Reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21): Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Housing and Transportation of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Second Session. on the Implementation and Proposed Legislation Reauthorizing Funds of Public Transportation Provisions for the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21), Focusing on Certain Programs Including the Jobs Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program, Funding Issues, Investing in Economic Development and the Environment, and Analysis of Transportation Security One Year After September 11 Foucusing [sic] on Mass Transit Safety and Security and Passenger Transportation Security Initiatives, April 25, June 13, 26, July 17, and September 18, 2002, Том 4

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Стр. 67 - The National Association of Counties is the only national organization representing county government in the United States. Through its membership, urban, suburban and rural counties join together to build effect1ve, responsive county government.
Стр. 118 - Tax-free benefit limits for employerprovided parking were set; at $175 per month — a practice which still leaves solo drivers at an advantage. Allowing employee-paid pre-tax transit benefits saves transit-using employees over $400 a year while saving employers a smaller amount on withholding. Having employers pay for transit is a bigger incentive for employees. Offering such a benefit to federal executive agency employees in the national capital region induced 11 percent of employees who used to...
Стр. 119 - Winter 1995, pp. 14-28.) Congress should take further steps to encourage employer support for such "Commuter Choice" initiatives. We urge your support for the following bills that would do this: • The Commuter Benefits Equity Act of 2001 (HB318) would provide equal taxtreatment for parking and transit benefits. • The Bike Commuter Act (HR 1265) would allow employees who bike to work the same financial incentives as transit users. • The Mass Transit Tax Credit Act of 2001 (HR 906) would provide...
Стр. 119 - VMT of 3.2 percent, reductions in VMT of 20 billion miles, emission reductions of 54,000 short tons hydrocarbons (VOC), 480,000 short tons Carbon Monoxide, 33,600 short tons Nitrogen Oxides, and 2,360,000 metric tons Carbon Dioxide. In State Implementation Plan Development Guidance: Using Emission Reductions from Commuter Choice Programs to Meet Clean Air Act Requirements, EPA estimates a typical expected reduction of 26-30 percent in commute vehicle trips for a full Commuter Choice program. Research...
Стр. 110 - Choice voluntary incentives and can be highly cost-effective in reducing congestion and pollution. DOT and EPA are promoting Commuter Choice, but congressional action is needed to further expand efforts to foster widespread adoption of these voluntary incentives. EPA estimates that if half of all US employees were covered under these commuter benefits, traffic and air pollution could be cut by the equivalent of taking 15 million cars off the road every year, saving American workers about $12 billion...
Стр. 210 - ... civil liberties or which may discourage them from using public transportation. The impact of security measures on passengers is an important consideration for domestic rail transit operators, since most passengers could choose another means of transportation, such as a personal automobile. As such, security measures that limit accessibility, cause delays, increase fares, or otherwise cause inconvenience could push people away from transit and into their cars. In contrast, the citizens of the...
Стр. 104 - ... road system expansions that accommodate and support sprawl and subsidize driving while neglecting the needs of pedestrians bicyclists, and those without cars. Improved...
Стр. 122 - Vehicle travel foregone consists of lowvalue trips that consumers willingly give up in exchange for financial savings. Distance-based premiums would use "odometer audits" to provide accurate mileage data, which is estimated to have incremental costs averaging $7.50 per vehicle year. Research suggests total benefits of distance-based insurance to be many times greater than costs, with a benefitxost ratio of 50:1 estimated for the case of British Columbia. Motorists are expected to reduce their average...
Стр. 121 - ... subsidized by broader taxes. And with new accounting rules forcing fuller disclosure of deferred maintenance, transportation providers need new sources of revenue to maintain systems, expand choices, and cope with growing travel demand. New non-stop electronic toll technology means motorists don't need to slow down to pay tolls. And HOT lane fees — higher in rush hour and discounted at other times — keep traffic flowing without wasting scarce road capacity like HOV lanes do. This makes it...
Стр. 210 - In addition, other characteristics of some transit systems — high ridership, expensive infrastructure, economic importance, and location (eg, large metropolitan areas or tourist destinations) — also make them attractive targets because of the potential for mass casualties and economic damage.

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