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to be raised. The ark floated safely from place to place upon the waters, till God caused them gradually to decrease: at length it rested upon Mount Ararat; and some time after, when the earth was in a proper state for their habitation, he directed Noah to go out of the ark, and to take his family and all the creatures with him. As soon as they had set their feet upon the land, Noah raised an altar to the Lord, and they offered sacrifices, pouring forth thanks to the Almighty for their wonderful preservation. God was pleased with this mark of pious gratitude, and established a covenant with Noah and his children, that he would not any more destroy the world by a flood; and added this gracious promise, while the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.

He then also appointed the rainbow to be an everlasting token of his covenant and promise. It compasseth the Heaven with a glorious circle, and the hands of the Most High have bended it. He likewise renewed to Noah the blessing, which he had given to Adam at the beginning, of a dominion over the earth, and all the creatures in it; and added the privilege of killing any of them for food. Noah lived three hundred and fifty years after the flood; and it is not to be doubted, but that he took great care to train up his children, and his descendants, which were soon multiplied upon the earth, in the way of piety and holiness. He was certainly well qualified to promote the knowledge and practice of religion, and to instruct mankind concerning the attributes and perfections of God, a governing Providence, the Fall of Man, and the promise of a Redeemer and Deliverer; of which gracious promise, Noah was now become the heir, and through him it was to be handed down to succeeding generations.





Before THE SONS of Noah were Japheth, Shem, and Christ Ham, whose descendants soon became so 2247. numerous, that they could not live together in one family, or agree in any general plan of government: and therefore many of them resolved to form themselves into a separate society, and to remove into some other country. Accordingly they left their great ancestor Noah, (who is supposed to have been the founder of the Chinese empire,) and journeyed from the east, till they came to a pleasant and fruitful plain in the land of Shinar. There they determined to fix their habitation: and soon becoming ambitious of distinguishing themselves, and establishing a powerful kingdom, they began to build a very high tower: but what they, in their fond conceit, intended to be a monument of their fame and power, was made a monument of their pride and folly. For, while they were at work, God produced divers languages among them; though they retained the power of speaking, yet he caused them to express their thoughts by new sounds, so that they could not understand one another. This sudden change excited such a tumult and confusion among the builders, that they were obliged to leave their work unfinished. After which, having quitted Babel in different parties, accordingly as they understood each other's language, they settled in separate countries; and, gradually as they increased, they spread more and more, till the human race was dispersed over the face of the earth.

The measures of our conduct should be formed by a regard to the Divine will, and not by our own vain whims and fancies. Pride was not

made for man: it has frequently hurried persons into the most fatal misconduct, and indeed into destruction. God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. He that exalteth himself shall be abased; but he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.



THE family of Shem, from which the great Redeemer was to come, settled at Ur, in Chaldea: but the principles of true religion soon decayed upon the earth; the belief and worship of the one Supreme Being gradually degenerated; and the world in general was at length overrun with idolatry and wickedness. But Abram, the son of Terah, a descendant of Shem, was remarkable for Before his understanding and piety; and therefore Christ the Almighty called him out of Ur, when he 1921. was seventy-five years of age. Accordingly he went with his father, and Sarai his wife, and his nephew Lot, into Haran: from whence, after the death of Terah, he removed, by the Divine direction, into the land of Canaan. He was taken from his country and father's house, that he might be the father of a peculiar nation, whom God designed to train up in the knowledge and worship of himself, and the promise of a Saviour: and God encouraged and comforted him in the undertaking by a solemn assurance that he would bless him, and make him a great nation: I will make of thee, says he, ɑ great nation; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.




Abram and Lot lived together with their families in the land of Canaan. They were eminent examples of piety and holiness; therefore God loved them and blessed them. At length their herds and flocks increased so much, that there was not sufficient room in the place where they dwelt: and debates arose between their servants about convenient pasturage. Upon which Abram, with great condescension and humanity, proposed to Lot, that they should part, and offered him the choice, either to continue where he then was, or to remove to another place. How honourable is this condescension in Abram to his nephew Lot! And how powerfully does it recommend to us meekness and forbearance, and the love of peace and concord!-Lot chose the plain of Jordan, which was every where well watered, and pitched his tent near Sodom; but he had not been settled there many years, when Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, in Persia, brought an army against the king of Sodom, who had rebelled against him; and, having overrun several kingdoms about the land of Canaan, carried away much spoil, and many captives, among whom were Lot and his family. Abram was immediately informed of what was done, and, having armed his trained servants, pursued the enemy, attacked them by surprise in the night, rescued all the captives, and brought back Lot and his goods to his former habitation.

Before The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah Christ were, however, so lost to all sense of religion, 1897. and so given up to impure lusts, that God But at the same time

resolved to destroy them.

that he manifested such an abhorrence of sin and wickedness, he showed a distinguished regard to

eminent piety and goodness, by sending two angels for the preservation of Lot. Angels are a particular kind of beings, much superior to men: they are represented as performing the commandments of God with unwearied alacrity and diligence; and are said to be ministering spirits sent forth to be ministers for them who shall be heirs of salvation. The two angels came to Lot in the appearance of men; and as he supposed them to be travellers, he entertained them in a friendly, hospitable manner.

They were strangers, and he took them in. They soon acquainted him that they were sent to execute vengeance upon Sodom and Gomorrah, for their aggravated iniquities, and to rescue him and his family from the dreadful ruin. They accordingly took Lot and his wife, and his two daughters: and, having led them out of the city, charged them to flee from the danger without the least delay. But, as they went towards Zoar, the wife of Lot, either out of vain curiosity to see what became of the place, or a fond desire of returning to her old habitation, looked or returned back; for which she became a pillar of salt; a lasting monument of her folly and disobedience !-Then God sent fire and brimstone out of heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah, and the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace. He overthrew the cities and all the inhabitants; and made them an example to those who should afterwards live ungodly.



GOD was pleased with the piety and virtue of Abram, and promised to be his protector and shield of defence, and to give him an exceeding great reward. Abram was desirous of having a son, in preference to all earthly blessings and rewards: and

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