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said to be six cubits and a span. Of affinity hereto is also the exposition of Jerom; not taking pygmies for dwarfs, but stout and valiant champions; not taking the sense of ʊyn, which signifies the cubit measure, but that which expresseth pugils, that is, men fit for combat and the exercise of the fist. Thus can there be no satisfying illation from this text, the diversity or rather contrariety of expositions and interpretations, distracting more than confirming the truth of the story.1

Again, I say, exact testimonies, in reference unto circumstantial relations so diversely or contrarily delivered. Thus the relation of Aristotle placeth them above Egypt towards the head of the Nile in Africa. Philostratus affirms they are about Ganges in Asia, and Pliny in a third place, that is, Gerania in Scythia; some write they fight with cranes, but Menecles, in Athenæus, affirms they fight with partridges; some say they ride on partridges, and some on the backs of


Lastly, I say, confirmed testimonies; for though Paulus Jovius delivers there are pygmies beyond Japan, Pigafeta, about the Moluccas, and Olaus Magnus placeth them in Greenland, yet wanting frequent confirmation in a matter so confirmable, their affirmation carrieth but slow persuasion, and wise men may think there is as much reality in the pygmies of Paracelsus, that is, his non-adamical men, or middle natures betwixt men and spirits.

There being thus no sufficient confirmation of their verity, some doubt may arise concerning their possibility, wherein, since it is not defined in what dimensions the soul may exercise her faculties, we shall not conclude impossibility, or that there might not be a race of pygmies, as there is sometimes of giants. So may we take in the opinion of Austin, and his comment Ludovicus. But to believe they should be in the stature of a foot or span, requires the preaspection of such a By pygmies intending fairies and other spirits about the earth; as by nymphs and salamanders, spirits of fire and water. Lib. De Pygmæis, Nymphis, &c.

1 story.] The least I suppose that ever was seen and lived long, was Lucius Augustus his dwarfe, who was bipedali minor, librarum septendecim, sed vocis

immensæ. Suetonius in Octavio, $53. Certainly few apes come under this hight.

2 Ludovicus.] Lud. Vives.

one as Philetas, the poet, in Athenæus, who was fain to fasten lead unto his feet, lest the wind should blow him away; or that other in the same author, who was so little ut ad obolum accederet; a story so strange, that we might herein excuse the printer, did not the account of Ælian accord unto it, as Casaubon hath observed in his learned animadversions.

Lastly, if any such nation there were, yet it is ridiculous what men have delivered of them; that they fight with cranes upon the backs of rams or patridges; or what is delivered by Ctesias, that they are negroes in the midst of India, whereof the king of that country entertaineth three thousand archers for his guard, which is a relation below the tale of Oberon; nor could they better defend him than the emblem saith, they offended Hercules whilst he slept, that is, to wound him no deeper than to awake him.


Of the Great Climacterical Year, that is, Sixty-three.

CONCERNING the eyes of the understanding, and those of the sense, are differently deceived in their greatest objects. The sense apprehending them in lesser magnitudes than their dimensions require; so it beholdeth the sun, the stars, and the earth itself. But the understanding quite otherwise; for that ascribeth unto many things far larger horizons than their due circumscriptions require, and receiveth them with amplifications which their reality will not admit. Thus hath it fared with many heroes and most worthy persons, who, being sufficiently commendable from true and unquestionable merits, have received advancement from falsehood and the fruitful stock of fables. Thus hath it happened unto the stars, and luminaries of heaven; who, being sufficiently admirable in themselves, have been set out by effects, no way dependent on their efficiencies, and advanced by amplifications to the questioning of their true endowments. Thus is it not improbable it hath also fared with number, which

though wonderful in itself, and sufficiently magnifiable from its demonstrable affections, hath yet received adjections from the multiplying conceits of men, and stands laden with additions which its equity will not admit.

And so perhaps hath it happened unto the numbers seven and nine, which multiplied into themselves do make up sixty-three, commonly esteemed the great climacterical of our lives. For the days of men are usually cast up by septenaries, and every seventh year conceived to carry some altering character with it, either in the temper of body, mind, or both. But among all other, three are most remarkable, that is, seven times seven, or forty-nine; nine times nine, or eighty-one; and seven times nine, or the year of sixty three, which is conceived to carry with it the most considerable fatality, and consisting of both the other numbers, was apprehended to comprise the virtue of either, is therefore expected and entertained with fear, and esteemed a favour of fate to pass it over; which, notwithstanding, many suspect to be but a panic terror, and men to fear they justly know not what, and to speak indifferently I find no satisfaction, nor any sufficiency in the received grounds to establish a rational fear.

Now herein to omit astrological considerations (which are but rarely introduced,) the popular foundation whereby it hath continued, is first, the extraordinary power and secret virtue conceived to attend these numbers, whereof we must confess there have not wanted, not only especial commendations, but very singular conceptions, Among philosophers, Pythagoras seems to have played the leading part, which was long after continued by his disciples and the Italick school. The philosophy of Plato, and most of the Platonists, abounds in numeral considerations. Above all, Philo, the learned Jew, hath acted this part even to superstition, bestowing divers pages in summing up every thing, which might advantage this number. Which, notwithstanding, when a serious reader shall perpend, he will hardly find any thing that may convince his judgment, or any further persuade than the lenity of his belief, or prejudgment of reason inclineth.3

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For first, not only the numbers seven and nine, from considerations abstruse have been extolled by most, but all or most of the other digits have been as mystically applauded. For the numbers one and three have not been only admired by the heathens, but from adorable grounds, the unity of God, and mystery of the Trinity, admired by many Christians. The number four stands much admired, not only in the quaternity of the elements, (which are the principles of bodies,) but in the letters of the name of God, (which in the Greek, Arabian, Persian, Hebrew and Egyptian, consisteth of that number,) and was so venerable among the Pythagoreans, that they swore by the number four. That of six hath found many leaves in its favour; not only for the days of the creation, but its natural consideration, as being a perfect number, and the first that is completed by its parts, that is the sixth, the half, and the third, 1, 2, 3, which drawn into a sum make six. The number of ten hath been as highly extolled, as containing even, odd, long, plain, quadrate and cubical numbers; and Aristotle observed with admiration, that Barbarians, as well as Greeks, did use a numeration unto ten, which being so general was not to be judged casual, but to have a foundation in nature. So that not only seven and nine, but all the rest have had their eulogies, as may be observed at large in Rhodiginus, and in several writers since; every one extolling number, according to his subject, and as it advantaged the present discourse in hand.

Again, they have been commended, not only from pretended grounds in nature, but from artificial, casual, or fabulous foundations: so have some endeavoured to advance their admiration, from the nine muses, from the seven wonders of the world, from the seven gates of Thebes; in that seven cities contended for Homer, in that there are seven stars in Ursa minor, and seven in Charles's wain, or Plaustrum of Ursa major. Wherein indeed, although the ground be natural, yet, either from constellations or their remarkable

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parts, there is the like occasion to commend any other number; the number five from the stars in Sagitta, three from the girdle of Orion, and four from Equiculus, Crusero, or the feet of the Centaur: yet are such as these clapped in by very good authors, and some not omitted by Philo.

Nor are they only extolled from arbitrary and poetical grounds, but from foundations and principles, false or dubious. That women are menstruant, and men pubescent at the year of twice seven is accounted a punctual truth; which period nevertheless we dare not precisely determine, as having observed a variation and latitude in most, agreeable unto the heat of clime or temper; men arising variously unto virility, according to the activity of causes that promote it. Sanguis menstruosus ad diem, ut plurimum, septimum durat, saith Philo which notwithstanding is repugnant unto experience, and the doctrine of Hippocrates; who in his book, de diæta, plainly affirmeth, it is thus but with few women, and only such as abound with pituitous and watery humours.

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It is further conceived to receive addition, in that there are seven heads of Nile; but we have made manifest elsewhere, that by the description of geographers, they have been sometime more, and are at present fewer; in that there were seven wise men of Greece; which though generally received, yet having enquired into the verity thereof we cannot so readily determine it: for in the life of Thales, who was accounted in that number, Diogenes Laertius plainly saith, Magna de corum numero discordia est, some holding but four, some ten, others twelve, and none agreeing in their names, though according in their number. In that there are just seven planets or errant stars in the lower orbs of heaven: but it is now demonstrable unto sense, that there are many more, as Galileo hath declared; that is, two

Nuncius Syderus.

5 elsewhere,] See book vi, c. 8. 6 more,] Honterus reckoned of old, noe fewer then 16: whereof now the slime of Nilus (since itt was banked in divers places) hath obstructed eleven.Wr.

7 seven,] Yf the sun be sett in the

center of the universe fixte and immoveable, as the Copernicans contend, then there are but 5 primarye planets as they call them. For the moon they say is a secondary planet, and the earthe another. -Wr.-We must suspect an error in this note.

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