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Louis XV, King of France, at Chan- Lucy, Sir Henry, on the censorship,

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Napoleon, Prince, candidate for Ludendorff, General, blunders in the
the Presidency, 228, 289.

Philippe, King of the French,
foreign policy, 223, 217, 220-
refuses to read the Speech from
the Throne, 228, 285, 287-rela-
tions with Queen Victoria, 232,
3-5-escape to England, 234, 223.
Louvre, the, reconstruction, 236, 373.

Lovat, Lord, member of the Forestry
Department, 233, 165.

campaign of 1918..231, 250-
neglect of sûreté, ib.- My War
Memories, 233, 411, 421; 239,
244-military policy, 234, 365–373
-scheme for stamping out Bol-
shevism, 242, 440 note.

Ludolphi, ' De Itinere Terræ Sanctæ,
230, 113 note.
Lukach, A. C.,

'Handbook of
Cyprus,' revised and edited by,
227, 401.

Lovett, Sir Verney, 'History of Luke, H. C., ' Cities of Transcaucasia,'

Indian Nationalism,' 236, 61.

—, Life and Struggles of William,'
236, 65-a' Social Democrat,' ib.

Low, Ernest, 'Some Supposed Shake-
speare Forgeries,' 237, 1.
Lowe, Rt Hon. Robert (Viscount
Sherbrooke), member of
'Times' staff, 239, 94.
Lowell, James Russell, Biglow
Papers, 224, 88.


Lowestoft, bombardment, 227, 231.
Lubbock, Percy, "The Novels of
Edith Wharton,' 223, 182-' Henry
James,' 226, 60; 234, 188.

Lublin, battle of, 223, 101.
Lucan, epic the 'Civil War,' 226, 42

-influence of Livy, 42-45.

Lucas, E. V., adaptation of 'Struwel-
peter,' 223, 326- The Founder
of the Royal Literary Fund,' 231,


238, 48.

Luna, Señor Roso de, La Humani-

dad y los Césares,' 230, 184.
Lunéville, Treaty of, 231, 41.

Lusignan, Saviour, 'A Series of
Letters addressed to Sir W. For-
dyce,' 232, 343.

'Lusitania,' sunk, 224, 247, 292, 293,
425, 589; 228, 379.

Luther, Martin, dictum on the Ger-
mans, 223, 54- On the Freedom
of a Christian Man,' 234, 109.
Luxemburg, separated from Belgium,
225, 141.

and Belgium, 229, 321-334.
plebiscite, 236, 213.
Luxmoore, H. E., Eton: The Old
and the New,' 229, 293-' Edmond
Warre,' 238, 1.

[ocr errors]

Luzzatti, Signor, banche populari,
235, 436.

Luce, Captain John, of the 'Glas- Lvoff, battle of, 223, 101.

gow,' report, 223, 118.

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Prince, President of the
County Union, 223, 546-on the
discord between Government and
Society, 228, 190.

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Lyte, Sir H. Maxwell, History of
Eton College,' 229, 294.

Lyttelton, Rt Hon. Alfred, influence
at Eton, 229, 316-on the weight
of the new-style cricket bat, 238,

Hon. Mrs Alfred, member of
the Belgian refugees Committee,
225, 195 note.

Rev. Hon. Edward, on his
brother's influence at Eton, 229,
316 Sport and Sportsmanship,'
242, 346.

Despatch, 229, 12.

Lytton, Earl of, member of the
Belgian Commission, 225, 199.

Robert, 2nd Earl of, character
of his administration of India, 237,

[blocks in formation]

M., The Political Philosophy of Macdonald, Sir John A., tariff for the
Treitschke,' 226, 176.

[blocks in formation]


Macaulay, Lord, 'History of
England,' 225, 427 note; 234, 233
-on the commercial relations
between England and Scotland,
225, 439 note-opinion of Jane
Austen, 228, 2- Essays,' 229, 370
essay on Sir William Temple,
234, 111-on the impeachment
of Warren Hastings, 236, 295-
criticism on the abuse of honours,
238, 365.

Miss Rose, gift of humour, 241,
46- Mystery at Geneva,' 47.
Maccas, Léon, 'L'Hellénisme de
l'Asie Mineure,' 239, 161.

protection of Canadian industry,
235, 25, 93.

J. A. Murray, protest against
naval expenditure, 223, 120.

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J. R. Moreton, Alsace-Lor-
raine,' 231, 169 The Economic
Future of the Highlands,' 233, 153.

Rt Hon. Ramsay, criticisms on
the war, 223, 147-leader of the
Labour Party, 239, 406, 416-
tribute from Lord Morley, 241,
353-character of his policy, 242,
220-result of his ministry, 469-
foreign policy, 470.

Prof. W., From Jefferson to
Lincoln,' 223, 172.

MacDonnell, Lord, on indirect taxa-
tion in Ireland, 232, 453-on the
Irish Convention, 453, 462, 469.
Macdonogh, General, knowledge of
the German Army organisation,
242, 426.

MacDowall, Arthur, 'The French
Novel,' 232, 318.

MacColl, D. S., A History of French Macedonia, military operations in,

Architecture,' 236, 366.

Macdonald, Prof. D. B., 'Moslem
Constitutional Theory,' extract
from, 224, 165.

227, 250-253; 228, 268.

assigned to Serbia and Greece,
230, 170-population, 173.

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Macfeat, Alexander, on the system Macnutt, F. B., The Church in the

of bribery payments in the Eber-
feld Co., 232, 25.

Macgregor, S. W. B., on the loss on
the Federal Government railways,
238, 188 note.

Mach, R. von, 'Der Machtbereich
des bulgarischen Exarchats,' 228,

Furnace,' edited by, 229, 446.

Macon, M., Chantilly et le Musée
Condé,' 240, 356 et seq.

Macrosty, H. W., 'The Trust Move-
ment in British Industry,' 227, 557.
MacSweeny, Mr, case of, 239, 67.
Madelin, M. Louis, description of M.
Poincaré, 240, 154.

Machiavelli, patriotism, 224, 87-
view that the essence of the State
is Power, 226, 183-185-influence Madrid, Treaty of, 241, 199.
of the 'Prince,' 230, 281-criticism
on, 285-opinion on progress, 234,


Mackail, J. W., translation of Pervi-
gilium Veneris,' 223, 27-extracts
from his translation The Odyssey
in English Verse,' 224, 307-310.

Mackay, Dr, 'Der Vierbund,' extract
from, 227, 145.

MacKenna, J.,' Agriculture in India,'
226, 355.

Stephen, 'Plotinus: The
Ethical Treatises,' translation of,
231, 479.
Mackenzie, Compton, letter from
Henry James, 234, 201-' Rich
Relatives,' 239, 344.
Mackintosh, E. A., A Highland
Regiment,' 230, 389-'In Me-
moriam,' 392.

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Sir James, Recorder of Bombay,
224, 542-character, 543-affec-
tion for his wife, ib.

Major, report on the irrigation
of Mesopotamia, 237, 75.

Maclagan, Sir Edward, Committee on
the co-operative movement in
India, 225, 371.
MacNeill, Mr, Minister of Education
in Ireland, 242, 363-character of
his policy, ib.

Maeterlinck, M., Life of the Bee,'
231, 498; 241, 290.

Maggi, B., treatment of gunshot
wounds, 226, 464.

Magic, Medieval, 240, 291–307.

Magnesium, the metallic element,
241, 325.

Magnus, Albertus, scientific work,
240, 306.

Maguire, Rochfort, President of the
British South Africa Company,
241, 78.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Magyars, the, opposition to 'trial-
ism,' 224, 340-access to the
coast, 342.
Mahabharata, the epic, 236, 324, 330.
Mahan, Admiral, on the influence of
Sea Power, 227, 105; 235, 221,
226, 232-on the submarine war-
fare, 228, 139.

Mahmud II, Sultan of Turkey,
reorganisation of the Empire, 229,
53, 65.
Mahomed Ali, President of the All-
India Moslem League, 236, 48.
Mahomedans, the, religion, 229, 489

-loyalty, 494, 515-fatalism, 495,




Mahomet V, Sultan of Turkey, 223, Malmesbury, Lord, mission to Paris,
235, 249.

Mahon, General, article in Edin-
burgh Review,' 238, 288 note.

- Lord, History of England,'
236, 86.

Mail-carrying by air, 240, 86.

Main-Danube canal, completion, 227,

Maine, Sir Henry, on corruption in the
reigns of George I and George II,
238, 361.

Maitland, Prof. F. W., on the claims
to peerages, 224, 50— History of
English Law,' 230, 359; 234, 232
- Domesday Book and Beyond,'
239, 381, 395.

Majoritarianism, worship, 240, 428-
dangers, 430.

Majumdar, Ambika Charan, opinion
of the Morley-Minto reforms, 236,


Malan, Mr, on Imperial Federation,
227, 140.

Malay States, The, 228, 388-402.

Malcolm, Dougal, 'The British South
Africa Company,' 241, 69.

Malet, A.,

'L'Epoque Contem-

poraine,' 226, 486 note.
Malgaigne, J. F., 'Euvres complètes
d'Ambroise Pare,' 226, 452.
Malingering, cases of, 232, 297.
Malinowski, Dr, The Family among
the Australian Aborigines,' 234,

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British Bud-

Robert, report on the earth-
quake at Naples, 241, 90-92.

225, 503, 510.

Malthus, T. R., on the increase of
population, 228, 377.

Mami, Prof., Co-operative Farming
Societies in Italy,' 235, 430.

Mamluks or white slaves, their intro-
duction into Egypt, 223, 533-
system of organisation, 534-com-
pared with the Ottoman system,
537-their esprit de corps, 538-
discipline, 539.

Mamurs, the, in the Sudan, 223, 12.
Manchester, Owens College, 238, 314,


Manchuria, administration, 238, 115.
Mandatory Powers, difficulties, 238,

Mandeville, The Travels of Sir
John, 227, 331-352.

Manfield, H., protest against naval
expenditure, 223, 121.

Manfredi, Felix, 'Manuale per le
Co-operative di Produzione, Lavoro
e Agricole,' 235, 430.

Mann, Tom, on Industrial Unionism,
238, 332, 334.

Manner, M. K., head of the People's

Council at Helsingfors, 231, 156.
Mannerheim, Baron Gustaf, military
operations in Finland, 231, 159-
162-in England, 168-elected
Regent of Finland, ib.

Manners, The French Drama of,
237, 333-353.

Manning, Cardinal, 236, 381-401.

Frederic, 'Critic and Esthetic,'
242, 123.

Manns, Sir August, influence on
British music, 223, 401.

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