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when once sown: whereas now, in this country, and indeed in all Protestant countries, there is no solid and uncompromising principle to be found in any thing: statesmen and churchmen deride the most ancient and sacred things, unless their utility is obvious to the senses of a child. One of the worst parts of Evangelicalism consists in its having carried the war so little into the quarters of the Edinburgh Review.

With respect to the spirit of this Journal, we are willing to mend it, by praying to God to mend ourselves; but we shall not consider it to be mended by differing from the spirit, or from the language, of the Old Testament, but shall esteem it a very great improvement when more of the spirit and language of Moses, and Elijah, and Isaiah, and Ezekiel, is found in every one of our pages. Never will we cease to hold up such a writer as him to whom we have been replying, other than as an impotent and ignorant blasphemer. Whatever "unmitigated contempt " he may feel for our opinions, we implore him, by that tribute of reluctant homage which the "talents" and "ability of this journal have wrung from him, to listen to a very few remarks, before we close this reply. We have no wish, either from false modesty, or from apprehension of egotism, to conceal that amongst the contributors to the Morning Watch are men who have wasted many years in endeavouring to slake that thirst, which the poet so well describes as inherent in all, in streams that were incapable of satisfying. The desire after happiness, which is the moving principle in all mankind, has induced it to be sought after in every region of the sense and of the intellect wherein others seek it. Some have pursued the phantom amidst all the intricacies of by-gone ages; have held converse with the mighty dead, through the medium of every tongue, ancient or living, that could be attained. Some have sought it in the shining paths of modern science; but all the stores of Greece and Rome, Germany and Britain, yet "left an anxious void still aching in the heart." The weary labour of the midnight oil, the noxious fumes of the laboratory, the pestilential odour of the dissecting room, the sulphureous vapours of the mine and of the smelting-house, have all been endured: the dry technicalities of the bar were gilded by the prospects of ambition the harp and the viol, the tabret and the pipe, and wine, in feasts, were captivating, where the work of the Lord was not regarded: the experience of the Royal Preacher was realized, and these things proved to be at last only vanity and vexation of spirit.

O happiness! our being's end and aim,

Good, pleasure, ease, content, whate'er thy name;
That something still which prompts th' eternal sigh,
For which we bear to live, or dare to die;

Which still so near us, yet beyond us lies;
O'erlook'd, seen double, by the fool, and wise;

Plant of celestial seed! if dropped below,

Say in what mortal soil thou deignest to grow.

Deus nobis hæc otia fecit. At length God Himself was seen to be all-satisfying, and found intelligible and accessible in the person of his Son. From this moment a new world was opened. From the invisible was shot a light upon the visible, which removed the mists that formerly obscured it; and the true value of literature, of the creations of art, and of the discoveries of science, was seen and estimated in just proportion. The mens divinior of Plato and Eschylus and Euripides and Dante and Shakespeare; the eloquence of Demosthenes and Cicero and Burke; the powers of Bacon, of Newton, and La Place; the subtilties of the Stagyrite and of Liebnitz, and Kant and Berkeley; the new lights of Watts and Lavoisier and Wollaston and Davy, are felt and appreciated as sensibly as ever. But if all these acquirements were attainable by, and combined in, the person of one individual, they are seen to be still incapable of satisfying the soul of man. The glories of the Creator have more eclipsed the glories of His most glorious work, which such men are, than the meridian sun surpasses the light of an expiring taper. Although Nature's God could not be discovered through Nature, Nature lay disclosed when looked down upon from the throne of Man's Redeemer and Nature's Lord and God. We do earnestly desire to make others participate of this blessedness likewise, not solely for its own sake, but because the alternative of their not sharing it is not merely negative, but involves the eternal ruin and misery of those who reject it. We do not desire to bring an acknowledgment of error from our antagonist, because that would prostrate him at the feet of a fellow-worm, where no man ought to lie. Neither do we desire this for our own sakes, because it would tend to puff us up, as if it were our own powers, and not the truth of the living God, that had gotten Him the victory over the heart of one of His rebellious creatures. We would be content that he should hale us to the death, provided only we could ensure, as the reward of our martyrdom, the gratification of knowing that he would embrace that faith which he is now destroying, and join us hereafter in the courts above, in singing praises to the Lamb who died for us, who washed us in his blood, who has made us kings and priests unto God.

We must, however, in parting, give our antagonist one word of solemn warning. He has, no doubt, some notion, however vague, that the present scene and system is not eternal, but that it must have an end. Since he has never endeavoured to ascertain when that end will come, and since we have endeavoured to ascertain it, our opinion is entitled primâ facie to more consi

deration upon that subject than his. Now we warn him, that the time of the end is come: and we further warn him, that a separation is going on at this hour that we are writing; that some are becoming daily and rapidly more conformed to the mind and will of God, and that others are becoming more hardened against Him. The hearts of the former are also becoming daily more tender, and alive to the motions of God's Spirit; the hearts of the latter are becoming daily more callous. To the former the signs of the coming glories of Jesus Christ are every day more apparent; to the latter the expectation of his appearance seems daily more absurd: increasing light is breaking in upon the former; increasing darkness and obscurity is enveloping the latter. The day of the Lord is coming as a day of ineffable light to the one party, and as a day of blackness and gloominess to the other. Every hour that any one delays to turn to the Lord, the difficulty of his ever doing so is increased. For eighteen hundred years has God stretched out his hands of reconciliation to a disobedient and a gainsaying people; but the day of salvation is on the point of closing to this world for ever. The Lamb, who has been despised and rejected, is now shewing signs of his wrath, and of his coming forth of his hiding place with the strength and vengeance of a young lion, to tear his enemies in pieces, and to stain his garments in their blood. We see symptoms of a preparatory hardening on every side, and a greater impossibility than ever of making men understand the merest elements of Christian verity ;-a difficulty the more grievous, as we feel an increased anxiety to proclaim the truth, from the conviction of the shortness of time which is left in which we can labour. Our conviction of this truth, long since derived from other and independent sources, is greatly strengthened by the manifested display of the power of the Holy Ghost in the persons of some of God's servants; because, the more extraordinary we admit it to be, the more are we bound to believe that the state of the church, which has called it forth, is becoming extraordinary also. The practical effect upon ourselves of the manifestation, may be summed up in two general heads. First, a stronger conviction that the appearance of Christ to take his saints to himself in the air, and the judgment, to the final destruction, of all the other inhabitants of Christendom, may be expected instantly: Secondly, that those who possess the Holy Ghost in power being thereby endowed with superhuman courage and boldness, a state of peril, through persecution of Infidels, joined probably by many calling themselves Evangelical, is to be anticipated for the true mystical members of Christ, from which nothing but His coming to their rescue can deliver them.



We now fulfil our promise of publishing some of the many cases of healing which have come to our knowledge. We select the most recent of them; and shall from time to time publish others, as they come to our knowledge: and we urge it as a duty upon all who experience the mercy of God, to give glory to Him by publicly declaring it; that others, in like affliction, may have their faith strengthened, and in like manner be healed.


The first case is attested by two clergymen of the Church of England, of the highest respectability; one of whom holds a prebendal stall in a neighbouring cathedral, and who writes of Mrs. Maxwell as follows, under date July 8:-"I have been here more than twenty-five years, and it was, I think, about a year after I came that she began to be lame, and had gradually, I understand, been growing worse. I saw her about a year and a half ago, and she then could not move from one chair to another without crutches. She can now walk perfectly well; and her recovery certainly was, as you have stated, instantaneous. It was on a Sunday evening, when, after her private devotions, she felt that she had strength to rise: she did so, and found her strength perfectly restored, and walked down stairs completely recovered. These circumstances I had from herself, in a long walk which she took with me in my garden."

The left knee had been bad for twenty-three years it was regarded as a hopeless case by all the medical men who attended her, and one of them told her so. That limb was at first affected by a rheumatic swelling, and very active measures were used, which Mrs. Maxwell was told had injured the bone: from that period it was always weaker, thinner, and often painful, and particularly susceptible of cold; so much so, that she apprehended paralysis. The other knee received an injury upon the cap eight years ago, which, being neglected for two months, became a serious case for surgical care, and was pronounced by some who attended her to be a white swelling of a mild nature. The active remedies of blisters, leeches, &c. only tended to increase the bad symptoms; and after the milder applications of fomentations, poultices, and various others, the complaint settled into a chronic affection; which for the first three or four years it was hoped would have yielded to perfect rest; but, as every little exertion brought on a return of pain and swelling, this lady's difficulty of walking continued to increase; and three years and a half ago she was obliged to use crutches, being unable any longer to move without them. After using them three or four times she attempted to walk down stairs with them, and, from want of practice, fell forwards, down fourteen steps, into a stone

passage, rapping her knees on the edges of the stairs as she fell; by which she became so bruised and shaken, that she was confined to her bed, lost much of her health and strength, and was many weeks before she could stand at all, even with the help of crutches. She was, however, so far restored as again to have the power of getting up and down stairs: the surgeon who attended her told her, that all she could expect was to keep off active disease by perfect rest, as the muscular power in both limbs was so far destroyed as to leave no hope of any return of strength; and sponging with cold water was all the remedy used from that time, except in one instance, when an attempt was made at drawing the pain from the right knee by an application in the foot, which was always either painfully hot or cold. For the last three weeks previous to her cure she had been confined up stairs, from inability to move. About six weeks before

her cure, the account of Miss Fancourt's case fell into her hands, which led her first to ask also for a removal of her own affliction. Before this, she had only sought resignation patiently to endure. The remainder of the narrative must be stated in her own words.

"The extraordinary motion put into my limbs while praying, leaves no doubt upon my mind, that, had I then risen from my bed, the cure would have been performed; but I reasoned upon it; and although I stopped praying, and tried to compose myself several times, and the motion always returned when I resumed my prayer, I dared not get up, lest I should fall; and so my prayers ended with a feeling of disappointment. I did not like to speak of this, though it made a great impression upon my mind; and on the 6th of February, while praying fervently for spiritual blessings, I was again led to pray for the cure of my limbs, when the words, Did I not tell thee, that if thou wouldst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God?' were most powerfully applied; my faith increased, and I pleaded the promise, desiring only to know the Lord's will, not doubting his power. After some time, being exhausted, I was sitting, under the most soothing influence of the Spirit, contemplating the text Keep yourself in the love of God, and in the patient waiting for Christ,' when a desire suddenly came into my mind, that, if it were the Lord's will to restore me, He would put the same involuntary motion into my limb that I had before experienced, as a signal for me to rise and walk: upon which I resumed my petitions, through our great Mediator and Advocate, with this request; when the motion instantly returned. I rose up, leaning for a moment on the table, to ascertain the degree of strength given; and, finding I could stand, I moved forward, without any other support than the arm of Omnipotence, praising God with a heart filled with gratitude and perfect love. The blessedness imparted to my soul seemed almost to make me forget the wonderful cure wrought in my limbs, and for many weeks I really think the happiness I enjoyed could scarcely be exceeded by that of angels; and the presence of the Lord seemed so constantly and powerfully manifested, that I had

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