln Memorial, Elmer E. Woodbury...

Making Needles at Hill, Helen F. McMillin...

Making Teachers at Keene....

New England Discovers. Winter.

New Hampshire Apples at Their Best, G. F. Potter.

New Hampshire Crusader, A, Norris H. Cotton...

New Hampshire League of Women Voters, The.

New Hampshire Looks Back Over Her Splendid Past.

New Hampshire Necrology:

Edmund Howard Albee, D.D.S., 193; Edwin M. Allen, 561; Clifford W.

Bass, 193; Mrs. Mary J. N. Bean, 248; Oscar H. Bishop, 249; John D.

Bridge, 618; Don Seavey Bridgman, 510; John S. Broughton, 192; Mrs. Al-

bert O. Brown, 455; Edward E. Brown, 349; Elisha Rhodes Brown, 94;

Emma G. Burgum, 94; William Burlingame, 297; Sherman E. Burroughs,

141; Don C .Chapple, 249; Prof. Francis T. Clayton, 454; Sarah Hunt

Clough, 193; Dr. John R. Cogswell, 509; Mrs. Matilda L. Cole, 248; John

J. Connor, 454; Col. Elbridge J. Copp, 455; Lizzie A. Danforth, 193; John

J. Donahue, 297; Miss Ariana S. Dudley, 349; James Bartlett Edgerly, 39;

Charles F. Emerson, 42; Harold B. Felker, 192; Oliver A. Fleming, 297; Dr.

George W. Flagg. 510; ex-Governor Charles M. Floyd, 142: William H. C.

Follansby, 142; George S. Forrest, 561; George M. Gates, 248; Daniel Gil-

man, 454; Jeffrey G. Haigh, 42; Mrs. Edwin L. Haley, 248; Rev. Albert

E. Hall, 510; Charles E. Harrington, 41; Arthur C. Heffenger, 561; James

W. Henderson, 192; Rev. Howard F. Hill, 560; William H. Jackson, 297;

John William Johnson, 297; George H. Kendall, 248; Mrs. Anne Kennedy,

248; Charles Henry Knight, 41; Dr. Albert Lacaillade, 248; William Jones

Ladd, 401; George S. Locke, 349; Clinton S. Masseck, 349; Frank W. May-

nard, 42; George McDuffee, 349; George H. Morey, 297; Alvah H. Morrill,

39; Harry E. Morrison, 454; Judge William F. Nason, 509; Mrs. Mary E.

Nelson, 249; Dr. Harry W. Orr, 349; Judge Edward Everett Parker, 402;

Dr. William H. Parsons, 618; Gen. Joab N. Patterson, 453; Oliver J. Pel-

ren, 349; Walter F. Perkins, 297; Fred A. Pray, 248; William H. Prentiss,

142; John Prentice Rand, 510; Joseph D. Roberts, 142; Hon. Herbert

Daniel Ryder, 455; William D. Sawyer, 39; John J. Shapleigh, 248; Albert

Shedd, 297; Dr. Boris Sidis, 561; John W. Spinney, 349; General Frank S.

Streeter, 93; Asbury F. Tandy, 454; George H. Tarlton, 249; Frank Edgar

Thompson, 454; Loren D. Towle, 560; Rev. Lucius Waterman, 454; Dr.

Lorin Webster, 401; Nathan A. Wimpheimer, 297; Byron K. Woodward, 248.

Old Home Week and the New Hampshire Tercentenary, H. H. Metcalf...

Orchard and a College Education, An, G. F. Potter.

[blocks in formation]

Ballad, Louise Patterson Guyol, 37: Dawn, Lilian Sue Keech, 37; Dream-
light, Alice Sargent Krikorian, 31; Dream Ships, Carl Holliday, 605;
Frances, Dorothy E. Collins, 172; Grieve No More, Miriam Vedder, 82;
Loneliness, Dorothy E. Collins, 82; Memories of the Old Farm, Leslie H.
Phinney, 555; Mole, J. L. McLane, Jr., 31; My Fisherman, Mabel W. Saw-
yer, 167; Opportunity, Louise Patterson Guyol, 569; A Preface for any


Book, Carl Holliday, 348; Rain Song, Mabel W. Sawyer, 169; School Time,
Grace Blanchard, 410; Ships, Harold Vinal, 290; Snow Morning, Hilda
Conkling, 49; The Lost Boy, Carl Holliday, 546; The Owl, George Quinter,
52; The Shower, Mabel W. Sawyer, 169; To R. B., R. W. B., 36.

Prominent Legislators

Prominent New Hampshire Legislators

Public Education, Huntley N. Spaulding..

Road to Lariat, The, Grant Carpenter Manson.

Romance in the Life of Whittier, Lillian M. Ainsworth.

Rural Depopulation in New Hampshire, E. W. Butterfield.
Savings Bank Centennial, The, James O. Lyford... . .
Senator William E. Borah

Shall "The Little White Schoolhouse" Go?

The Reasons for Consolidation, William H. Buker.
Plea for the District School, Rose Barker...

Small Tribute to One of New Hampshire's Own, A..
State Executive Board of the American Legion Auxiliary

Story of a Kensington Warrior, Samuel Copp Worthen..
Their Son, Bertha Comins Ely....

Three Opinions on the Legislature of 1923:

The Democratic Viewpoint, Robert Jackson..

The Republican Viewpoint, Olin Chase.

An Independent Viewpoint

"Three Sentinels of the North" and the Durham Meeting, John G. Winant. Three Women Who Lead New Hampshire Club Work..

Town Playground, The, H. E. Young....

Twentieth Century Manchester, Vivian Savacool..

Water That Goes Over the Dam Does No Work, George B. Leighton.
What Auxiliary Units Do.....

What Qualities Make for Success?.

What Shall We Do With Our Railroads, Helen F. McMillin.

When Claremont was Called Ashley, George B. Upham.

Where the Past Lives Still

Why a Travelling Dental Clinic, Daisy Deane Williamson.
Wo'thless Feller, The, William M. Stuart...













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134, 177, 237



492, 550

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