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The thirst of Riches, and the thirst of Fame,
Are much alike: they differ but in name,

Who slaves to title, or to cent. per cent.
Die disappointed, or live discontent.

Ah! fly the tempting bait. These calm resorts,
Though poor, surpass the pride of envious courts:
The courts of monarchs, and the courts of law,
Alike their votaries to dependence draw.
The Stag and Courser, as the story goes,

About a right of Common came to blows;
The Horse was worsted in the strife, and ran
In evil hour, to beg the aid of Man :

The event was evident: He bore the sway
Of bit and bridle to his dying day.

Invitus. Fuge magna licet sub paupere tecto
Reges et regum vitâ præcurrere amicos.
Cervus equum pugnâ melior communibus herbis
Pellebat, donec minor in certamine longo
Imploravit opes Hominis, frænumque recepit:

Sed postquam Victor violens discessit ab hoste,
Non equitem dorso, non frænum depulit ore.

You Lawyers thus for glory barter ease;

h Saddled with briefs, and spurr'd with tickling fees, And stretching for the Woolsack from afar,

Pant on the circuit, founder at the bar.

The shoe that galls and pinches, when too small,
If stretch'd too wide, will slip-and down you fall:
Could you but once the just dimensions hit,
The closer to the foot, the better fit.

Forgive my freedom, Bozzy, that I crack
The lash of Satyr thus about your back?
If e'er in Fortune's track you catch me tripping,
You're fully welcome to retort the whipping.-
So fare-you-well: Such greeting's well enough,
From me, a moping, melancholy Chough,

Sic qui pauperiem veritus potiore metallis
Libertate careth dominum vehet improbus, atque
Serviet æternùm, quia parvo nesciet uti

Cui non conveniet sua res, ut calceus olim,
Si pede major erit subvertet, si minor uret.
Lætus sorte tuâ vives sapienter, Aristi;
Nec me dimittes incastigatum ubi plura

Who date my letter from St. Michael's mount,
And less on your's than on my own account,
(Never so sad, as when so far apart)

Wish you and Humphry* here, with all my heart.

Cogere quam satis est, et non cessare videbor.
Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique,
Tortum digna sequi potiùs quam vellere funem.
Hæc tibi dictabam post fanum putre i Vacunæ,
Excepto quòd non simùl esses, cætera lætus.

* Humphry Donaldson, Esq. of Whitehall.

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And 'Secretary for the nonce,

One of the few in Fortune's book,

Who without flattery serv'd a 'Duke,

Commend me, Muse: and bid him thrive, If haply he can so contrive.

CELSO gaudere, et benè rem gerere Albinovano
Musa rogata refer, comitia scribæq; Neronis
Si quærat quid agam, die multa & pulcra minantem
Vivere nec rectè nèc suaviter, haud quia grando
Contuderit vites, oleamve momorderit æstus ;
Nec quia longinquis armentum ægrotet in arvis.
Sed quia mente minus validus, quam corpore toto,
Nil audire velim, nil discere, quod levet ægrum,

Hard times! and yet a single man

With just twelve hundred pounds per ann.
A good fat glebe, and surplice fees,

May still live somewhat at his ease.

Say, should he ask you how I fare,

I'm building castles in the air;

Live, move, and breathe: and when that's said,
Might, but for that, as well be dead,

"What! do his creditors importune?

Or has he wench'd away his fortune?
Or drunk, it dry? or drawn a blank?”

"He neither gam'd, nor whor'd, nor drank.”

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Why then he's sick."-" You've hit the nail;

And most, alas! where doctors fail :

Sick of himself, in mind diseas'd;

For ever shifting, never pleas'd:

Quits Town for "Brighton, thence in quest

Of shelter, flies from South to West:

Fidis offendar medicis, irascar amicis,

Cur me funesto properent arcere veterno

Quæ nocuere, sequar; fugiam quæ profore credam,

Romæ "Tibur amem ventosus, Tibure Romam.

Post hæc, ut valeat, quô pacto rem gerat & se,

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