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Nanny will bring it to me." And the good woman, quite disconcerted, hurried out of the room,

Thaddeus looked after her with sensations of admiration and reverence.

"There goes," thought he, "in that lowly and feeble frame, as generous and noble a spirit as ever animated the breast of a princess! Here, Nanny," said he glancing his eye over the paper, "There are the two guineas and a half, with my thanks; and tell your grandmother that I am astonished at her economy.

This affair over, the Count found himself relieved of a grievous load; and turning the remaining money in his hand, how he might replenish his little stock before it were expended, next occupied his attention. Notwithstanding the pawn-broker's civil treatment, he recoiled at again presenting himself at his shop. Besides, should he dispose of all that he possessed, it would not be of sufficient value to subsist him for a month. He must think of some source within himself not likely to be so soon exhausted. To be reduced a second time to the misery of mind that he had experienced yesterday from suspense and wretchedness, appeared too dreadful to be hazarded; and he ran over in his memory the merits of his several accomplish


He could not make any use of his musical talents, for at public exhibitions of himself his soul revolted and as to his literary acquirements, he supposed that his youth, and being a foreigner, would preclude all hope on that head. At length he fond that his sole dependance must rest on his talents for painting. Of this art he had always been remarkably found; and his taste easily perceiv ed, when he passed by several of the print shops in town, that there were many drawings exhibited for sale, much beneath those which he had executed for mere pastime.

He decided at once; and sending Nanny to purchase pencils and Indian ink, set to work.

When he had finished a half a dozen drawings, and was considering how he might find the street wherein he had seen the print-shops, the recollection occurred to him of the impression that his appearance had made on the pawn

broker. He perceived the wide difference between his apparel and the fashion of England; and, seeing with what better security from impertinence he might walk about, if he could so far cast off the relics of his former rank as to change his dress, he got up with an intention to go out and purchase a surtout coat, and hat, for that purpose but catching an accidental view of his figure and the star of St. Stanislaus, as he passed the glass to the door, he no longer wondered at the curiosity which such an appendage, united with poverty had attracted.-Rather than again subject himself to a similar situation, he summoned his young messenger; and through her means furnished himself with an English hat and coat, whilst with his penknife, he cut away the embroidery of the order, from the cloth to which it was affixed.

Thus accoutred, with his hat flapped over his face, and his great-coat wrapped round him, he put his drawings in his bosom, and about eight o'clock walked out on his disagreeable errand. After some wearying search, he at last found Great Newport-Street, the place he wanted; but as he advanced, his hopes died away, and his fears and reluctance awakened.

He stopped at the door of the nearest print shop.-All that he had experienced at the pawn-broker's re-assailed him if possible with redoubled violence. What he had presented there, possessed a fixed value, and was at once to be taken or refused; but now he was going to offer things of mere taste, and he might meet not only with a flat denial, but affronting remarks.

He walked to the threshold of the door, then as hastily withdrew again, and hurried two or three paces down

the street.

"Weak, contemptible, that I am!" said he to himself, as he again turned round, "where is all my reason and rectitude of principle, that I would rather endure the misery of dependence and self-reproach, than face the at tempt to seek support from the fruits of my own indus


He quickened his step, and darted into the shop, almos fearful of his former irresolution. He threw his drawing instantly upon the counter

"Sir, you purchase drawings. I have these to sell Will they suit you?"

The man took them up without deigning to look at the person who accosted him, and turning them over in his hand, " one, two, three, hum! there is half a dozen of them. What do you expect I will give you for the:n?"

"I am not acquainted with the prices of these things." Hearing this, he thought by managing well to get them for what he liked, and throwing them over with an air of contempt resumed :

"And pray, where may the views be taken ?"

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They are recollections of scenes in different parts of Gerinany."

"Ah," replied the man, "mere drugs! I wish my honest friend, that you could have brought subjects not quite so threadbare, and a little better executed; they are but poor things at best!"

Thaddeus, insulted by the speech, and above all, the manner of the prist-seller, was snatching up the drawings to leave the shop without a word, when the man observing his design, and afraid to lose them, laid his hand on the heap, exclaining:

"Let me tell you, young man, it does not become a person in your situation to be so huffy to their employers. 1 will give you a guinea for the six, and you may think yourself well paid."

Without farther hesitation, whilst the Count was striving to subdue the choler that was urging him to knock him down, he had laid the money on the counter, and was slipping the drawings into a drawer, when Thaddeus snatched them out again, suddenly rolled them up, and turning to the confounded print-seller, walked out of the shop as he said:

Not all the wealth you may possess, would tempt an honest man to pollute himself by exchanging a second word with one so contemptible."

Irritated and vexed, he returned home too much provoked to think much of the consequence that might fol low a similar disappointment.

The widow, who had become in some measure used to the fluctuations of the Count's looks and behaviour, cean

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ed altogether to tease him with inquiries which she saw he was loth to answer. She now allowed him to walk in. and out without a remark; and silently contemplated his pale and melancholy countenance, when after a ramble of the greatest part of the day, he returned home exhausted and dispirited.

William was always the first to welcome his friend at the threshold, by running to him, taking hoki of his coat, and asking to go with him up stairs. The Count usually gratified him and unclouding his mind of the gloom that nearly obscured it to devise any little plays which could produce pleasure, where he now found that he felt so much affection, he brightened many dull moments with his innocent caresses.

This child was literally his chief comfort; for he saw, that in him, he could still raise those emotions of happiness, which had once afforded him his sweetest joy. William ever greeted him with smiles; and when he entered the kitchen sprang to his bosom, as if that were the scat of peace, as it was of virtue. But, alas! fortume seemed averse to lend any thing long to the unhappy Thaddeus, which might render his desolate state more tolerable.


Just arisen from the bed of sickness, he rather required the hand of some tender nurse to restore his wasted vigthan be reduced to sustain the hard vigils of poverty and want. His recent disappointment, and a cold that he caught, increased his fever and debility; yet he kept firm to the determination not to appropriate to his own subsistence the sale of the few valuables which he had assigned as a deposit for the charges of his rent; an accordingly, during a fortnight, never tasted any thing bet ter than bread and water, accompanied by the thought that if it ended in his death, his sufferings would then be over, and the widow remunerated by what little of his property might remain.

In this state of body and mind, he received a most pain ful shock, when one evening returning from a walk, in the place of his little favourite, he met Mrs. Robson it tears at the door. She told him that William had been sickening all the day, and was now so delirious that ne ther she nor his sister could hold him quiet.

Thaddeus went to the side of the child's bed, where ho lay gasping on the pillow, with his little face the colour of scarlet, held down by the crying Nanny, The Count

touched his cheek.

"Poor child," exclaimed he, "he is in a high fever. Have you sent for Mr. Vincent?"

"O no, I had not the heart to leave him."

"Then I will go directly," returned Thaddeus; "thers is not a moment to be lost."

The poor woman thanked him. Hastening, through the streets with a velocity and eagerness that nearly overset many of the foot passengers, he arrived at Li coln's Inn Fields; and in less than five minutes after he had quitted Mrs. Robson's door, he brought back the apothecary.

On Mr. Vincent's examining the pulse and countenance of his little patient, he declared the symptoms to be the small pox, which some casualty had repelled, but must be brought out, else the boy's life might be endangered.

Mrs. Robson, in a paroxysm of distress, now recollected that a girl had been brought into her shop three days ago, just recovered from that frightful malady. Thaddeus tried to subdue the fears of the grandmother; and at last succeeded in persuading her to go to bed, whilst he and Nanny would watch by the pillow of the invalid.

Towards morning the disorder broke out in the child's face, and he recovered his recollection.--The moment he fixed his eyes on the Count, who was leaning over him with parental solicitude, he stretched out his little arms, and begged to lie on his breast. Thaddeus refused him gently, fearful that by any change of position, he might catch cold, and so again retard what had now so fortunately appeared; but the poor child felt the denial unkind, and began to weep so violently, that his anxious friend thought it better to gratify him than hazard the irritation of his fever by agitation and crying.

Thaddeus took him out of bed, and rolled him in one of the blankets, laid him in his bosom, drawing his dressing. gown round him to shield his face from the fire, held him in That situation asleep for nearly two hours

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