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30 DEDICATION TO THE EARL OF NOTTINGHAM. [T. Morley. malicious MOMUS, whose malice, being as toothsome as adder's sting, couched in the progress of a wayfaring man's passage, might make him retire, though almost at his journey's end.

Two special motives have emboldened me, Right Honourable! in this my proceeding. First, for that I consider that as the body cannot be without the shadow; so HOMER, the prince of poets, may not be without a Zoilist. The second and last is the most forcible motive: I know not only by report, by also by experience, your Lordship to be not only Philomusus, a Lover of the Muses and of Learning; but Philomathes, a personage always desirous, though in all arts sufficiently skilful, to come to a more high per jection or summum bonum.

I will not trouble your Lordship with too too tedious circumstances, only I humbly entreat your Lordship-in the name of many-to patronage this work, with not less acceptance, than I with a willing and kind heart, dedicate it. So shall I think the initium of this work not only happily began, but to be finited with a more happy period.

Your Honour's devoted in all duty,


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Lyrics, Elegies, &c. from Madrigals, Canzonets, &c.




ENCE stars! too dim of light!

You dazzle but the sight!
You teach to grope by night!
See here the shepherd's star!
Excelling you so far."

Then PHOEBUS wiped his eye,
And ZEPHYR cleared the skies
In sweet accented cries,

Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,
Long live fair ORIANA !

This Song being sent too late, and all my others printed, I placed it before the rest, rather than to leave it out.


ITH Angel's face and brightness, and orient hue,
Fair ORIANA shining, with nimble foot she tripped
o'er hills and mountains;

Hard by DIANA's fountains:

At last in dale she rested.

This is that maiden Queen of the Fairy Land,

With sceptre in her hand.


The Fawns and Satyrs dancing, did show their nimble.

Fair NAIS and the nymphs did leave their bowers,

And brought their baskets full of herbs and flowers:

Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,
Long live fair ORIANA !


LYRICS, ELEGIES, &C. FROM [Ed. by T. Morley.


IGHTLY She whipped o'er the dales,

Making the woods proud with her presence;

Gently She trode the flowers, and they as gently

kissed her tender feet.

The birds in their best language bade her welcome,

Being proud that ORIANA heard their song.

The clove-foot Satyrs singing, made music to the Fauns a-dancing,

And both together, with an emphasis, sang ORIANA's praises Whilst the adjoining woods with melody did entertain their

sweet harmony.

Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,

Long live fair ORIANA!



Also set to music by THOMAS

ONG live fair ORIANA !

Hark! did you ever hear so sweet a singing?

They sing, young Love to waken!

The nymphs unto the woods, their Queen are bringing.

There was a note well taken!

O good! hark! how joyfully 'tis dittied!
A Queen and Song most excellently fitted.
I never saw a fairer,

I never heard a rarer:

Then sing, ye shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,
Long live fair ORIANA !


LL creatures now are merry-minded,
The shepherd's daughters playing:
The nymphs are "Fa, la la-ing,"
Yon bugle was well winded!

At ORIANA's presence, each thing smileth!
The flowers themselves discover!

Birds over her do hover!

Music, the time beguileth!


See, where She comes, with flow'ry garlands crowned,
Queen of all queens renowned.

Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,
Long live fair ORIANA !


AIR ORIANA, Beauty's Queen!
Tripped along the verdant green;
The Fauns and Satyrs running out,
Skipped and danced round about.
FLORA forsook her painted bowers,
And made a coronet of flowers.

Then sang the nymphs of chaste DIANA,
Long live fair ORIANA !

[blocks in formation]

HE nymphs and shepherds danced

La Voltos in a daisy-tapestred valley;
Love from their face-lamps glanced,

Till wantonly they dally:

Till in a rose-banked alley

Bright Majesty advanced,

A crown-graced Virgin, whom all people honour :

[blocks in formation]

34 LYRICS, ELEGIES, &C. FROM [Ed. by T. Morley

They leave their sport, amazed,
Run all to look upon her.

A moment scarce they gazed,

Ere Beauty's splendour all their eyes had dazed,
Desire to see yet ever fixed on her.

Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,
Long live fair ORIANA !

[blocks in formation]

ALM was the air and clear the sky,

Fair ORIANA passing by,

Over the downs to Ida plains,

Where heaven-born Sisters with their trains,
Did all attend her sacred Beauty,

Striving to excel in duty.

Satyrs and Nymphs dancing together,
Shepherds triumphing, flocking thither.

Seeing their sov'reign Mistress there,
That kept their flocks and them from fear;
With high-strained voice

And hearts rejoice.

Thus sang the shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,
Long live fair ORIANA !

[blocks in formation]

HUS BONNY-BOOTES the birthday celebrated,

Of her, his Lady dearest,

Fair ORIANA, which to his heart was nearest.
The Nymphs and Shepherds feasted

With clouted cream, and were to sing requested.

"Lo here, the Fair created," quoth he, "the world's chief Goddess; "

Sing then, for She is BONNY-BOOTES Sweet Mistress!
Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of DIANA,

Long live fair ORIANA !

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