Mrs. Sow lay in straw, but had open'd her sty To inspect the stray masks, as they chanc'd to pass by; 'Twas a tiny boudoir, rather straighten'd for room,
Where she welcom❜d her guests in a Chinese costume; While her new-litter'd brood made a marvellous show, Like so many Josses, all squat in a row.
But the grand Rendezvous was a Terrace, that stood Round about a wide plain, that was circled with wood, Like a vast amphitheatre-straight from whose centre An avenue branch'd, where they all were to enter: There spruce Marmoset, with a reverence due, Receiv'd all his friends, as they made their debut, In a suit-to exhibit a greater display-
Precisely the same as depicted by Gay;
The same Bag and Sword, and the well-powder'd hair, And the Chapeau de bras, and the black Solitaire : As for mask, he wore none, as befitted his post; For that night he enacted the part of mine host. But my Lady Baboon in a drap'ry of Shawl, Like the great Munny Begum arriv'd from Bengal, Sat thron'd on a Cushion for pomp and repose, With a Fan in her hand, and a Ring at her nose :
To her all the company bow'd as they pass'd; But their names to recount from the first to the last, How all were accoutred, what each represented, Were a task, if endeavour'd, might well be repented: Such motley disguises would surely perplex Linnæus himself to determine their sex;
And their tongues to interpret, their morals explain, Might puzzle the wit of unrivall❜d Fontaine.
But to follow the list handed down by tradition— The Lion first honour'd this grand exhibition ;
But not in full state; for the Crown, and the Globe, And the Sceptre that night, and the long-flowing robe, Were consign'd to the Ass, who, erecting his ears, Appear'd as King Midas just fresh from the sheers. The Monarch himself, with his royal relation, Prince Leopard, of course came by self-invitation, In Vizors of gold, and fine Turbans array'd, And in rich purple Dominos fac'd with Brocade, The Elephant copied his mask from a Bramin, But was much at a loss his proboscis to cram in, Which aside like the tube of a Hookah he twirl'd, And emitted a puff, that might stifle the world.
From far Abyssinia the Camelopard
Came post; for the Camel had carried the card; Who now took the garb of a Pilgrim from Mecca— An astonishing change since the days of Rebecca! The Colt represented an unbridled rake,
Who in spite of the manege, the bit, and the break, Rush'd in neck or nothing; for why? 'twas his fate To be born to a Title and landed estate;
Was fam'd on the turf, of his pedigree proud,
And bragg'd of the smiles of the ladies aloud:
He had broke from his stall on the banks of the Cam," And for Tutor consulted his Valet de Cham.
His Tutor, the Goat, who to fill up his train
Had been pranc'd over Europe and kick'd back again, Was content to look grave, for remonstrance was vain, 'Twas no fault of his, if his pupil was vicious, He stuck to his charge, tho' by nature capricious, And still persever'd in the hope, that his vails Ere long would be paid by preferment in Wales.
The Mouse of the Town, a well-known Macaroni, Presented the Shrew-mouse once more as his crony ;
They had tippled so freely, that both being hocky, Reel'd in like his Grace arm-in-arm with his Jockey; When who to their utter amazement should stalk in, But puss, in the shape of Miss Tabby Grimalkin— The hoop, the stiff stays, and the ruffles she wore, Proclaim'd her a Maid at the verge of three score: Now doom'd in the shades evermore to drive apes She rail'd at Mankind like the Fox at the grapes. But scarce had she enter'd, when lo! in a trice She was eyed and detected by both of the mice: The alarm was soon spread to their kindred the Rats, And they squeak'd in full chorus "Confusion to Cats." The Wolf thought he made a most excellent stroke, In borrowing little Red-riding-hood's cloak;
When in spite of his basket of cheesecakes, the sham Was expos'd at first sight by a crafty old Ram. But the Lynx with his shrewd diplomatical eyes, Had pierc'd through the veil of each flimsy disguise, And explain'd with the air of a French politician, Their relations, alliances, plots, and position. But who are yon valorous Chiefs that advance, Like Arthur of England, and Roland of France?
'Tis the Knight of Brazil, the renown'd Armadillo, Sir Rhinoceros too, who for love wears the willow; A she Kangaroo was the prize of the field;
So they both couch'd their lances and jousted and wheel'd: While Bruin the Bear, and Mynheer from Westphalia, Were equipp'd as Esquires in their paraphernalia: And long might these worthies have hugg'd and have hustled,
But the music struck up; so away they all bustled. Aloft on a mound the Örchestra was rear'd,
Where ranged in their ranks the musicians appear'd; The Bear blew the bag-pipe, the Boar the bassoon, And the little pig's fife was in exquisite tune :
But the great Sieur Mâtou with his high-diddle-diddle, Had brought his own cat-gut and play'd the first fiddle. A Caricaturist, who peep'd through a loop,
With his graver immortal has etch'd the whole group. A young Lioness waving the court etiquette, Deign'd to open the ball with Sir Fop Marmoset. The minuet clos'd, crowds of couples advance,
In the reel and the valtz, and the gay country dance.
Vide Hogarth's orchestra.
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