rich, Carwardine, Barber, Dickenson, Mevrick, Williams, Blackburn, Shadwell, Denman, Peterhouse. Messrs. Nedham, Ireland, King, Willesford, Mould, Perigal, Bingley, 7 Clare ball. Messr. Rayley, Baker, Venables, Mason, Bayley, Best, 6 Caius college. Messrs. Thorpe, Talbot, Norford, Barker, Jones, Bene't college. Mr. D'Oyley, Queen's college. Mr. Barker, Catharine ball. Messrs. Ponsonby, Williamson, Hutchinson, Jesus college. Messrs. Rockett, Warneford, Woodward, Boodle, 4 Christ's college. Messrs. Parker, Rowlands, Holland, Magdalen college. Messrs. Solly, Hogg, Overton, Scott, Emmanuel college. Messrs. Gilbert, Lister, Pemberton, Kekewich, Sidney college. Messrs, Young, Chafy, Master of Arts by Mandate. John Martin Cripps, Esq. Fellow-commoner of Jesus college. admitted ad eundem. 15.] The Rev. Richard Baker, reader of St. James's church, Bury St. Edmund's, is presented, by the Right Hon. Lord Hervey, to the rec tory of Botley, in Hampshire. The Rev. William Greenwood, B. D. late Fellow of St. John's college, is presented, by his brother-in-law, John Smith, Esq. of Ousden hall, to the living of Ousden, vacant by the death of the Rev. Dr. Frampton. 23. The Rev. Samuel Joliffe Tufnel, M. A. of Trinity college, is presented, by the Lord Chancellor, to the rectory of West Stoke, in the county of Sussex. On Sunday, June 26, 1803, the Rev. Matthew Skinner, student of Christ's Church, Oxford, was inducted into the united livings of Wood Norton and Swanton Novers, in the county of Norfolk, presented to him by the dean and chapter of the said college. MONTHLY OBITUARY, WITH ANECDOTES OF DISTIN GUISHED PERSONS. T Exeter, Mr. William Jackson, organist of the Cathedral, and an May, 1730. His father was an eminent grocer, and afterwards master of the city workhouse. Young Jackson received a liberal education, and having an inclination to music, he was placed under Mr. Travers, organist of Exeter Cathedral, with whom he continued two years. On leaving him he went to London, and after improving himself with all the advantages he could, he returned to his native place, where he taught music with great reputation for many years.. He also published, from time to time, many delightful pieces of composition. In 1777, he was appointed organist, subchanter, and lay-vicar, and master of the choristers in Exeter Cathedral. He married early in life, and had several children, three of whom only are living, two sons and a daughter. The eldest of the sons went to India, and returned with a handsome fortune to his native city. He afterwards accompanied Lord Macartney on his mission to the court of China. The youngest son has distinguished him self self in a diplomatic capacity, as Charge d'Affaires both at Turin and Paris. In 1782, Mr. Jackson published two small volumes, "Thirty Letters on various Subjects," which were well received by the public, and, in 1795, were republished, with additions, in octavo. In 1791, he published a pamphlet, "On the present State of Music in London," of which there was, in a short time, a second edition. In 1797, he published a sequel to his Letters, under the title of "The Four Ages, with Essays on various Subjects." Mr. Jackson was a member of the Literary Society at Exeter, which institution has lately received a great loss in the death of two valuable members, viz. The subject of the present notice, and the Rev. Richard Hole, LL. B. formerly of Exeter College, Oxford, and recently Rector of Farringdon and Inwardleigh, Devon. He was the author of several ingenious and learned publications, particularly of a Translation of Homer's (supposed) Hymn to Ceres, 8vo. and Remarks on the Arabian Nights Entertainments," 12mo. An Account of Dr. FINCH, taken from the Obituary of the Gentleman's Magazine for May, 1803. He 18th of May. FULL of years and good works, the Reverend Robert Pool Finch, D. D. Prebendary of Westminster, and Rector of St. John the Evangelist. His unblemished life and conversation exhibited a faithful comment upon the sacred duties of his profession, which, for more than half a century, he discharged in a most conscientious manner. was admitted a member of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, at a very early period of life, and took his bachelor's degree at an age when most young men commence their academical studies. He entered into holy orders unusually early; his letters of deacon's orders bear date Sept. 23, 1744. Scarcely had he attained his twenty-third year, when he was appointed to the curacy of a large and populous parish in the vicinity of the metropolis; a serious charge to be entrusted to so young a divine. Notwithstanding his youth, he conducted himself with the greatest discretion, and never forgot the dignified gravity of the clerical character. He did not long continue in this situation, being soon afterwards appointed to a still more important station. Immediately after he had taken priest's orders, he was unanimously chosen chaplain of Guy's hos pital. The arduous and painful duties of this trying situation he discharged in a most exemplary manner, during a residence of thirty-seven years. He was peculiarly attentive to the administration of that most solemn and awful rite, the visitation of the sick, ever anxious to admi nister comfort to the afflicted, and hope to to the dying. He was also engaged in a curacy in the metropolis, which he held for a considerable Space of time, with much credit to himself, and to the great satisfaction of the rector and parishioners. In 1755 he was elected to the weekly lectureship at St. Bartholomew's, behind the Exchange, in the gift of the Haberdasher's company. He held this preferment to the day of his death, and was highly sensible of the esteem and respect which he al ways met with from his worthy patrons. Having been long and labo riously engaged in the more humble though not less useful or respectable rank of the clerical profession, he was chosen rector of St. Mi chael's, Cornhill, in 1771, and in 1781, was promoted to a prebend in the church of Westminster. Soon after his promotion, he was collated by the dean and chapter to the rectory of St. John's, Westminster, and in the following year resigned the living of St. Michael. Though not Fol. V. Churchm. Mag. July 1803. I SO so laborionly engaged as he had been in the prime of life, he did not for get the trust he had accepted as rector of St. John's. He constantly filled the pulpit on Sundays, and was anxious to assist at the grand festivals, not one of which did he absent himself from, except in the last year of his life, when, to his infinite regret, he was rendered incapable of attending by the infirmities of age. Constantly occupied as he had been for a series of years, in the discharge of his official duties, he did not omit to employ his pen in the cause of Christianity. He published several occasional sermons and useful tracts, which were well received by the public. One of his discourses, written at the conclusion of the grand rebellion, a very early specimen of his talents, is a peculiarly neat composition. As a scholar, he distinguished himself in the divinity school at Cambridge, when he kept the statutable exercise for his doc. tor's degree, in 1772. His able exertions upon that occasion, procured him the merited applause of the very learned professor, then recently ad vanced to the chair. In political matters he was not given to meddle. He was a firm friend to our unrivalled constitution in church and state. The summary of his politics was, "Fear God and honour the king." In the active scenes of life he had been invariably engaged, ever ready to assist in promoting laudable designs. To the society for maintaining and educating the orphans of poor clergymen, he had been a zealous friend, and from its infancy a kind protector. His benevolence was extensive; with him the widow and the orphan pleaded not their cause in vain. His conduct, as treasurer to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, during a service of more than twenty years, was marked with a disinterested zeal, integrity and independence. Courteous to all, yet firm in maintaining his opinion, which was the result of a sound judgment. Upon all occasions, studious to exemplify, as well as enforce that incomparable precept, "Let your moderation be known unto all men." In numerous assemblies there must be a difference of sentiment; that difference it was his constant aim to reconcile as much as possible. When the debility of age obliged him to relinquish that ho nourable but burthensome office, his resignation was received with uni versal regret, and his long and faithful services were crowned with the most ample and generous testimony of approbation. In all the social and relative duties he was conspicuouly eminent. To an uncommonly fine and graceful person, he added the accomplished manners of a complete gentleman, which he retained almost to the last moment of his life. His deportment was such as to gain respect from majesty itself, from men of high degree and low degree. Having fulfilled the various duties of a good and faithful servant, he fiinshed his mortal course in the 80th year of his age, enjoying the esteem of all good men, and in the earnest hope of a joyful resurrection. June 29. Sunday last, at Hook Norton, in Oxfordshire, aged forty-one, greatly lamented by, all who knew her, Mrs. Bailey, wife of Mr. James Bailey, collector of excise, Bristol. Wednesday last, at his house in Oxford, Mr. John Stevens, one of the yeomen bedells in that university, aged fixty-eight. On Sunday, in the 77th year of his age, Mr. Edward Yorke, late up. holsterer, in Cambridge. He had retired from business, through misfortunes and indisposition, a few years ago, and left the world deservedly esteemed and regretted by all who knew him. On Wednesday se'nnight, at Riby Grove, near Castor, in the county of Lincoln, Marmaduke Tomline, Esq. He had no near relations, and has has left the principal part of his property, to a considerable amount, to the Bishop of Lincoln. On Sunday, at Southampton, Mrs. Smith, wife of William Smith, Esq, and sister to the Rev. the Provost of King's college, Cambridge, On Sunday evening, in the 56th year of her age, Mrs. Dixon, relict of the late Mr. Jacob Dixon, attorney at law, Wisbech, On Wednesday se'nnight, after a long illness, Mr. J. Swansborough, stonemason, of Wisbech. Yesterday se'nnight, suddenly, Mr. Joseph Carpenter, farmer, of North Luffenham, Rutland. It is but a just tribute to the memory of the late Capt. Derisly, of Thetford, (whose death was announced last week) to observe that no man ever lived more truly beloved and respected by all classes who had the happiness of knowing him, nor can the loss of any one be more sincerely lamented by his family and friends. Tuesday last, suddenly, Mr. Wm Palmer, aged 75, of St. Peter's in the East, in the city of Oxford. Mrs. Palmer died in a similar way last year, coming from Littlemore. On Sunday morning, Miss Sarah Bullen, second daughter of Alderman Bullen, of Barnwell Abbey. On Monday last, at Brandon, Mr. John Webb, late a sorter in the General-post-office. Monday se'nnight, greatly regretted, at her mother's house at North Repps, the lady of William Colhoun, Esq. late of Wretham. On Wednesday, Mrs. Cumming, wife of Mr. Cumming, schoolmaster, at Trumpington. On the 2d inst. died, at Teddington in Middlesex, the Rev. Philip Eneas Mackenzie, rector of that parish, and formerly of St. John's college, B. A. 1787; M. A. 1790. On Friday se'nnight, at Belton in Leicestershire, the Rev. James Glazebrook, vicar of Belton, and minister of St. James's Latchford, near Warrington, Lancashire. On Tuesday, aged 77, Mrs. Elsdon, of Stamford. On the 9th instant, at Cheltenham, Miss Eliz. Bentham, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Bentham, canon of Ch. Ch. and Regius Professor of Divinity. On Saturday last, Miss Harriott Gough, daughter of Mr. Gough, of Souldern, in the county of Oxford. On Monday last, Miss Scott, daughter of the Rev. William Scott, rector of Willersey, Gloucestershire.-A young lady in whom were happily blended that amiableness of disposition and refined sense which did honour to her sex. On Tuesday last, aged 78, Mrs. Hester Curtis, widow of the late Mr. R. Curtis, cook of Exeter coll. Oxford. On Tuesday last, suddenly, at Mr. Slatter's, in Holliwell, Mr. John Fry, of Sandford, aged 47. Wednesday last, after a very short illness, the Rev. Thomas Shaw, of Magdalen-Hall, Oxford. On the 15th instant, died, at Rath, the Lady of Colonel Ferguson, and daughter of Sir Hector Monro, K. B. Lately The Hon. Mr. Foley, M. P. for Worcester, uncle of Foley. JULY 2.] On Sunday morning last, the infant son of Robert Lambert, Esq. of the Royal Navy, at his house in Somerset-street, Portmansquare. On Friday night, the infant daughter of Lord G. H. Cavendish. 4. On Saturday, after a week's illness, Mr. Thomas Evans, for merly an eminent bookseller in Paternoster-row. At Portsmouth, on the 24th ult. aged 69, Major-general Charles Jackman, of the Royal Marines, who served 46 years as an officer in this truly ufeful corps. On Saturday, at his house in Bath, sincerely regretted, the Rev. Wm. Somerville, A. M. of Dinder, in the county of Somerset, Prebendary of Wells, Rector of Somerville's Aston, and Vicar of Bibury, in the' county of Gloucester. On the 19th ult. at his house, the Grove, near Aberdeen, in the 79th year of his age, the Rev. Dr. Brown, universally regretted and respected.. 5.] Lately, in the island of Corfu, Mr. Robert Cole, eldest son of Mr. Cole, of the Strand. On Saturday, at Teddington, the Rev. Ph. Mackenzie. On the 21st of June, at Winchester, where she went for the benefit of her health, Mrs. Elizabeth French, relict of George French, Esq. of East-street, Bermondsey. 6.] On Saturday the 2d inst. at Dartford, Kent, Mrs. Fooks, wife of Mr. Fooks, of that place, solicitor. Lately, in Dublin, Robert Jephson, Esq. author of Braganza, the Count of Narbonne, and several other literary works. Monday, at his house, at Islington, the Rev. Anthony Crole. 8.] On the 25th ult. at Tyrella, near Downpatrick, Ireland, Mrs. Hamilton, relict of the Hon. Mr. Baron Hamilton. Wednesday, at his house, Coachmaker's Hall, Richard Thomas Hopkins, aged 56. 9.J On Monday last, in his 6th year, at Thomas Godwin's, Esq. Vicar's hill, near Lymington, master Thomas Goldwin Strickle, the youngest son of John Hale Strickle, Esq of Rickmansworth, Herts. On Thursday morning, of an apoplexy, Samuel Martin, Esq. late of the island of Tortola. 11.] Last week, in Guildford-street, aged two years, the youngest daughter of James Scarlett, Esq. barrister at law. 12.] On Sunday last, in Soho-square, Miss Deck, aged 19, of an in, flammation in the brain. Sunday last, at his house, at Hornsey, Middlesex, John Yarnton, Esq. of Coleman-street, London. 14.] On Friday last, at His Lordship's house, in Hertford-street, the youngest daughter of Lord Bruce, aged four years. Lately, at Gibraltar, in the 23d of his age, Mr. Charles Douglas Morrison, after a short illness. On the 3d inst. in Sackville-street, Dublin, Sir Anthony Brabazon, Bart. of Newpark, county of Mayo. 15.] Sunday se'nnight, at his house in George-street, Edinburgh, Neil Ferguson, Esq. of Pitcullo, Sheriff depute of the counties of Fife and Kinross. Yesterday, the Rev. Samuel Harper, F. R. S. upwards of 47 years librarian of the British Museum, and 37 years chaplain to the Foundling Hospital. On Monday, at Catisfield, Hants, Vice-Admiral Robert Biggs. 18.] On Thursday evening, William Browne, Esq. of Watling-street,. at his house, East Sheen, Surrey.' Yesterday morning, of a deep decline, in the 30th year of her age, Mrs. Gerrard, of Great Suffolk.Street. On the 13th inst. Mrs. Mary Durant, relict of the late Mr. George Durant, of Spital-square. On |