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to be his wife. Well did he deserve the benedictions that followed the public recognition of his right; and worthily was his disinterested conduct rewarded, by the bestowal of a wife fitted by all the graceful and lofty qualities that adorn the female character, to build up his house and render it famous in Bethlehem. And though he could not know the real greatness of the line of which he was the founder, nor had intimation of the more than royal majesty of his descendant Emanuel, yet he was blessed in the offspring of this auspicious marriage. It has been remarked that the mingling of foreign with Jewish blood in the ancestors of the Messiah, signified the future union of Gentiles with the chosen people, in the Christian church.

In each of the individuals of this family we may see admirable traits, well suited to their several conditions. In Naomi, the resignation that tempers sorrow, patience under misfortune, tender sensibility, and disinterestedness; in Ruth, the most attractive modesty and humility, joined with warm affection, fidelity, and piety; in Boaz, generous consideration for others, open truthfulness, and freedom from all that is sordid or selfish, with steadfast rectitude of purpose, and dignity of deportment, which could spring only from an elevated soul. It is most interesting to observe how these qualities act upon each other with a highly dramatic effect in some of the various situations; and how they are enhanced in beauty by the romantic colouring thrown over them in the delineation of simple pastoral life. The introduction of the narrative between histories full of stirring political events, adds the interest of contrast to the quiet domestic picture; while the evident purpose of its insertion, to record information concerning the genealogy of the Saviour, impresses us as we read, and strengthens the effect of the lesson so touchingly conveyed.




IN royal families the ties of relationship seldom bind so closely as in humbler life. The forms of a court and the duties of public station tend to weaken the feeling of mutual dependence, and separate the members one from another, while expediency rather than affection too often directs the choice which is the root of other relations. The career of Saul as a monarch arrests the attention of every reader, while his character as a husband and father is touched upon more slightly. But we may learn something of it from the prominent illustrative incidents mentioned in his history.

When the people of Israel demanded that their form of national government should be changed into a monarchy, desiring to have their polity like that of other nations, the selection of the sovereign was made by Divine direction. The first appearance of the son of the Benjamitish chieftain produces in the reader's mind a strong impression in his favour. He possessed striking advantages of person, with external accomplishments valued in that age and country as peculiarly fitting him for eminent station. The modesty with which he disclaimed the distinctions offered him by Samuel, and the surprise he expressed at the first intimation of his high destiny, show a spirit as yet unsoiled by pride or ambition. When he met the company of prophets coming down from the high place, with psaltery and tabret and pipe and harp, his soul was kindled with lofty thoughts, and he joined with such enthusiasm. in their hymns of praise as to excite the wonder of all who knew him previously, and could not account for the sudden change.

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