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Pilgrim Fathers and their Place
in History, The, 259–279.
Pollard, Prof. A. F., "The Navy in
the War,' 119.

Pollock and Maitland, 'History of
English Law,' 232 note.
Post-Impressionists, 383.

Pre-Raphaelite movement, 379, 383.
Presbyterian Church, 265.
Press Bureau, established, 137.
Press, The Censorship of the,


Primitive Relationships, 161–176.
Progress, The Idea of, 100-118.


Rabelais, François, on the progress
of learning, 107.

Rationing, British, during the
War, 280-300.

Redlich, Dr Joseph, 'The Problem
of the Austrian Republic,' 203.
Reform Act of 1832, 236 of 1868,

Rhondda, Lord, Food Controller,
284-297-death, 297-adoption of
the Consumers' Council, 298.
Rivers, W. R. R., Anthropological
Essays presented to Tylor,' 171-
"The History of Melanesian So-
ciety,' 174.

Robinson, John, 'Works,' 261.

Rossetti, D. G., character of his
painting, 380.

Roumania, entry into the war, 364.

Rowton, Lord, friendship with Lord
Beaconsfield, 2.

Russell, Harold, 'On Some Parasitic
Flies,' 89.

Russia, campaigns in, 359, 374-dis-
solution of authority in the
Caucasus, 427.


Sakuso, Dr Yoshino, leader of the
Tokyo intellectuals, 399.

Seneca, theory of progress, 102-
'Natural Questions,' 103.

Shaftesbury, Lord, Factory Acts, 241.
Shastri, Vamadeo, letters of, 59, 63,

Sheep, parasite fly, 93.

Sino-Japanese Treaty of 1915, 400.
Smiles, Samuel, 'Self-Help,' 235.
Smith, John, 'the Se-baptist,' 272.
Social Democratic Party, 329.
Socialism, connexion with the La-
bour movement, 328.

Socialist Labour Party, in Glasgow,
Southborough, Lord, 'Views of the
Government of India upon the
Reports of his Committee,'68 note.
Spagnolo, E., 'Il Giappone: nel pre-
sente e nell' avvenire,' 409.
Speiser, Dr Paul, 'Studien über
Diptera pupipara,' 89, 97.
Spencer, Baldwin, and F. J. Gillen,
'Across Australia,' 164, 167.
Spencer, Stanley,' Macedonian Dress-
ing Station,' 391-393.

Stein, General von, Erlebnisse und
Betrachtungen aus der Zeit des
Weltkrieges, 303.

Stevenson, R. L., letters from Henry
James, 189, 195-criticism on 'The
Portrait of a Lady,' 195.

Strategical Retrospect, A, Part II,

Strong, Eugénie, 'Greek Portraits in
the British Museum,' 22.
Sugar Distribution Scheme, 285, 287,
293, 295.

Swettenham, Sir F., Joint Director
of the Press Bureau, 139.
Syria, views of the Independence
party, 418-cause of the discontent
in, 418-421-French influence, 421
-unrest, 437.

Tocqueville, Alexis de, Souvenirs d
extract from, 221, 240.
Tokugawa, policy of peace, 396.
Trade Union Congress, 317, 319.
Trans-Caucasia, Past and Pr
sent, 424-440.

Transylvania, invasion of, 364.
Trevelyan, G. M., 'Life of Jol
Bright,' extract from, 240.
Tsetse-flies, 91.

Turkey, decadent military oligarch


Ukita, Prof., on the mission
Japan, 408.

Underhill, G. E., British Rationir
during the War,' 280.
Ungulates or hoofed mammals, 94.
University Hall, founded, 157.


Van Gogh, character of his picture

Vasari, G., life of Cimabue, 377.
Venn, John, 'Logic of Chance,' 24

Verdun offensive, 363.

Vergil, drama of Dido and Aenea

Victoria, Queen, relations with Lor
Beaconsfield, 5, 15.

Vienna, result of the system (
scientific war economy, 209.
Vorticism, 375, 387.

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No. 467.-APRIL, 1921.


1. The Life of Admiral Mahan. By C. C. Taylor. Murray,


2. The Victory at Sea. By Rear Admiral William Sowden Sims. Murray, 1921.

'God worketh all things here amongst us mediatly by a secondary means, the which means of our defence and safety being shipping, and sea forces, are to be esteemed as his guifts and then only availeable and beneficiall, when he withall vouchsafeth his grace to use them aright.'-RALEIGH.

THE German Fleet, provided with everything which science and ingenuity could suggest, created for one purpose only, and superior, as Lord Jellicoe has pointed out, in many material respects to other Fleets, lacked the one thing needful; and, in consequence, lies for the most part in a dishonoured grave, as the price of its disobedience to the unchanging laws which are committed to the charge of seamen of all nations. Germany's rulers had learned, from Admiral Mahan, the Influence of Sea Power upon history; but what they had not learned was the Influence of the Sea Spirit upon the use of Sea Power. And so the day inevitably arrived when she literally fulfilled Mahan's prediction that her future upon the sea would end in a sail to English ports to surrender.

A great deal has been said and written about what has been termed Lord Jellicoe's failure to achieve victory in a decisive Fleet action; and so ingrained in the human mind is the idea that the triumph of one force Vol. 285.-No. 467,

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