Well-breech'd, and button'd close from hip to leg, 66 A fig," quoth he, “for Powel Enough enough! However pro Fillibog " Satire with mirth, I mean not to offend : come you must, though plac'd as wide, As Thule's cliffs from Fal's* deserted tide,. (Where now, alask me paekets put to sea, But howly like Tyrians at the tradeless quay.) "I'll feast my Prodigal, come when And strain my purse the fatted calf to kill. will, Thebanos aptare modos studet auspice Musâ, Pascitur in vestrum reditum votiva juvenca. * The auther-takes this occasion, with respectful deference to these with whom the remedy lies, to represent the daily ruin of individuals, and as he conceives, the serious disadvantage to public service, resulting from the removal of the Government Packets-from-Falmouth Harbour: and fe authority than his vn-on this subjoot, refers-his-readers to a pamphlet entitled, A Letter on the extension of the Naval Establishment+ Fab mouth Harbour, &c. By a Captain in the Royal Navy 2-Hatehardy 1910, DEAR Heathcote, ever wont to blend, The Critic with the partial friend, Say, do'st thou bid thy pipe resound, And teach thy Pegasus to gallop ALBI nostrorum sermonum candide judex Scribere quod Cassi Parmensis opuscula vincat? But at that time acording at (ond over Park Salop. Or wrapt in silent shades explore Or, mounted on some earth-born steed, For horns renounce the Doric reed? Sure thou hast too much genuine fire, A liberal hand, a glowing heart: The Muse hath added classic fame; What would our Alma Mater more. Feel then thy level, and disdain, Each grov'ling joy, and paltry pain; An tacitum silvas inter reptare salubres Quid voveat dulci a Nutricula majus Alumno And keep, whatever intervenes, A state proportion'd to thy means. In calculating Life's amount, Think every day will close the account; And should an overplus remain, 'Tis clear unestimated gain. When tir'd of too much sober sense, Come here and laugh at my expence. In short, old Horace to a tittle, Qui sapere & fari possit, quæ sentiat, & cui OF OVID'S METAMORPHOSES, TRANSLATED. FIRED by a mortal flame, the Queen of Love, For chaste Diana's garb forsakes her own, |