There turns Recluse Grows a more-Chough; denouncing those Sends Kidde and Baillie to perdition, And daily fees some new physician.” Or grumble at their Tithes and Rent. Ne'er from an even temper swerve, preserve, With them your thoughts, your fortune share, And be the man you always were." Ut placeat' juveni percontare, utque cohorti. ΤΟ Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe IN ALLUSION TO THE THIRD EPISTLE OF HORACE. To Julius Florus *FLORUS, I long, might I so far presume, To learn the topics of your Common-room: late scan Whether you follow Massena's retreat And trace victorious Wellington's campaign, And touch at Bourbon's Island in your way. *JULI Flore, quibus terrarum militet oris Thracane vos, Hebrusque nivali compede vinctus "Fain would I know what deeds awake to song An age of Jubilee?-Just Heaven extend The threaten'd term !—Our King, our Sire befriend! A Genius cast in Nature's fairest mould, A Taste correct, of Wit a sparkling vein, An pingues Asiæ campi collesque morantur. Quid studiosa cohors juvenum struit? hæc quoque curo: Quis sibì res gestas Augusti scribere sumit? Bella quis et paces longum diffundit in ævum? "Quid mihi Celsus agit? monitus multumque monendus * The late lamented John Josias Cong beau Anglo-Saxon Professor Author off Banfturos de t. Gerwards Yet greet him fair; but warn him o'er and o'er,... From Bodley's dross and rubble to refrain, "Lest, on some luckless day, there flock together "Not least, though latest, let me next inquire What themes your pencil or your pen inspire: hen & pencil both in skill alip the graphic art For both, th Content the of victory to fill, Privatas ut quærat opes, et tangere vitet Furtivis nudata coloribus. Ipse quid audes? around Apollo's bower, Like egethotel, and rifle ev'ry flower. st thou 'Say, do tune with more than Pindar's fire To Runic rhymes the Caledonian lyre? Or arm your heroes with dramatic rage, To fret, and strut their hour upon the stage? From healthier rivers, at whose social brink, Hail to the Bard, in whose poetic creed Quæ circum-volitas agilis thyma?— fPindarici fontis qui non expalluit haustus, Ut valet, ut meminit nostri? fidibusne Latinis |