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Director Robert S. Mueller
June 24, 2002
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SLATT has been fortunate to have several highly competent and dedicated FBI agents assigned as liaisons to the program. We commend Unit Chief Jonathan Binnie, who has enthusiastically supported the SLATT Program. Both Executive Assistant Director Dale Watson and Executive Assistant Director Kathleen McChesney have also been very supportive and are deserving of commendation for their special efforts.

One of the main purposes of this letter is to recognize the efforts of Supervisory Special Agent David Crane, Unit Chief of the Counterterrorism Training Unit at Quantico, Virginia. SSA Crane was assigned as liaison to the SLATT Program shortly after September 11, just as SLATT was organizing six major anti-terrorism conferences in conjunction with the Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS). Over 2,600 state and local officers attended these conferences that were held across the Untied States. SSA Crane was asked to make a presentation at each of the RISS conferences, explaining initiatives and changes within the FBI since September 11.

As you are aware, many in law enforcement were somewhat skeptical concerning the FBI's willingness to work more cooperatively with state and local law enforcement and to share information concerning the war on terrorism. SSA Crane prepared an excellent presentation explaining the changes within the Bureau, your new initiatives, the Bureau's reorganization, and your insistence on the FBI working more cooperatively in the anti-terrorism area. As your initiatives unfolded, SSA Crane continuously updated his presentation and even, on one occasion, purchased a zip drive using his own funds the night before his presentation in order to update the results of a news conference you held that day. I personally listened to SSA Crane's presentation at each of the conferences and can attest to the fact that he presented your initiatives in a positive and enthusiastic manner, ending each presentation with a testimonial concerning your support to accomplish the objectives detailed by your initiatives. While it is possible that some officers remain skeptical, program evaluations indicate a great appreciation for SSA Crane's candor and sincerity. The FBI can be justifiably proud of this dedicated, professional agent, as he represents the highest standards of the FBI.

SLATT is currently scheduling a series of anti-terrorism investigative workshops across the United States, again supported by BJA. I believe it would be beneficial to the training program and the Bureau for SSA Crane to continue his participation in this effort. The cooperative efforts of the FBI and IIR will make certain that this training program continues to have significant impact on the war on terrorism and better prepare state and local officers for their active participation. Should you or any members of your administration have any suggestions or ideas to further enhance the SLATT Program,

Director Robert S. Mueller

June 24, 2002
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please feel free to communicate your desires to me. Once again, thank you for your tireless dedication and for the outstanding job you are doing of providing effective leadership to the FBI during these challenging times.

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July 25, 2002



Mr. Robert S. Mueller, III - Director

Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBI Headquarters

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20535

Dear Director Mueller:

I recently had the opportunity to speak to Mr. Louis Quijas, Assistant Director for the
Office of Law Enforcement Coordination, at the North Carolina Police Executives/Chiefs
Summer Training Conference held in Atlantic Beach, NC. I have been acquainted with
Louis since his appointment several years ago as the chief of police for the city of High
Point, NC. He is an excellent choice for your executive staff and know his appointment
will improve communications between the FBI and the law enforcement community.

Assistant Director Quijas suggested I write you about an experience I had in dealing with one of our local FBI agents within the past year. Although I do not recall the agent's name or if the contact was pre- or post-9/11, I do recall the facts of the contact. The local agent was coordinating with a fellow agent out of the Chicago Field Office in reference to a threat to a then unidentified Jewish Temple in our jurisdiction, Cary, NC. The agent had an address and asked me to assist in determining if there was such an entity at that location or any other in our area. I was able to find that there had, indeed, been a Jewish Temple sited temporarily at the address provided and that it had moved to a location in the county near our town. I called the agent back and relayed this information along with referring him to a colleague with the Wake County Sheriff's Office if further coordination with the primary agency with jurisdiction at the new location was needed.

What happened next is the reason for this letter. I expected no further explanation or conversation on the matter. Instead, the agent proceeded to advise me the reason for his inquiry which was related to an informant's tip that a group of suspected terrorists in the Chicago area had been overheard discussing an attack against a Jewish Temple in Cary, NC. The agent went on to explain that the information was not confirmed but he was checking out the information on this end of the case. The agent did not "remind" me of the need to keep the information confidential. He treated me with the courtesy and respect of a fellow law enforcement professional which I greatly appreciated.

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316 North Academy Street Cary, NC 27513 PO Box 8005 Cary, NC 27512-8005

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Ltr to Dir Mueller

July 25, 2002

I was surprised, but very pleased, the agent entrusted me with what was, obviously. sensitive information on this matter Hopefully, with the many challenges facing our nation today, such open communications will continue I feel such feedback can only strengthen the cooperation among law enforcement at all levels of government.

Our agency has always enjoyed a positive working relationship with our state's Charlotte Field Office, now under the leadership of SAC Chris Swecker, and our local Resident Agency, under the leadership of SSRA Frank Perry (Raleigh RA). If there is anything our agency can ever do on our end to further assist the Bureau, in any regard. please feel free to let us know.

With best personal and professional regards,

Winfield 2. Hunter

Winfield J. Hunter (FBINA 165)
Chief of Police

(919) 469-4023



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Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule last Friday, August 23, to meet with me. It was a pleasure to see you again and recall pleasant experiences. I wish you the best of luck in your new position with the F.B.I.

Please be assured that you have many friends in the Omaha Police Department, if you need any assistance, or if I can help in any way in the future, please do not hesitate to call upon me.



Donald L. Carey
Chief of Police

DLC:1bc chf06007

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