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service for the remaining twenty-four years of his life.

Yes, reader! the familiar spirits are the imaginations of men's hearts; and it behoves each one to inquire not what is his "particw'lar wanity," but what his imagination is set upon. If you have allowed it to run riot, you have, in the words of old Richard Baxter : "set open the doors of your fancy to the Devil, so that he can, almost at his pleasure ever after, represent the same sinful pleasures to you anew: he hath now access to your fancy to stir up your lustful thoughts and desires, so that when you should think of your calling, of your God, or of your soul, your thoughts will be worse than swinish, upon the filth that is not fit to be named.


the Devil here get in a foot, he will not easily be got out."


"There are mystically in our faces certain characters, which carry in them the motto of our souls, wherein he that can read A B C may read our natures."

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We have taken five long chapters of our author aud have thrown them into one; for, truth to say, there is little to be gleaned from

them of an interesting nature. The first, upon prophecies and oracles, contains a very minute account of the oracles of antiquity; such as those of Delphos, Jupiter Ammon, Arretinum, Dodonæum, Trophonius's cave, Ampharaum, &c.; all of which we must suppose our readers to have heard of, either through the medium of the original Greek and Latin authors, in whom the account of them is contained, or through that of an English version.

We have had false prophets and imposters in all ages, of whom Peter the Hermit, who preached up the crusades, and prophesied the destruction of the infidels, may be adduced as an instance. We have another instance, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, in Hungary. Antonius Torquatus assured the King, Mathias Corvinus, that the power of the Ottoman Porte would be utterly overthrown by the year 1596, at farthest. The Hungarians, who were cruelly oppressed by the Turks, eagerly embraced this prophecy, and, some thirty or forty years after

wards entered upon an unprofitable war, with them; and were, finally, most decisively overthrown in a bloody battle at Mohaz, in 1526, in which their King, Louis, was amongst the slain.

John Hilton, a Carmelite monk, a German, delivered the following prophecy in 1487; that the Turks, in the year 1600, would rule over Germany and Italy; that Gog and Magog would be the dominant power over all Europe in 1606; and that the Day of Judgment would occur, without fail, in 1657.

Camerarius, Medit. Histor., cept I., cap 41, mentions that a certain priest, who was a tolerable learned man and a good accountant, declared, in one of his sermons, that the world would come to an end on a certain day and at a certain hour, according to the interpretation of these mystical words: ViDebVnt, In qVem, pVpVgrVnt; which is nothing more than the Latin words "Videbunt in quem pupugerunt:"

"they will see that which they are expecting." We give Dr. Bräuner's interpretation of it, there being no such Latin verb as pupugero. The people were foolish enough to believe him, and wasted their whole substance in rioting and wassailing until the arrival of the prognosticated day, when the preacher ascended the pulpit. In the midst of his sermon a violent thunderstorm came on, and the congregation concluded that the prediction was about to be verified, when, suddenly, the storm passed away. The populace who, it would appear, do not like to be disappointed even in a matter of such awful moment to themselves, any more than they approve of a reprieve at the Old Bailey, would now have torn the false prophet to pieces, had he not managed to effect his escape.

The story of the two old prophets, who cried "Woe, woe, to the city of Boulogne" is well known. Their predictions were, that, unless the inhabitants averted the wrath of the

Almighty by timely repentance, the city would



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