193 A CARD OF INVITATION, TO THE REV. J. J. CONYBEARE, A. M. ANGLO-SAXON PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Ad quæ si properas gaudia, cum tuâ Plenâ dives ut in domo. HORAT. od. xii. lib. 4. I. IF pickled Pilchards, clouted cream, Dory, or Mullet, be a theme For a Professor's ear; If there's a charm in smuggled wines With noble lords and rich divines At Christ-Church half the year: II. Then welcome, Conybeare; for thou Canst ease the heart, and smooth the brow, That mock Lenæan art. K Nurs'd in one soil we flourish'd both, That spread their meeting arms, as loath III. Alike, but with unequal pace, One classic path we lov'd to trace; Each breast one soul inform❜d: Joint minstrels of the selfsame rhyme, We've trimm'd our taper from the chime Of midnight to the matin prime, With mutual rapture warm'd. IV. The maze of Fancy to pursue Thy Genius lent the ready clew; Or if I sketch'd the line, Thy master hand reform'd the thought, As when Creation sprung from nought And felt the shock divine. ས. Then come. In truth it ill beseems To grace a brighter sphere, Thy sterling wit from Attic store, Has purg'd the dross, but left the ore VI. Not that in these Damnonian mines Aught with a rival lustre shines; Or claims a kindred verse: So, to be candid, come or not: VII. Think'st thou gratuitous to share Go seek a wealthier host: Let gen'rous Chancellors afford To Delegates the costly board; Here would'st thou feast, the reckoning's scor'd, VIII. For Pilchards,* Hollybots, and Cream, Item, for smuggled Port, a tome Filch'd from Old Bodley's musty dome; For Capons, Knights and Squires of Rome ;+ * The provincial name for Plaice. + Octavian, Emperor of Rome; a Romance abridged from a MS. in the Bodleian Library, and dedicated to the Author by the learned and ingenious Friend, who is the subject of the present Invitation. WRITTEN ON AN ISLET IN NEWICK PARK. ΠΑΝΙ. ΦΙΛΟΣΠΗΛΥΓΓΙ. ΚΑΙ. ΟΥΡΕΟΦΟΙΤΑCI. ΝΥΜΦΑΙΟ. KAI. CATYPOIC. IEPAICT'. ENAON. AMAAPTACI. To you, ye Mountain Nymphs and Sylvan Maids, And Pan, the Monarch of these haunted shades. I. SAY, Genii of the rural isle, Where Art, to mimick Nature's smile In miniature profuse, Bids the luxuriant osiers grow, And lilies from the stream below Drink their essential juice: II. There, emblem of Marcello's doom, The Cystus sheds his early bloom Ere half the germs unfold; Laburnum there, with graceful flow, Affects the drooping guise of woe, And weeps a shower of gold:* * Alluding to the French name, Pluie d'or. |