That, breathe a whisper, or discuss a feather, They nod, or shake their sapient heads together. But here we drop the simile, for you Still keep your smoky tenement in view; While I, by purling brook, and flowery dale, A pure unclouded element inhale. What would you more? 'tis my transcendant lot Of that, on which with rapture you descant : Tu nidum servas; ego laudo ruris amœni Ponendæque domo quærenda est area primùm, Would you in peace and comfort live, be wise, And do as Nature and plain Sense advise: First chuse a spot with air and elbow-room; There build your house, secure of healthful bloom. - Where lowers the brow of Winter less austere ? To break the rest which toil to nature owes : Say, do the Naiads of the Fount, who sport And squirt through leaden pipes in Garden-court, So sweetly murmur, as the crystal rills, That gush spontaneous from their native hills? Novistine locum potiorem rure beato? Est ubi plus tepeant hyemes? ubi gratior aura Purior in vicis aqua tendit rumpere plumbum, Quam quæ per pronum trepidat cum murmure rivum? Or vies the flinty pavement with the mead, To Westminster, and back to Temple-Bar? Nature triumphant o'er fastidious Art, Though elbow'd out, will still assert her part ; Rallies, though oft repuls'd, andmakes a stand, Where'er she finds a vacant inch of land: Where poplars rang'd along suburban walls, Shut out the odious prospect of St. Paul's: Or where the Cit, by her inspir'd to set His stingy, starv'ling, stint of mignonette, Snatches a precious glimpse of something green Through dim eclipse of sooty sashes seen. Not so the Courtier's gay viranda's face, South to the Park, or north from Portland-place; Naturam expellas fureâ, tamen usque recurret, Nempe inter varias nutritur sylva columnas, 7 Thence oft with keener optics he supplies Extends, diminishes, and shifts at will, From Hampstead Bowers aloft to Highgate Hill; Lo! too with pious heed the Senate plants Laudaturque domus, longos quæ prospicit agros. M For to what issue tend the boasted arts Which Court or City-residence imparts? f Bassus, who late with analytic taste Of mingled wines the separate flavour trac'd; Died of a plethora.-The world may lay The blame, alas! to knowledge of Tokay. Timon the rich, whose trade's extensive range, Dubs him to-day, the oracle of 'Change, Deep in the Funds contracts for half the loan; To-morrow Bankrupt-cash and credit flown— With loss of life, the forfeit of Success He weighs, and values e'en existence less : Victim to gold, o'erlooks the golden mean; And-Ah! forbear to paint the closing scene! f Non qui Sidonio contendere callidus ostro |