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fects of his Majefty's Refolution, thought fit to Francis I. threaten Landri, and to frighten him out of his 1543 Wits. Therefore, as he came to be prefented to Paul III. Pope the King at St. Germain on the beginning of the year 1543, he let him know by one of his Friends, That the King was fo much incenfed against him, that if he offered to speak a word favouring of Lutheranifm, he was undone to all intents and purposes. The Trick had its defired effect, Landri naturally timorous and not ufed to speak face to face with Kings, ftood mute before his Majefty, though in the most amiable words, he condefcended fo low as to intreat him to fpeak freely his mind. He was fo perfectly overcome by his panick fear, that he could not find in his heart to fatisfy the King; his Majefty, provoked at this, fent him back without any further rigour, except that he ordered, that, if Landri had faid any thing in his Sermons against the received Doctrine of the Church, he ought to recant, and from thenceforth to be confined in his own Parish. Submitting himself to his Doom, Landri recanted publickly. before the Parliament the 29th of April 1543, and by that means he loft the Efteem of both Parties (s).

But about 14 years after, being preft by the remorfes of his Confcience, he defired a Conference with one of the Minifters of the Reformed Churches at Paris, which being granted, he propofed the queftion much agitated in thofe days; whether it was not lawful for a Man to conceal and diffemble his Faith, and bow himself before Images, &c. provided he preferved his Heart pure, and undefiled before God? Landri was for the Affirmative, but Mr. La Roche the Minister infifted upon the Negative, and convinced him of his Error.

D 2

(1) Sleidan Book 15. p. 425.


Francis I.


He went out in a great perplexity of mind: few Months after, he fell fick, and being vifited Paul III. among others by a Lady who profeffed the Reformed Religion, he told her, that he had fomeXXIV. thing upon his heart, which he defired to dif His Death, clofe to her, that he thought the daily increase of his Distemper was owing to his neglect of performing what he had promised to do; and he appointed an hour, defiring the Lady to come again but being come at the appointed time, he loft his Speech, a few Minutes after his Senfes, and died without being able to utter a word to the discharge of his Confcience ().

leaves the


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This fame year was famous for the Siege of Perpignan, for the Revolt in Xaintonge and Country of Aunis, because of the Salt-pits, and for the renewing of the War between Charles V. and Francis I. The Parliaments of France proceeded feverely against the Reformed, which obliged many to forfake their Goods and Country. XXV. Clement Marot was one of them. The Sorbonne Marot bore him an ill will, fince his Return to Court Court and from Italy, because he had tranflated in French the King- Rhymes 30 Pfalms of David, which he dedicated to the King; who was fo well pleased with the performance, that he caufed them to be printed. Nevertheless, Marot was obliged to fly from France, and went to Geneva, where he tranflated 20 more Pfalms; but being too loofe in his Morals, for fuch a Difcipline as that, which was observed there in thofe days, he went into Piedmont which was then in the King of France's Poffeffion, where he spent the remainder of his Life, under the Protection of the Governors (). The Sorbonne, this fame year, ufurped the Articles of Authority of making new Articles of Faith, drawn by (the Bishops, to whom the Cognizance of the



the Sor


(+) Beze ibid. (~) Beze p. 33.




Doctrines ought to belong in their own Diocefe, Francis I.
winking at it ;) the points controverted in
thofe days. And the King authorized them by Paul III.
his Edict, at the Inftances of Lifet firft Prefident
of Parliament. Thefe Articles were, That the
Sacrifice of the Mafs had been inftituted by
Chrift, and is useful to the dead, as well as to
the living; that we must pray the Saints, that
they may be our Interceffors and Advocates,
with Chrift; that the Subftance of the Bread and
Wine is changed by the Confecration; that the
Priefts only have a right to confecrate the Bread
and Wine, and that to them only belongs the whole
Sacrament of our Lord; that the Monaftical
Vows are to be strictly kept; that the Holy
Ghoft is conferred by the Sacraments of Con-
firmation, and Unction; that the Souls were de-
livered from Purgatory by Prayers, Faftings,
and good Works; that the Laws of the Church
about Faftings and the diftinction of Meat binds
the Confcience of Men; that there is a fupreme
Head and Pontif of the Church, whom all are
bound by Divine Right to obey; that many
things are to be believed and neceffarily received,
which are not delivered in the Holy Scriptures;
that by the Pope's Indulgences, the pain of
Purgatory was remitted; that Priefts, even lewd
and vicious, do confecrate the Body of Chrift
that a Man is bound to reveal all his mortal Sins
to the Priest, and receive from him the Sacra-
mental Abfolution; that a Man hath a Free-will,
by which, he is able to do good or evil, and rise
from the Death of Sin to the Life of Righteouf-
nefs by Repentance; that we obtain the remiffion
of our Sins, not by Faith only, but by Love
and true Repentance; that the Church and the
Councils lawfully affembled are infallible, and
we are bound to obey them; that it belongs to

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Francis I. the Church to judge of and interpret the Scriptures when there is any thing controverted.

1543. Pope

Paul III.


Sleidan and Fra. Paolo reckon 25 Articles, but I could not find more than thefe 17 in Sleidan himself.

Thefe Articles were published in the Streets of Paris by the publick Crier, then they were printed by the King's Command, and fevere Penalties were decreed against the Offenders. Befides that the Sorbonifts ordered, that all the Students, Batchelors and others fhould fubfcribe and follow thefe Articles, on pain of being expelled; Calvin published an Answer to thefe Articles, wrote with a great deal of Wit, Perfpicuity, and ftrength of Reafon (u).

Mr. Peter Bonpain, Native of Meaux, having Perfecution been obliged to come to Aubigny to avoid Perat Aubigny. fecution, fo well perfuaded many of the Inhabi

tants by his Converfation, that they joined themselves to the Affembly, where they convened together, to read fome Chapters of the Bible and make Prayers. But he was arrested, tried, condemned, and burnt at Paris, at the pursuit of the Lord d'Aubigny, a Scotch Lord, who coveted with eagernefs the forfeiture of the Goods of the richeft Inhabitants of his Town. Neverthelefs this Lord having been arrefted himself, because his Brother the Earl of Lenox had betrayed the Truft which the King of France had put upon him, and was come to an Agreement with the King of England, the number of the Reformed increafed mightily at Aubigny during his Confinement (w).

At Sens a fmall number of Reformed had begun to meet together for Religious Worship, when they were discovered; fome were arrested

(u) Beze ibid. Sleid. lib. xiv. p. 408. lib xv. p. 431.
(u) Beze p. 34.


and others obliged to fly. At Rouen one Mr. Francis I. Huffon Apothecary of Blois, was condemned by 1544. the Parliament to be burnt, for having difperfed Paul III. Pope fome Pamphlets about the Points of Religion at the rifing up of the Parliament: He fuffered Martyrdom, with fuch an uncommon Conftancy, that many of the Spectators were inticed by that, to examine into the Religion, for which he had fuffered, and feveral imbraced it (x).

We come now to that most cruel and inhuman 1544Slaughter made of the poor Merindolians, and thofe of Cabrieres, and many other adjacent Places in Provence.

The Waldenfes inhabiting in Provence the XXVIII. Parts of Cabrieres, Merindol, La Cofte and of the Waldenfes. other neighbouring Places, have been accounted the first Offspring of the Waldenfes of Dauphiné

and Piedmont.

It was upon the like occafion, that those of Calabria took up their Abode in Provence, namely to disburthen their Vallies of fo vaft a Multitude of Inhabitants as were therein. And tho' at their first Arrival in Provence, the Country wherein they dwelt, was but a wild Defart, and an untilled Place, yet by the Bleffing of God, within a few years they rendered it fruitful, and fit to bear Corn, Wine, Olives, Chefnuts, and other Fruits, in great Plenty and Abundance (y).

The first Perfecutions, which they fuffered, have not come to our knowledge, though we find at this day the Commiffions given out by the Popes, and Anti-Popes refiding at Avignon, very near to their Habitations, as particularly that of the Archdeacon of Cremona Albert de Capitaneis, and Francis Borelli a Monk of the Order of the Friar Minors, who in the year 1380,

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(x) Beze ibid. (y) Perrin's Hift. of the Waldenfes, Book 2. ch. viii. tranflated in English.

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