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There turns Recluse

Grows a more-Chough; denouncing those
Who best advise, as bitterest foes:.

Sends Kidde and Baillie to perdition,

And daily fees some new physician.”
This said, be sure you next inquire,
How stands the Rector with the 'Squire,
Whether the "Parish seem content,

Or grumble at their Tithes and Rent.
If neither give him cause to grieve,
Then wish him joy, and take your leave.
But whisper first-though to say true,-
None need the warning less than
"Would you, dear -, your friends

Ne'er from an even temper swerve,


With them your thoughts, your fortune share, And be the man you always were."

Ut placeat' juveni percontare, utque cohorti.
Si dicet, rectè primùm gaudere; subinde
Præceptum auriculis hoc instillare memento.
Ut tu fortunam, sic nos te, Celse, feremus.


Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe



To Julius Florus

*FLORUS, I long, might I so far presume,

To learn the topics of your Common-room: late


Whether you follow Massena's retreat
O'er Lusitania's geographic sheet;

And trace victorious Wellington's campaign,
Far as Oporto, from the bounds of Spain;
Or with our Cruizers sail along the chart,
Convoy the Trader to the destin❜d mart;
Or Britain's eastern provinces survey,

And touch at Bourbon's Island in your way.

*JULI Flore, quibus terrarum militet oris
Claudius Augusti privignus scire laboro;

Thracane vos, Hebrusque nivali compede vinctus
An freta vicinas inter currentia turres

"Fain would I know what deeds awake to song
In Wolsey's learned bower the tuneful throng:
Which of your quire records in Epic strain
Our reverend Monarch's memorable reign,


age of Jubilee?-Just Heaven extend

The threaten'd term !—Our King, our Sire befriend!
We kiss the Sceptre, which our foes hath awed,
At home an Olive-rod, a Thunder-bolt abroad.
"But say, what news of Celsus? Him shall Fame
Ere long illustrate by a brighter name :

A Genius cast in Nature's fairest mould,
Perception quick, Imagination bold,

A Taste correct, of Wit a sparkling vein,
A Memory deep, and constant to retain.—
Enrich'd with all the treasures of a mine,
He woos no Muse, a recreant to the nine,
Or but with foreign incense heaps the shrine:

An pingues Asiæ campi collesque morantur.

Quid studiosa cohors juvenum struit? hæc quoque curo:

Quis sibì res gestas Augusti scribere sumit?

Bella quis et paces longum diffundit in ævum?

"Quid mihi Celsus agit? monitus multumque monendus

* The late lamented John Josias Cong beau Anglo-Saxon Professor Author off Banfturos de t. Gerwards

Yet greet him fair; but warn him o'er and o'er,...
As I have oft admonish'd him before,

From Bodley's dross and rubble to refrain,
And coin to cash his own pure-metall'd brain.

"Lest, on some luckless day, there flock together
Birds of all flights, of every note and feather,
Provençals, Scalds, Monks, Minstrels, Troubadours,
Who pecking out his borrow'd plumes by scores
Shall leave him bare, and in as raw a state,
As any fresh-pluck'd Under-graduate.—

"Not least, though latest, let me next inquire What themes your pencil or your pen inspire: hen & pencil both in skill alip the graphic art

For both, th

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of victory to


Privatas ut quærat opes, et tangere vitet
Scripta, Palatinus quæcunque recepit Apollo :
Ne, si forte suas repetitum venerit olim
Grex avium plumas, moveat Cornicula risùm

Furtivis nudata coloribus.

Ipse quid audes?

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around Apollo's bower,


egethotel, and rifle ev'ry flower.

st thou

'Say, do tune with more than Pindar's fire To Runic rhymes the Caledonian lyre?

Or arm your heroes with dramatic


To fret, and strut their hour upon the stage?
Bold as the Theban, but more wise, you spurn
The foggy lakes, yet not fastidious turn

From healthier rivers, at whose social brink,
Saxons and Northern Picts united drink :

Hail to the Bard, in whose poetic creed
Isis and Charwell's classic banks precede
Pindar's Alpheus, Scotts enchanting Tweed!
Not like the Arabian Patriarch, he leaves
The land of Porridge for the land of Beeves,
Oat-cakes for commons; plaid for sable crape;
His very Bonnet takes a Trencher's shape :

Quæ circum-volitas agilis thyma?—

fPindarici fontis qui non expalluit haustus,
Fastidire lacus, et rivos ausus apertos,

Ut valet, ut meminit nostri? fidibusne Latinis

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