Shall here be nameless, mix'd with grains, At random round about bestow'd. Ty'd to the pummel of a long sword 630 635 He held revers'd, the point turn'd downward : The conqu'ror's standard-bearer rid, O' the warrior whilom overcome, Which, as he rode, she made him twist off: Before the dame, and round about, Of whom, some torches bore, some links, 640 645 650 633. The figure here next described, faces a contrary That was both madam and a don, Set up their throats with clam'rous shout. 655 way from the others, and is situate on the opposite margin of the moon, (her same side still uppermost,) made up of her dark shadows; he is drawn, with his attributes, in Fig. 31. 637. The last principal person of the procession is The knight transported, and the squire, their weapons, and their ire; Put up And Hudibras, who us'd to ponder On such sights with judicious wonder, 660 Which Heathen writers often mention: 670 With all the Grecian Speeds and Stows, That best describe those ancient shows; We find describ'd by old historians: For as the Roman conqueror, 675 That put an end to foreign war, So this insulting female brave When they in field defy'd the foe, 680 given in fig. 32, with the Amazon sitting behind him, and with all the appendages of both, as described by the poet, and exhibited in the map of the moon; an inspection of Hung out their mantles della guerre ; which will shew the staff-bearers, link-bearers, &c., who close the procession, in minor character. Waves on his spear, in dreadful manner 685 Were borne for mystical intrigues; 690 There's one in truncheon, like a ladle, That carries eggs too, fresh or addle; Among the rabble-rout bestows. Quoth Ralpho, You mistake the matter; 695 For all th' antiquity you smatter, Is but a riding, us'd of course, When the gray-mare's the better horse ; Fight, to extend their vast dominion; For when men by their wives are cow'd, 700 711 Quoth Hudibras, Thou still giv'st sentence Impertinently, and against sense. 691. It is scarcely necessary to point out the egg and the ladle, as constituted by one of the principal rays of the star-like explosion of light so often alluded to, and situate near the southern margin of the moon. The thrower of the egg has the same prototype there as constitutes the gauntlet-bearer of fig. 31, ante. |