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THE opinions discussed separately in the Timely Appeal,


referred to a spirit of censure; and a particular reason
mentioned that justified the Author in undertaking the
-works: p. 1.-Intended to deduce again from censure
itself other opinions equally to be avoided, in trying
its justice by Burke's philosophy: p. 3.-Explanatory
remarks on some passages and opinions of the former
work, as previously necessary; First, on the lawful-
ness of religious liberality: p. 4.-Secondly, the pro-
priety of permitting the bare existence, under regula-
tion, of ridicule, and the danger of mistaking either
seriousness or plausibility, for wisdom and virtue :
p. 10. Thirdly, the consistency with Christianity of a
strong love of justice, and, in consequence, a careful
attention to the scale of merit it recommends, though
only considered as means of benefiting society accord-
ing to the suggestions of science: p. 18.-The chief
subject of the work introduced, by minutely describ-
ing an opinion of the character and merits of Burke, to

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whom, besides the obligations of all to him, the Author's
family boasts particular ones, in former justice done by
him to proprietary governments, particularly Pennsyl-
vania; which recommend the demonstration of respect,
for which the present opportunity offers: p. 27.-The
mistakes of the moral theories of this century, in found-
ing virtue upon either sublimity or beauty to be shewn
by Burke's philosophy: p. 32.-His system intended,
in the subsequent parts of the work, to be applied to
taste as well as morals; both being acknowledged to
have suffered from enthusiasm: p. 34.-Our three
principal passions, according to it, Sympathy, Imi-
tation, and Ambition, exemplified in their effects;
and in theology, as the principal science. Abelard
'slightly mentioned. Warburton instanced, not only
to shew their operation, but improper restraint, though
respect finally compensated for it a p. 35. The cha-
racters of men and things proposed to be arranged un-
der similar heads to those in Professor Kant's Essay,
sur le Beau et le Sublime; but referring the former to
them, not as of different nations, but as of different
tempers and dispositions, and the reason of rejecting
his mode; also such other heads superadded as Burke's
Essay furnishes, and in the order which they all there
¡ preserve.ie ba
Novelty.] Peculiar kinds of pleasure and displeasure
evidently allied to all these qualities; and those which
belong to novelty shewan by examples: p. 44.-Some,
less universal opinions of the Author, interpreting the
applicability of the principles, both here and elsewhere
rarely interspersed, but not altering the general idea
of them; and their propriety left to be decided upon
by good sense and good taste: p. 46. To be inferred,


.P. 43.

as in the fair sex, though in a harmless degree, from
an acknowledged propensity to it; the mind always
following its object.
P. 47.
Sublimity.] Some light thrown on Burke's system, by
Mr. Price: ib. His opinion contested, that the Pic-
turesque, as explained by him, is distinguished from
the Sublime; both being founded on ideas of self-
preservation; particularly shewn in Note I. Appen-
dix; where remarks of Gibbon and Longinus are con-
sidered; and it is observed the word Picturesque might
either preserve its old sense, in which it is used by
Mr. Gilpin, or describe according to the new one, a
species of the Sublime. But in this case Dr. Priestley's
distinction, or any other that may be made, proper to
be observed too in classing the species: p. 48.-Ex-
amples of this quality, both of a good and bad sort:
p. 49. In the note, a recommendation not systemati-
cally to find fault with a boldness and presumption' of
style in poetry, where the "manners painting" lan-
guage that is affected, is out of place. As a preserva-
tive against this error, among others, it is recommended
to encourage, at least till better times, the literature
of Greece, Italy, and England, where the greatest
works have been produced, much more than that of
Germany, and even of France; and a recent plan re-
commended which has this in view.
Beauty.] Examples of it, both of a good and bad
P. 52.
Fitness.] An argument of Burke supported to prove
it distinct from Beauty, besides others in Note III.
Appendix, where Mr. Alison's opinions are consi-
dered: p. 54.-The nature of virtue described as be-
longing wholly to Fitness, and no other quality; faith

and works being commendable, because right in

themselves, and not because flattering to our taste:

P. 55.-Opinions of Helvetius, and a comparison of

Cæsar and Cicero; the former having more, taste in

his moral character, and the latter more virtue: yet the

taste or attractiveness of the qualities of any one to be

allowed their full value, and even affirmed often to

instance, in their possessors, the observance of the

two great Christian precepts-to do to others as we

would they should do to us, and to love our neighbour

as ourself: p. 58.-Examples of fitness in individual

characters, which merit praise or disapprobation, and

are less rare in this country.
p. 61.

Defect and deformity.] Frequent instances of the idea

of defect not meriting disgust or disapprobation, and,

as Burke shews, sometimes causing the sensation pro-

duced by beauty. Often this seeming inconsistency,

obviously owing to the fallibility of human reason, as in

the first good example: p. 65.-The Author's dramatic

attempt, as explained fully in Note IV. Appendix,

not upon a principle that disallows this: p. 68.-The

bad example most dwelt upon, the German drama.

Its faults much owing to a misapprehension of the

laudable tenet of Johnson and Lessing, that the man-

ners of nature should be preferred to the manners of

custom: p. 69.-The more material fault of its im-

morality, instanced in the Stranger.
P. 74.

Ugliness.] The distinction noticed between pure ugli-
ness and ugly deformity: p. 77.-This shewn in
Note V. Appendix, at length, where the nature of
fitness is explained in disproving the arguments of
Gibbon in his critique of Burke's treatise; though jus-
tice is done to his merits, and the solidity of some of his

opinions. In the same Note, other instances of the

value of fitness in the fine arts; first, in architecture;

secondly, in the difference between landscape garden-

ing and landscape painting; thirdly, in that between

the arts of the dramatic poet and the maitre de ballet;

to illustrate which, an admired scene in the transla-

tion of the Robbers, is rated somewhat lower than it

has been accustomed to be. The subject of the beauty

of virtue occurring in it, that is discussed, in criticiz-

ing a passage of it, and some of the play of Pizarro.

This Note giving a sort of epitome of Burke's philo.

sophy, both the use and safety of its application to

taste and morals are affirmed, and the freedom used

in the execution of the plan justified. The Note re-

ferred to from p. 78.

Mediocrity.] Mediocrity described, not only in regard
to the effect of ideas themselves, but of their succes-
sion; for general mediocrity seems incompatible with
either of them. Superiority of intellect not more dis-
coverable by their effect on the passions, than on the
reason. This apparently ill understood by those who
have puffed the race of poets within these twenty years,
to induce them to write against existing governments;
and possibly, the most enthusiastic part of Longinus
referred to in the conversations of literati with that
view: p. 80.-Recommended, if genius is encouraged,
always to let it be the most undoubted; and not to
prefer secondary poets, to those of greater merit in
other lines, if we have not the same use for such
poets, as revolutionists have: p. 81.-Yet the man
of perfect mediocrity, who is unpretending, as valu-
able, and, from the existence of this quality, as much
in nature, as the other characters can be; resembling

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