(u) John xvI. 33. In me ye fhall lafting Righteousness, and thy Law is the Truth. (2) have Peace: In the World ye fhall Trouble and Anguish have have TRIBULATION, but be of taken hold upon me, yet thy GOOD CHEER, I have overcome Commandments are my De- the World. light. The Righteousness (x) James 1. 5. If any of you of thy Teftimonies is everlafting: Give me (x) Underftanding, and I fhall live. lack WISDOM, let him ask of God, that giveth to all Men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.. Having fuch a great High Priest, who is passed into. the Heavens, let us approach the Throne of the Divine Majefty, to obtain Grace and Mercy to help in this time of need. Amen. A Prayer for Deliverance from Trouble, and for quickning Grace to keep God's Law. I Cried with my & whole Heart; hear me, O Lord, and fave me, and I fhall keep thy Te- a ftimonies. I prevented the dawning of the Morning, (a) and CRIED; I HOPE in thy Word. Mine Eyes prevent the Night Watches, that (a) Luke x1. 5,6,7, &c. And he faid unto them, Which of you fhall have a Friend, and fhall go unto him at Midnight, and fay unto him, Friend, lend me three Loaves, for Friend of mine in his Journey is fet before him: And he from within fhall anfwer, and fay, Trouble me not, the Door is now fhut, and my Children are with me in Bed, come to me, and I have nothing to I cannot rife and give thee. I fay unto you, though he will not rife and give him because he is his Friend; yet, because of his Importunity, he will rife and give him as many as he needeth: And I fay unto you, Ask, and it fhall be given you; feek, and ye fhall find; knock, and it fhall be opened unto you: ver. 13. If ye then, being Evil, know how to give good Gifts unto your Children, how much more fhall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? • Pfalm CXIX. 145, to 149, 151, 153, 154, 156, tọ 159, 162, to 171, 173, to 176. I might MEDITATE in thy Word. Hear my Voice according to thy loving Kind (b) 1 Cor. 111. 16. Know ye not that the Spirit of God dwelleth in nefs; O Lord, quicken me that ye are the Temple of God, and according to thy Judgments. For thou art (b) near, O you? Lord, and all thy Commandments are Truth. Confider mine Afflictions, and deliver me; for I do not forget thy Law. Plead my Caufe, and deliver me; (c) QUICKEN me according to thy Word. Great are thy tender Mercies, O Lord; quicken me according to thy Judgments. Many are my (4) PERSECUTORS and ENEMIES, yet do I not decline from thy Teftimonies. Ibeheld the Tranfgreffors, and was (e) GRIEVED, becaufe they kept not thy Word. Confider how I love thy Precepts; (f) QUICKEN me, Lord, according to thy loving Kindness. Matt. XXVIII. 20. I am with you alway, even to the End of the World. (c) Rom. v111. 11. He that raifed up Chrift from the Dead, fhall alfo QUICKEN your mortal Bodies by his SPIRIT that dwelleth in you. (d) James 1. 2, 12. My Brethren, count it all Joy, when ye fall into divers Temptations. Bleffed is the for when he is tried, he fhall reMan that endureth TEMPTATION, ceive the Crown of Life, which the Lord hath promifed to them fed are they which are PERSECUTED for Righteoufnefs fake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, that love him. Matt: v. 10. Blef (e) 2 Pet. 11. 7,8,9. And delivered juft Lot, vexed with the filthy CONVERSATION of the Wicked; for that righteous Man dwelling among them, in feeing and from Day to Day with their UNhearing, VEXED his righteous Soul LAWFUL Deeds. (f) Ephef. 11. 1. And you hath he QUICKNED, who were dead in Trefpaffes and Sins. (g) Matt. x111. 45,45. The Kingdom of Heaven is like to a Merchantman feeking GOODLY PEARLS, who when he had found one Pearl of great Price, he went and fold all that he had, and bought it. I rejoice at thy Word, as one that findeth (g) GREAT SPOIL. I hate and abhor Lyes, but thy Law do I love. (b) Seven times a Day do I PRAISE thee, because of thy righteous Judgments. Great (i) Ifai. xxvI. 3. Thou wilt keep (i) Peace have they that love him in perfect Peace, whofe Mind thy Law, and nothing fhall is ftaid on thee, because he trufteth offend them. Lord, I have (k) HOPED for thy Salvation, and done thy Commandments, which I LOVE exceedingly, for all my Ways are before thee. Let my (1) CRY come near (b) 1 Theff. v. 17. PRAY without ceafing. in thee. (k) Heb. vi. 18, 19. Who have fled for REFUGE, to lay hold upon the HOPE fet before us; which Soul, both fure and ftedfaft. HOPE we have as an Anchor of the (1) John 1x. 31. God heareth not Sinners, but if any Man be a Worhim he heareth. fhipper of God, and doth his Will, before before thee; deliver me according to thy Word. My Lips fhall utter Praise, when thou haft taught me thy Statutes. Let thine Hand help me, for I have chofen thy Precepts. I have (m) LONGED for thy SALVATION, O Lord, and thy Law is my Delight. Let my Soul live, and it fhall praife thee; and let thy Judgments help me. I have gone ASTRAY like a loft (2) SHEEP; feek thy Servant, for I do not forget thy Commandments. (m) Luke 11.25. The fame Man ing for the CONSOLATION of If(Simeon) was just and devout, waitrael. Phil. 111. 20. Our Converíation is in Heaven, from whence alfo we look for the SAVIOUR, the Lord Jefus Chrift. hear my Voice, and I know them, (n) John x. 27, 28. My SHEEP and they follow me; and I give unnever perish, neither fhall any pluck them out of my Hand. 25. For ye were as SHEEP going the Shepherd and Bishop of your to them eternal Life, and they fhall 1 Pet. 11. ASTRAY, but are now returned unto Souls. See Ifai. L111.6. O Father of Mercies, and God of all Confolation, grant thefe my bumble Requests, for the fake, and through the Interceffion of Chrift Jefus, our only Mediator Advocate. Amen. and A Prayer for Pardon of Sin, and for fanctifying Grace. NTO thee, O Lord, lift I up mine Eyes; (a) O thou that DWEL LEST in the HEAVENS. Lord, hear my Voice, let thine Ears be (b) attentive to the Voice of my Supplication: Out of the Depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord; b • Pfalm cxx111. 1. (a) 2 Chron. 1. 18. But will on the Earth? Behold, Heaven, and God in very deed DWELL with Men the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain thee. Ephef. 1v. 10. He that cended up far above all Heavens, defcended, is the fame alfo that althat he might fill all things. (b) John XIV. 13. Whatfoever do; that the Father may be GLOye fhall ASK in my Name, that will RIFIED in the Son. I b Pfalm cxxx. 2, 1, 3, to ver. 8. for if thou, Lord, fhouldest (c) Heb. VIII. 12. For I will be merciful to their UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, and their SINS and their INIQUITIES Will I remember no more. Micah v11. 18. Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth INIQUITY, and paffeth by the of his Heritage? He retaineth not his Anger for ever, because he delighteth in Mercy. TRANSGRESSION of the Remnant (d) Heb. x. 35, 37. Cast not away your Confidence, which hath great recompenfe of Reward; for yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. But the Juft fhall live by Faith. (e) Ifai. LXIV. 4. For fince the Beginning of the World, Men have not heard, nor perceived by the Ear, neither hath the Eye feen, O God, befides thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him. See 1 Cor. 11. 9. Ifai XL. 31. They that WAIT upon the Lord fhall renew their Strength, they fhall mount up with Wings, as Eagles; they fhall run, and not be weary; and they fhall walk, and not faint. (f) Col. 1. 14, 15. In whom we have REDEMPTION through his SINS; who is the Image of the invifible God, the Firft-born of every Creature. Blood, even the FORGIVENESS of (g) Matt. 1. 21. Thou fhalt call his Name Jefus, for he fhall SAVE his People from their SINS. Acts v. 31. Him hath God exalted with his right Hand, to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give Repentance to Ifrael, and Forgiveness of SINS. (b) Col. 111. 1. If ye then be rifen with Chrift, SEEK thofe Things which are above, where Chrift fitteth on the right Hand of God. Heb. x. 19,22,23. Having therefore Boldness to enter into the Holieft by the Blood of Jefus ; let us draw near with a true Heart, in full Affurance of Faith: Having our Hearts fprinkled from an evil Confcience, let us hold fait the Profeffion of our Faith without wavering; (for he is FAITHFUI that promited.) (1) Matt. xxiv. 35. Heaven and Earth fhall pass away, but my Words fhall not pats away. 2 Pet. 1. 19. We have alfo a more fure WORD of Prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a Light that fhineth in a dark Place, until the Day dawn, and the Day-Star arife in your Hearts. Chap. 11. 7. But the Heavens and the Earth which are now, by the fame WORD are kept in store, referved unto Fire against the Day of Judgment, and Perdition of ungodly Men. © Pfalın CXXVIII. 1, 2, 3, 6, 8. all all thy Name. In the Day when I cried unto thee, out) Heb. 1. 34. They by Faith Lord, thou anfweredft me, and ftrengthenedft (k) me with STRENGTH in my SouL. Though thou, O Lord, art (2) HIGH, yet haft thou refpect unto the LowLY, but the (m) PROUD thou knoweft afar off. Thou, O Lord, wilt (2) PERFECT that which concerneth me: Thy Mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever; (0) FORSAKE not the Works of thine own Hands. of WEAKNESS were made not, for I am with thee: Be not STRONG. Ifai. XLI. 10. Fear thou difmayed, for I am thy God: I will ftrengthen thee, yea, I will help the right Hand of my Righteoufthee; yea, I will uphold thee with nefs. (Ifai. LVII. 15. For thus faith biteth Eternity, whofe Name is hothe high and lofty One, that inhaly; I dwell in the high and holy Place, with him alfo that is of a vive the Spirit of the humble, and contrite and humble Spirit, to reto revive the Heart of the contrite Ones. (m) James Iv. 6. God refifteth the PROUD, but giveth Grace unto the HUMBLE. (n) Phil. 1.6. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good Work in you, will perform it until the Day of Jefus Chrift. (0) John VI. 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife CAST OUT. Heb. x111.5. For he hath faid, I will never leave thee, nor forfake thee. Hear, O Lord, in Heaven thy Dwelling-place, and when thou beareft, forgive; for the fake of Jesus Chrift our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. |