Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations for 2003: FBI reorganizationU.S. Government Printing Office, 2002 |
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activities additional al Qaeda analytical analytical capacity areas Attorney capabilities Chairman changes Combating Terrorism Committee concern CONGRESS THE LIBRARY coordinate counterintelligence Counterterrorism Division criminal investigations culture Defense Science Board Department of Homeland develop Director Mueller Drug Enforcement Administration efforts enhance ensure expertise FBI agents FBI field FBI headquarters FBI reorganization FBI's field offices flying squad focus going Homeland Security implementation improve information sharing Infrastructure Protection issues Joint Terrorism Task Justice law enforcement law enforcement agencies leadership LIBRARY OF CONGRESS mission MOLLOHAN NIPC operations organization organizational PENTTBOM personnel priorities proactive problem proposed prosecution question realignment reorganization plan responsibility restructuring SAVAGE September 11th Serrano shift SIOC special agents staff strategic plan Subcommittee Terrorism Task Force terrorist attacks TFOS Thank things THORNBURGH threat tion transformation Trilogy United violent crime Washington white-collar crime WOLF
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 6 - Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
Стр. 12 - FBI's focus is to: 1. Protect the United States from terrorist attack. 2. Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage. 3. Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and hightechnology crimes. 4. Combat public corruption at all levels. 5. Protect civil rights. 6. Combat transnational and national criminal organizations and enterprises. 7. Combat major white-collar crime. 8. Combat significant violent crime. 9. Support federal, state, municipal, and international...
Стр. 7 - they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Стр. 82 - March 20, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Federal Response Teams Provide Varied Capabilities: Opportunities Remain to Improve Coordination.
Стр. 137 - The TFOS is both an operational and coordinating entity with pro-active and reactive responsibilities. As a coordinating entity, the TFOS is responsible for ensuring that a unified approach is pursued when investigating terrorist financing networks.
Стр. 63 - Management control to employee empowerment Reactive behavior to proactive approaches Avoiding new technologies to embracing and leveraging them • Hoarding knowledge to sharing knowledge • Avoiding risk to managing risk • Protecting turf to forming partnerships.
Стр. 75 - ... people are its most important asset. People define an organization, affect its capacity to perform, and represent the knowledge base of the organization. In an effort to help agency leaders integrate human capital considerations into daily decisionmaking and in the program results they seek to achieve, we have recently released an exposure draft of a model of strategic human capital management that highlights the kinds of thinking that agencies should apply and steps they can take to manage their...
Стр. 134 - Foreign Languages: Human Capital Approach Needed to Correct Staffing and Proficiency Shortfalls, GAO-02-375 (Washington, DC: Jan.
Стр. 136 - US Customs Service; US Secret Service; Internal Revenue Service; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Office of the Inspector General, Department of Agriculture; US Postal Inspection Service; Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Department of State...
Стр. 82 - May 9, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Observations on Options to Improve the Federal Response. GAO01-660T. Washington, DC: April 24, 2001. Combating Terrorism: Comments on Counterterrorism Leadership and National Strategy. GAO-01-556T. Washington, DC: March 27, 2001.