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Human rights must be protected for all humankind. A commitment to life's sacredness and to human rights is a seamless garment. It cannot be torn anywhere without compromising its integrity everywhere.


(a) We renounce the use of torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment by any branch of our government (or any other government) even in the current circumstance of a war between the United States and various radical terrorist groups.

(b) We call for the extension of basic human rights and procedural protections to all persons held in United States custody now or in the future, wherever and by whomever they are held.

(c) We call for every agency of the United States government to join with the United States military and to state publicly its commitment to the terms of the Geneva Conventions related to the treatment of prisoners, especially Common Article 3.

(d) We call for the legislative or judicial reversal of those executive and legislative provisions that violate the moral and legal standards articulated in this declaration.

We make these renunciations and calls for action as Christians and as U.S. citizens. Undoubtedly there are occasions where the demands of Christian discipleship and American citizenship conflict. This is not one of them. Returning to the absolute commitment to human rights outlined here is right in terms of Christian convictions and right in terms of the interests of our nation. We commend these moral commitments to our fellow believers, and our fellow citizens, for such a time as this.

Signatories of


Leith Anderson

President, National Association of Evangelicals*

Robert C. Andringa, Ph.D.

President Emeritus,

Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

The Rev. Dr. Randall Balmer

Professor of American Religious History,
Barnard College, Columbia University

W. Todd Bassett

Executive Director, NAE

Shane Bertou

President, Ardent Faith Community

Paul Bramer

Professor of Christian Formation,

North Park Theological Seminary

David C. Brown

Chairman of the Board,

Evangelical Child and Family Agency

Malcolm Brubaker

Professor of Bible,

Valley Forge Christian College

David B. Capes

Chair, Department of Christianity,

Houston Baptist University

Dr. G. William Carlson

Professor of History and Political Science,

Bethel University

Jeff Carr

Chief Operating Officer,

Sojourners/Call to Renewal

Joe Carson

President, Affiliation of Christian Engineers

Rich Cizik

Vice President for Governmental Affairs, NAE

Joseph L. Cumming

Director, Reconciliation Program,

Yale Center for Faith and Culture

Dr. Alan S. Cureton

President, Northwestern College & Radio

Paul de Vries, Ph. D.


New York Divinity School

Henry Earle

Director-The Temple Initiative,

Cleveland County Health Education

Steven Edmonds

Chaplain/Director of Pastoral Care,
BMH-North Mississippi

Harvey A. Elder, M. D.

Professor of Medicine,

Loma Linda University School of Medicine

Kimberly Ervin Alexander

Asst. Professor of Historical Theology,
Church of God Theological Seminary

Carl H. Esbeck

R.B. Price Professorship and Isabelle Wade & Paul C. Lyda Professor of Law, University of Missouri-Columbia

Becky Garrison

Senior Contributing Editor,

The Wittenburg Door, New York, NY

Christopher Gehrz

Assistant Professor of History,

Bethel University

Aaron Graham

Senior Pastor,

Quincy Street Missional Church, Boston, MA

Diane Grant

Spiritual Director, Evangelical Covenant Church, Concord, CA

David Gushee

Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy,

Union University

Chuck Gutenson

Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology, Asbury Theological Seminary

Jim Hancock


The Justice Mission

Jerry S. Herbert


American Studies Program/Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

Roberta Hestenes

Minister-at-large, World Vision

Kenneth W. Hicks

Bishop, retired,

United Methodist Church

Rev. John C. Holmes, Ed. D.

Director of Government Affairs,

Association of Christian Schools International

Ken Hunn

Executive Director,

The Brethren Church

George Hunsinger

McCord Professor of Theology,

Princeton Theological Seminary

Joel Hunter

Senior Pastor,

Northland, A Church Distributed,

Longwood, Florida

Daniel Hutt

Pastor, Palo Alto Christian Reformed Church

Cheryl Bridges Johns

Professor of Discipleship and Christian Formation, Church of God Theological Seminary

Brad J. Kallenberg

Associate Professor of Theology,

University of Dayton

Brian Kaylor

Communications Specialist,

Baptist General Convention of Missouri

Rev. Brian Kluth

Senior Pastor of the First Evangelical Free Church of Colorado Springs and Founder of www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org

Sammy T. Mah
World Relief

Ron Mahurin

Vice President of Professional Development and Research, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

Jason Martin


Hickory Grove Baptist Church (SBC), Trenton, TN

Chuck Marvin

Executive Director for the NAE Chaplains Commission and Ecclesiastical Chaplain Endorser, NAE

Steve McGlamery

Associate Pastor,

First Baptist Church, Hawkinsville, GA

Brian McLaren

Founder, Cedar Ridge Community Church,
Spencerville, Maryland

Rev. Dr. Raymond Moreland

Maryland Bible Society

Stephen Charles Mott

Retired, Southern New England Annual Conference, United Methodist Church

David Neff

Editor, Christianity Today

Carey C. Newman, Ph. D.


Baylor University Press

Brian F. O'Connell

President, REACT Services,

Mill Creek, WA

Richard V. Pierard

Stephen Phillips Professor of History,

Gordon College

Christine Pohl


Asbury Theological Seminary

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