fowed not, and gather where I have not ftrawed: 27. Thou oughteft therefore to have put my Money to the Exchangers, and then at my coming I fhould have received mine own with Ufury. 28. Take therefore the Talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten Talents. 29. For unto every one that hath fhall be given, and he fhall have Abundance: but from him that hath not, fhall be taken away even that which he hath. 30. And caft ye the UNPROFITABLE Servant into outer Darkness: there fhall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth. CHRIST'S Difcourfe with the Woman of Samaria, of the Living Water; of Divine Grace; and of the Spiritual Worship. John 1V. I. WHEN therefore the Lord knew how the Pharifees had heard that Jefus made and baptized more Difciples than John, 2. (Though Jefus himself baptized not, but his Difciples) 3. He left Judea, and departed again into Galilee. 4. And he muft needs go through Samaria. 5. Then cometh he to a City of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the Parcel of Ground that Jacob gave to his Son Jofeph. 6. Now Jacob's Well was there. Jefus therefore being wearied with his Journey, fat thus on the Well: And it was about the fixth Hour. 7. There cometh a Woman of Samaria, to draw Water: Jefus faith unto her, Give me to drink. 8. For his Difciples were gone away unto the City, to buy Meat. 9. Then faith the Woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou being a Jew, afkest Drink of me, which am a Woman of Samaria? ings with the Samaritans. 10. Fefus anfwered and faid unto her, (a) If thou knewest the GIFT of GOD, and who it is that faith unto thee, Give me to drink thou wouldst have ASKED of him, and he would have given thee LIVING WATER. 11. The Woman faith unto him, Sir, thou haft nothing to draw with, and the Well is deep from whence then haft thou that LIVING WATER? 12. Art thou greater than our Father Jacob, which gave us the Well, and drank thereof himself, and his Children, and his Cattel? 13. Fefus anfwered and faid unto her, Whofoever drinketh of this Water fhall thirst again: For the Jews have no Deal TER upon him that is THIRSTY, (a) Ifai. xliv. 3. I will pour WAand FLOODS upon the DRY Ground: I will pour my SPIRIT upon thy Offspring. Seed, and my Blefling upon thine Chap. Iv. 1. Ho, every one that THIRSTETH, Come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no Money: Come ye, BUY and EAT, yea, come buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price. Chap. xxvii. 3. I the Lord do keep it, I will WATER it every Moment; let any hurt it, I will keep it Night and Day. Pfal. xlii. 1. As the Hart panteth after the Water-Brooks, so panteth my Soul after thee, O God. P. xxxvi. 8. Thou fhalt make them drink of the RIVER of thy PLEASURES. 9. For with thee is the FoUNTAIN OF LIFE. John iii. 5. Fest answered, Verily, verily I fay unto thee, Except a Man be born of WATER and of the SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Ephef. v. 26. That he might fanctify and cleanfe it, with the WASHING of WATER by the Word. Rev. vii. 17. The LAMB which 14. But whofoever drinketh of the Water that I fhall give him, fhall never thirst: but the Water that I fhall give him, fhall be in him a Well of Water, fpringing up and Gon fhall wipe away all Tears into everlasting Life. 15. The Woman faith unto him, Sir, give me this Water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. 16. Jefus faith unto her, Go, call thy Husband, and come hither. is in the midst of the Throne, thall feed them, and fhall lead them unto LIVING FOUNTAINS of WATERS: from their Eyes. Chap. xxi. 6. And he faid unto me, It is done. I am ALPHA and OMEGA, the Beginning and the End: I will give unto him that is ATHIRST, of the FOUNTAIN of the WATER OF LIFE freely. Chap. xxii. 17. And the SPIRIT and the BRIDE fay, Come. And let him that heareth, fay, Come. And let him that is athirit, come: And whofoever will, let him take the WATER of LIFE freely. 17. The Woman anfwered and faid, I have no Husband. Jefus faid unto her, Thou haft well faid, I have no Husband: 18. For thou haft had five Husbands, and he whom thou thou now haft is not thy Husband: in that faidft thou truly. 19. The Woman faith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a Prophet. 20. Our Fathers worshipped in this Mountain; and ye fay, that in Jerufalem is the Place where Men ought to worship. 21. Fefus faith unto her, Woman, believe me, the Hour cometh, when ye fhall neither in this Mountain, nor yet at Jerufalem, worship the Father. 22. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for SALVATION is of the Jews. Of Spiritual Worship. ther of them his Cenfer, and put Abibu, the Sons of Aaron, took eiFire therein, and put Incenfe thereon, and offered STRANGE FIRE before the Lord, which he com 23. But (b) the HOUR (b) Levit. x. 1. And Nadab and cometh, and now is, when the true Worshippers fhall WORSHIP the Father in SPIKIT and in TRUTH: for the Father feeketh fuch to woRSHIP him. 24. GOD is a SPIRIT, and they that worship him, muft worship him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. un 25. The Woman faith to him, I know that MESSIAS cometh, which is called Chrift when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26. Jefus faith unto her, I that fpeak unto thee, am he. 27. And upon this came his Difciples, and marvelled that he talked with the Woman: yet no Man faid, What feekeft thou? or why talkeft thou with her? 28. The Woman then left her Water-Pot, and went her way manded them not. 2. And there went out Fire from the Lord, and DEVOURED them, and they died before the Lord. 3. Then Mofes faid unto Aaron, This is it that the Lord fpake, faying, I will be SANCTIFIED in them that COME NIGH me, and before all the People I will be GLO RIFIED. Deut. x. 12. And now, Ifrael, what doth the Lord thy God reLord thy God, to WALK in all his quire of thee, but to FEAR the Ways, and to LOVE him, and to SERVE the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul. Pfal. ii. 1. Serve the LORD with Fear, and rejoice with trembling. P v. 7. But as for me, I will come into thy Houfe in the Multitude of thy Mercies and in thy Fear will I WORSHIP toward thy holy Temple. Pf. xxix. 2. Give unto the Lord the GLORY due unto his Name; wORSHIP the Lord in the Beauty of HOLINESS. Pf. way into the City, and faith to the Men, 29. Come, fee a Man which told me all Things that ever I did: Is not this the Chrift? 30. Then they went out of the City, and came unto him. In the mean while '31. his Difciples prayed him, faying, Mafter, eat. 32. But he faid unto them, I have Meat to eat that ye know not of. 33. Therefore faid the Difciples one to another, Hath any Man brought him ought to eat? 34. Fefus faith unto them, My MEAT is to do the WILL of him that fent me, and to finifh his Work. 35. Say not ye, There are yet four Months, and then cometh Harveft? Behold, I fay unto you, Lift up your Eyes, and look on the Fields; for they are white already to Harvest. 36. And he that REAP ETH receiveth WAGES, and gathereth FRUIT unto LIFE ETERNAL: that both he that foweth, and he that reapeth, may REJOICE together. 37.And herein is that Saying true, One foweth, and another reapeth. 38. I fent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no Labour: other Men laboured, and ye are entred into their Labours. Pf. xcvi. 2. Sing unto the Lord, blefs his Name: fhew forth his SALVATION from Day to Day. 4. For the Lord is great, and greatly to be PRAISED: he is to FEARED above all Gods. 6. HONOUR and MAJESTY are before him: STRENGTH and BEAUTY are in his Sanctuary, 8. Give unto the Lord the GLORY due unto his Name: bring an Offering, and come into his Courts. 9. O WORSHIP the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness: FEAR before him all the Earth. Pf. xlv. 11. So fhall the King greatly defire thy Beauty: for he is thy Lord, and WORSHIP thou him. Pf. lxxxvi. 8. Among the Gods there is none LIKE unto thee, O Lord, neither are there any Works like unto thy Works. 9. All NATIONS whom thou haft made, fhall come and WORSHIP before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy Name. io. For thou art GREAT, and doft wondrous THINGS: thou art Gon alone. Pf. xcv. 1. O come, let us fing unto the Lord let us make a joy. ful Noife to the Rock of our SALVATION. 2. Let us come before his Prefence with THANKSGIVING, and make a joyful Noife unto him with PSALMS. 3. For the Lord is a great GOD, and a great KING above all Gods. 6. O come, let us WORSHIP and Bow down: let us KNEEL before the Lord our Maker. Pf. xcix. 5. EXALT ye the Lord our God, and WORSHIP at his Fout ftool: for he is HOLY. 9. EXALT ye the Lord our God, and WORSHIP at his holy Hill: for the Lord our God is HOLY. Pf. cxxxviii. 2. I will WORSHIP towards thy holy Temple, and praife thy Name, for thy loving Kindness, MAGNIFIED thy WORD above all and for thy Truth: for thou haft thy NAME. Ecclef. v. 1. Keep thy Foot when thou goeft to the House of Gon, and be more ready to hear, than to give maritans of that City BELIEVED on him, for the Saying of the Woman, which teftified, He told me all that ever I did. 40. So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they befought him that he would tarry with them: and he abode there two Days. 41. And many more BELIEVED, because of his own Word: 42. And faid unto the Woman, Now we believe, not because of thy Saying: for we have heard him our felves, and know that this is indeed the Chrift, the SAVIOUR of the World. give the Sacrifice of FOOLS: for they consider not that they do EVIL. 2. Be not RASH with thy Mouth, and let not thine Heart be HASTY to utter any thing before God: for GOD is in Heaven, and thou upon Earth: therefore let thy Words be few. Malachi i. 6. A Son honoureth his Father, and a Servant his Mafter: If then I be a Father, where is my HONOUR ? and if I be a Master, where is my FEAR? faith the Lord of Hofts unto you, O Priests, that defpife my Name: and ye fay, Wherein have we defpifed thy Name ? 7. Ye offer polluted Bread upon mine Altar; and ye fay, Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye fay, The Table of the Lord is contemptible. Sacrifice, is it not EVIL? And if ye 8. And if ye offer the BLIND for offer the LAME and SICK, is it not EVIL? Offer it now unto thy Governor, will he be pleafed with thee, or accept thy Perfon? faith the Lord of Hofts. 9. And now, I pray you, befeech GOD, that he will be gracious unto us: this hath been by your Means: Will he regard your Perfons? faith the LORD of Hosts. 10. Who is there even among you, that would SHUT the Doors for NOUGHT? Neither do ye kindle Fire on mine Altar for nought. I have no Pleafure in you, faith the LORD of HOSTS, neither will I accept an Offering at your Hand. 11. For from the RISING of the SUN, even unto the GOING DOWN of the fame, my NAME fhall be great among the Gentiles; and in every Place Incenfe fhall be offered unto my Name, and a pure Offering: for my Name fhall be great among the Heathen, faith the Lord of Holts. 12. But ye have profaned it, in that ye fay, The TABLE of the Lord is POLLUTED, and the Fruit thereof, even his Meat, is contemptible. Chap. ii. 1. And now, O ye Priests, this COMMANDMENT is for you: 3. Behold, I will corrupt your Seed, and fpread DUNG upon your Faces, even the DUNG of your folemn FEASTS. 7. For the Priest's LIPS fhould keep KNOWLEDGE, and they should feek the Law at his Mouth: for he is the Meffenger of the Lord of Hofts. 8. But ye are departed out of the WAY: ye have caufed many to ftumble at the Law: ye have corrupted the COVENANT of Levi, faith the Lord of Hofts. 9. Therefore have I alfo made you CONTEMPTIBLE and BASE before all the People, according as ye have not kept my WAYS, but have been partial in the LAW. Matt. xv. 8. This People draweth NIGH unto me with their Mouth, and HONOURETH me with their Lips: but their Heart is far from me. 9. But in vain they do WORSHIP me, teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of Men. ABS |