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4. For the uniform orientation of the total economy of the General gouvernement towards the tasks now to be accomplished the following additional measures are to be taken:

a. In the food supply of the population it must under all circumstances be seen to it that the persons working in plants vital to life and armaments will maintain their efficiency while the rest of the population will have to remain restricted to a minimum ration as long as the food shortage lasts.

b. Any production which, on the basis of raw materials important for armament, is directed towards objects which in the framework of the present plan are not vital, is to be ruthlessly discontinued in so far as it will not be possible to switch it over to sufficiently abundant Ersatz materials and other materials (e.g. by producing wooden shoes while simultaneously prohibiting the production of leather shoes and boots for the native population). For the rest, all raw material saving decrees prohibitions of production and shipment and orders valid in the Reich are to be carried through in the Generalgouvernement at least to the same degree as is done in the Reich.

c. The shipment of raw materials to the Reich is to be limited to those amounts not absolutely needed in the Generalgouvernement to guarantee militarily vital production. The right of disposing of the stocks of raw materials, half-finished and finished goods in the Generalgouvernement is reserved to your service agency. For the better regulation of supply small amounts of valuable raw materials will be brought into collection depots from scrapped plants and from smaller depots.

d. The supplying of militarily vital plants with coal and the filling of the most urgent coal requirements of the population are to be guaranteed by agreements with the proper Reich agencies.

e. The collection of leather and old material [Erfassung] and the gathering of scrap are to be pushed forward according to plan. In view of the especial conditions in the Generalgouvernement, Jewish dealers who can be freed for this purpose from forced service etc., may also be engaged.

f. A transport plan will be drawn up in agreement with the transportation authorities with the object of bringing transport desires into line with transport possibilities and to arrive at priority scale which will then be made the basis of all further planning.

g. Price and wage regulations, currency protection and credit policy will be harmonized in closest accord between the agencies

concerned with the object of creating stable conditions as an indispensable prerequisite for any economic planning.

h. In order to gain a conception of the presumable shape of the payment transactions between the Reich and the Generalgouvernement, a payment balance sheet is to be drawn up as soon as it is possible to see to what extent armament orders from the Reich can be filled in the General gouvernement.

5. I reserve the right to issue further basic instructions. Copy of the present is being sent to the subordinate service agencies as well as to the Commander in Chief East, the Chief of the Armament Inspectorate Upper-East, the Military Commander in Krakow and the Bank Director of the Emission Bank in Poland with the request that the service agency for the Four-Year Plan be supported in every possible way in the execution of its tasks. (signed) Dr. Frank


(signed) Ministerialkanzleiobersekretaer als




20 May 1940 Nr 87

Decree of the Fuehrer of 18 May 1940 on the Execution of Power by the Government in the Lowlands

In order to secure public order and public life in the Dutch territories taken under the protection of German troops, I decree:

Paragraph 1

The occupied Dutch territories will be subordinated to the "Reichs Commissioner for the Occupied Dutch territories." His seat will be The Hague. The Reichs Commissioner is protector of the interests of the Reich and will represent the supreme power of the government within the civil sphere. He will be directly subordinated to me and will receive directives and orders from me.

Paragraph 2

The General military commander in the Netherlands will exercise military sovereign rights, his demands within the civilian sphere will be carried out by the Reichs Commissioner. He has the right to order the measures which are necessary for the exe

cution of his military mission and for military security. The same right belongs to the supreme commanders of the branches of the armed forces.

Paragraph 3

The Reich Commissioner may use German Police forces to carry out his orders. The German Police forces are at the disposal of the German military commander insofar as the military necessities require this and if the missions of the Reichs Commissioner permit it.

Paragraph 4

For the execution of his orders and the functioning of the administration the Reichs Commissioner may make use of the Dutch authorities.

Paragraph 5

1. The law which was formerly valid remains in force, in as much as it is compatible with the occupation.

2. The Reichs Commissioner may enforce law by decree. The ordinances will be proclaimed in the "Ordinance for the occupied Dutch territories."

Paragraph 6

I appoint Reichs Minister Dr. Arthur Seyss-Inquart to be Reich Commissioner for the occupied Dutch territories.

Paragraph 7

Regulations for the execution and completion of this decree will be issued according to my directives for the civilian sphere by the Reich Minister and Chief of the Reich Chancellory and for the military sphere by the Chief of the supreme command of the armed forces.

Paragraph 8

This decree will be enforced as soon as and insofar as I shall cancel the order given to the Supreme Commander of the Army for the exercise of the complete power.

Fuehrer's Hqs. 18 May 1940

The Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler

The President of the Cabinet Counsel for the defense of the Reich, Goering, Field Marshal

The Reich Minister and Chief of the Reich Chancellery, Dr. Lammers

The Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces. Keitel

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, von Ribbentrop

The Reich Minister of the Interior, Frick.


5th February 1938

Decree concerning the leadership of the Armed Forces-

4th February 1938

From now on I take over directly the command of the whole
Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces Office with its functions as Supreme Com-
mand of the Armed Forces, hitherto within the Reichs War Min-
istry, will come directly under my command and as my military

At the head of the staff of the supreme command of the Armed
Forces is the former Chief of the Armed Forces department as
"Chief of the supreme command of the Armed Forces". He is
equal in rank to a Reichs Minister.

At the same time, the supreme command takes the responsi-
bility for the affairs of the Reichs Ministry of War, and by my
order the chief of the supreme command of the Armed Forces
exercises the authority formerly belonging to the Reichs Minister.

It is the supreme command of the Armed Forces' duty to carry
out in peace time, in accordance with my instructions, the prep-
aration of the defense system of the Reich.
Berlin, 4 February 1938.

The Fuehrer and Reichs Chancellor


The Reichs Minister and Chief of the
Reichs Chancellery


The Chief of the Supreme Command
of the Armed Forces


REICHSGESETZBLATT, 5th February 1938

Decree concerning the setting up of a secret cabinet council
of 4th February 1938.

To advise me in conducting the foreign policy I am setting up
a secret cabinet council.

As president of the secret cabinet council, I nominate: Reichs-
minister Freiherr-Von Neurath

As members of the secret cabinet council, I nominate:

Reichsminister of the Exterior Joachim von Ribbentrop
Prussian Prime Minister, Reichsminister of the Air, Su-
preme Commander of the Air Forces, General Field
Marshal Hermann Goering

The Fuehrer's Deputy, Reichsminister Rudolf Hess
Reichsminister for the enlightenment of the people and of
propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Reichsminister and Chief of the Reichs Chancellery Dr.

Hans-Heinrich Lammers

The Supreme Commander of the Army, General Walter von Brauchitsch

The Supreme Commander of the Navy, Grand Admiral Dr.
(honorary) Erich Raeder

The Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces
Lt. Gen. Wilhelm Keitel

The current affairs of the secret cabinet council are handled by the Reichsminister and Chief of the Reichs Chancellery. Berlin, 4 February 1938.

of the Reichs Chancellery


The Reichsminister and Chief
of the Reichs Chancellory



The Representative of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories with the Headquarters of Army Group North

[Rubber Stamp]

December 1942

Political and Economic Problems of the Military and Civil Administration of the Occupied Eastern Territories.

Introduction: The author of this report as representative of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories with the Headquarters of Army Group North had the possibility to become acquainted with all questions of administration and economy in the Eastern area. An information trip also brought him to the

Army Area B (Donetz)
Army Area Don

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