Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression ...: Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis CriminalityU.S. Government Printing Office, 1947 |
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Стр. 557
... Viereck ? A. Yes , the well known author . Q. What was Viereck's salary as public relations counsellor ? A. At the beginning $ 500 . Later more . Q. Did the German Library of Information remain under the control of the Propaganda ...
... Viereck ? A. Yes , the well known author . Q. What was Viereck's salary as public relations counsellor ? A. At the beginning $ 500 . Later more . Q. Did the German Library of Information remain under the control of the Propaganda ...
Стр. 561
... Viereck played in this studied program , which the Nazi government had worked out to keep the United States out of the war . You mentioned yesterday that Viereck was appointed public relations coun- sellor of the German Library of ...
... Viereck played in this studied program , which the Nazi government had worked out to keep the United States out of the war . You mentioned yesterday that Viereck was appointed public relations coun- sellor of the German Library of ...
Стр. 562
... Viereck selected from those manuscripts those which he thought might criticize and unmask British propaganda and egoistic British foreign policy , and which could easily be sold in the United States . Q. Then what happened ? A. Viereck ...
... Viereck selected from those manuscripts those which he thought might criticize and unmask British propaganda and egoistic British foreign policy , and which could easily be sold in the United States . Q. Then what happened ? A. Viereck ...
Стр. 563
... Viereck to carry out his propa- ganda activities ? A. Between 70 and 120,000 dollars during the period 1939 to 1941 . Q. There is a considerable spread between $ 70,000 and $ 120 , - 000. Can't you be more exact ? A. No. I'm sorry . I ...
... Viereck to carry out his propa- ganda activities ? A. Between 70 and 120,000 dollars during the period 1939 to 1941 . Q. There is a considerable spread between $ 70,000 and $ 120 , - 000. Can't you be more exact ? A. No. I'm sorry . I ...
Стр. 564
... Viereck claimed to have arranged that Senator Lundeen pronounced the after - dinner welcome speech . Q. Did Viereck ever mention that he had written some of Sen- ator Lundeen's speeches ? A. Yes . He told me on a number of occasions ...
... Viereck claimed to have arranged that Senator Lundeen pronounced the after - dinner welcome speech . Q. Did Viereck ever mention that he had written some of Sen- ator Lundeen's speeches ? A. Yes . He told me on a number of occasions ...
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activity administration aggressive Anschluss armament Armed Forces Army Article from Israelitisches attack Austrian Berlin Cabinet carried Chancellor Chief clemency Command Commissar concentration camps concerning copy crimes criminal Czech decree defendants Der Sturmer district economic enemy executed extermination Foreign Office Fuehrer Funk Gauleiter Gestapo Goering Herr Himmler Hitler Youth Israelitisches Wochenblatt Jewish Jews Jodl Kaltenbrunner Keitel Labor Commitment leaders March ment military Ministry Moravia murder National Socialist Nazi Nazi Party Neurath NSDAP Occupied Eastern Territories organizations Papen Party persons Plenipotentiary Poland political population possible President prisoners prisoners of war propaganda question Raeder regarding Reich Defense Reich Minister Reichsbank Reichsfuehrer responsibility Ribbentrop Rosenberg Sauckel Schacht Schirach Schuschnigg Security Police Seyss Seyss-Inquart ships shot soldiers Soviet Staff Sturmer tion Transcript TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT Tribunal troops U-boat Vienna Viereck Warsaw Wehrmacht Witness workers