Lesson. 38. The Isles of Greece. 39. The Puritans. 40. Importance of Knowledge to the Mechanic. G. B. EMERSON. 126 41. Effects of the Modern Diffusion of Knowledge... WAYLAND. 128 42. Life on the Prairies. 43. Sunrise on the Hills. 44. The Spirit of Beauty. 45. The Frost... 46. A Winter Morning... 47. Curiosity 48. The Nile.. Dublin University Magazine. 144 49. Description of Niagara. 50. The Fall of Switzerland.. 51. Hymn before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamouni... Coleridge. 156 52. Hymn of Nature.... 53. Passage down the Ohio........ 54. An Evening Reverie 55. Patrick Henry... 56. Speech of Patrick Henry..... 57. Free Institutions of Government, 58. Our Country. 59. New England... 60. The Village Blacksmith. 61. A Psalm of Life.. 62. The Cataract and the Streamlet 63. Advantages of a Cultivated Taste...: 64. A Bee Hunt... 65. Thoughts on Autumn. 66. Thanksgiving.. 67. On the Receipt of my Mother's Picture.. 68. To the Past.... 69. Better Moments. 70. Extracts from Messiah..... 71. A Water Party in Danger....... 72. Gems of Poetry....... 73. On the Improvement in the Construction of School- Houses.. 74. True Regard towards Animals... 75. Industry necessary to form the Orator... HENRY WARE, JR. 219 76. Lament for Mary. 77. Seasons of Prayer.............. 78. The Hermit.... 79. The Beadsman of Nithside.. 80. Moss-Side 81. Same Subject, concluded... 82. Regard paid by the Orator and the Poet to the Perfee- tion of Man.... 83. Extract from Paradise and the Peri.... 84. To the Ursa Major.. 85. Prince Arthur - Hubert - Attendants. 86. Gesler and Tell... 27. On the Value of Time to Man. ISAAC C. BATES. 261 88. Extract from a Speech delivered in Congress on the In- 89. Fulton's Account of his First Steamboat..... JOSEPH STORY. 264 dian Bill... 92. The Coming of the Pilgrims.. 95. On the Nature of Thunder Storms... 96. Duties of American Citizens...... 97. On the Death of President Harrison... 98. The Hour of Death......... 99. The Graves of a Household..... 101. The Coronation of Winter..... 103. The Hermit of Niagara.......... 105. Ode on the Passions...... 118. Conclusion of a Discourse, &c.......... JOSEPH STORY. 338 121. Speech of Catiline before the Roman Senate. Croly's Catiline. 346 122. Cato's Soliloquy on the Immortality of the Soul... Addison. 347 .IBID. 457 148. George Washington.... Pilgrim 149. Pilgrim's Progress. 150. The Mummy..... 151. Hymn to the Flowers.. 142. A Song for St. Cecilia's Day...... 153. The Sailor's Mother.... 154. Speech upon the Bill for the Relief of the Widow of General Harrison... 155. Power of Conscience...... 156. The Broken Heart... 157. Idea of a Perfect Woman.. 158. The Millennium....... 159. The Idea of a State........ 160. The Passage...... 161. Rosamund Gray. 162. The Influence of Poetry.... 163. Evidences of Christianity... 165. A Paraphrase on Psalm LXXIV. 166. Tribute to the enterprising Spirit of the New Eng- land Colonists...... 164. Extract from the Life of Jeremiah Smith.. J. H. MORISON. 460 167. Apostrophe to the Queen of France. 168. Intemperance.. 169. The Life of a Looking-Glass,. 170. Same Subject, concluded,.. GLOSSARY...... ........................ Barton, Bernard. ...62. Gallagher, William D.......142. BATES, ISAAC C.........88, 154. GOODRICH, S. G............146. Beattie, James... ...78. GOULD, HANNAH F......45, 145. BEECHER, LYMAN.... ..168. Grahame, James..........4, 29. Bigland, John...... ...7. GREENWOOD, F. W. P.........8. Bonhote, ..6. Bowring, John BREWER, T. M........ 4, 9. 147 BRYANT, W. C....14, 54, 68, 109. 167. IRVING, WASHINGTON.. 17, 18, 42, 108. Johnson, Samuel... ..5. Jones, Sir William 159. KENDALL, GEORGE W....33, 34. Lamb, Charles.......161. PARK, EDWARDS A...... ..82. PAGE, D. P...... 73. Uhland, (translated,).......160. UPHAM, CHARLES W........148. PAULDING, JAMES K..........53. PEABODY, W. B. O...........52. WARE, HENRY, JR....75, 77, 84. PERCIVAL, J. G...... ..59. WAYLAND, FRANCIS .41. PHILLIPS, STEPHEN C.......133. WEBSTER, DANIEL.......58, 91, 138, 139, 155. Pope, Alexander....... 70. Williams, Miss 165. PRENTICE, GEORGE D........16. WILLIS, N. P.... 69. PUTNAM, GEORGE.. ..97. Wilson, John ......4, 37, 80, 81. Wilson, Alexander. ..104. Review, Edinburgh..........95. WIRT, WILLIAM 134. ...4. Wolfe,... ..........76, 131. Ross, E. H ............ 126, 127. Wordsworth, William.....31, 32. Scott, Sir Walter.............72 YOUNG, ALEXANDER...1, 28, 119. |