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unlucky physician, Monsieur St. Germain, took an iron instrument, and, boring into the head, found it made of pasteboard, on putting it into hot water, the outer covering came off disclosing the pasteboard beneath. On this he published a full account of it; but immediately received a missive, marked "private and confidential," desiring him to keep his discoveries to himself, unless he was particularly anxious to become acquainted with the interior of the Bastile.

And this is popery. The advocates of the papacy are driven to a two-horned dilemma. They must either say that such things never were, a hard task even for a Jesuit, with the authorities quoted, and the Romish calendar, with St. Christopher's name in it, staring them in the face-or they must say that these things were, but no longer exist; and then what becomes of Romish unchangeable

ness and infallibility; for, be it remembered that the Saint has been canonized, and Divine honors decreed to him.


"Stimme von oben.

Wer ruft da aus dir felsen spatte ?
Stimme unten

Nehmt mich mit Nehmt mich mit!
Ich steige schon dren hundert jahr
Und kan der gipfet micht erreishen;
Ich ware garn bei meines gluchen."



Reader, we purpose making this our concluding chapter, and then we shall bid farewell

to Demonology and you, for a season, at least, and it will depend upon circumstances whether we re-appear before you.

We know not why the earth should be supposed to have any bowels at all, unless it be on the authority of Shakespeare, who


"Thus far into the bowels of the land,
Have we marched on."

It may be also partly owing to those internal rumblings, which the old lady has, after having taken too strong a dose of tarter emetic and sulphur, which causes her to vomit out of any of the numerous volcanoes which stud her surface like so many carbuncles on a tee-totaller's nose-that rumbling, in short, which Somerville, in his Country Squire, more quaintly than elegantly expresses as

"A strange curmurring in the guts."

However, as it has been settled that the old damsel has bowels, we are going to have a grope in them. Gaffarellus, in his work "De Cryptis toto orbe celebribus, die unter-irdische stadte gar weitlauffig," or, "of the numerous subterraneous cities which are thickly scattered amongst the celebrated caverns all over the world," writes as follows :—

"I should not have believed that such things could be, had I not, with my own eyes, seen dwellings of this description in three different places. For, when I was residing at Malta, in the year 1637, it happened that I accompanied the then Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of St. John, John Lascarus by name, one day into the beautiful valley called Bucetta.

"The discourse turning upon the natural curiosities of the island, the Grand Master informed me that, in a neighbouring hill, there

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