4 All those who have his goodness proved Whose mercy ne'er forsook the man 5 Sing praises therefore to the Lord, Proclaim his deeds, till all the world SELECTION 9. C. M. From the xi. Psalm of David. THE Lord a holy temple hath, 2 If God the righteous, whom he loves, What must the sons of violence, 3 Snares, fire; and brimstone, on their heads Shall in one tempest shower; This dreadful mixture his revenge 4 The righteous Lord will righteous deeds With signal favour grace, And to the upright man disclose SELECTION 10. C. M. From the xiii. Psalm of David. HOW long wilt thou forget me, Lord? Must I for ever mourn? How long wilt thou withdraw from me, 2 O hear, and to my longing eyes 3 Since I have always placed my trust Thy saving health will come; and then 4 Then shall my song, with praise inspired, SELECTION 11. L. M. From the xiv. Psalm of David. THE Lord look'd down from heaven's high tower, 2 But all, he saw, were gone aside, All were degenerate grown, and base; 3 How will they tremble then for fear, And never will their cause forsake. 4 Oh, that from Sion he'd employ His might, and burst th' oppressive band! Then shouts of universal joy Should loudly echo through the land. SELECTION 12. C. M. From the xv. Psalm of David. LORD, who's the happy man that may But to inhabit there? 2 "Tis he who walketh uprightly, 3 Who never did a slander forge, His neighbour's fame to wound; Nor hearken to a false report 4 Who vice, in all its pomp and power, And piety, though clothed in rags, 5 Who to his plighted vows and trust And, though he promise to his loss, 6 Whose soul in usury disdains Whom no rewards can ever bribe 7 The man, who by this righteous course When earth's foundation shakes, shall stand, By Providence secured. SELECTION 13. C. M. From the xvi. Psalm of David. MY grateful soul shall bless the Lord, And private counsel still afford 2 I strive each action to approve No danger shall my hopes remove, 3 Therefore my heart all grief defies, My flesh shall rest, in hope to rise, 4 Thou, Lord, when I resign my breath, Nor let thy Holy One in death 5 Thou shalt the paths of life display, SELECTION 14. From the xviii. Psalm of David. PART I. L. M. NO change of time shall ever shock 2 Thou my deliverer art, my God; To whom all praise we justly owe; PART II. L. M. 1 THOU Suit'st, O Lord, thy righteous ways To various paths of human kind; They who for mercy merit praise, With thee shall wondrous mercy find. 2 Thou to the just shalt justice show; The pure thy purity shall see: Such as perversely choose to go, Shall meet with due returns from thee. 3 That he the humble soul will save, And crush the haughty's boasted might, But God, on whom my hopes depend? 5 Let the eternal Lord be praised, The rock on whose defence I rest' To highest heavens his Name be raised, Who me with his salvation bless'd! 6 My God, to celebrate thy fame, My grateful voice to heaven I'll raise; And nations, strangers to thy Name, Shall learn to sing thy glorious praise SELECTION 15. From the xix. Psalm of David PART I. C. M. THE heavens declare thy glory, Lord, 2 The dawn of each returning day Fresh beams of knowledge brings; And from the dark returns of night Divine instruction springs. 3 Their powerful language to no realm Or region is confined; 'Tis nature's voice, and understood 4 Their doctrine does its sacred sense 5 From east to west, from west to east, PART II. C. M. 1 GOD's perfect law converts the soul, 2 The statutes of the Lord are jus‹, 3 His perfect worship here is fix'd, |