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Ne quid falfi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat.


Printed by A. MURRAY and J. COCHRAN



Te each article is annexed the number of the page of this volume in which it is to be found.

1718. Aug. 10. A fea-fight in the East Indies between Sir E. Vernon and M. Tron

jolly 151.

OA. 17. Pondicherry taken by Sir Hector Munro 148.

Nov. 9. The titular Archbishop of Dublin and seventy other clergymen take the

oaths prescribed by act of parliament sa.

Dec. 13. Maj,-Gen. Grant takes St Lucia 80.

-28. Lt-Col. Campbell defeats the Americans, and takes Savannah 80. 30. A Memorial of twelve Admirals prefented to the King 95.

3779.Jan. 1. Proclamation for a general fast 105.

2. Resolves of the Congress for calling in their paper money and issuing more on account of counterfeits 146.

9. Adm. Keppel tried for his conduct on the 27th and 28th of July 1778 97

30. British settlements at Senegal taken by the French 165. Feb. 2. A Popish chapel in Edinburgh burnt by the populace 107. -11. Fort James on the river Gambia taken by the French 386. - 24. Proposal made for taxing those who travel post 187.

March 3. An American army defeated at Briar Creek 191.

4. A civil government re-established in Georgia 192.

18. Roman Catholics petition the House of Commons for redress 131.

20. French fettlement of Mahie surrenders to the British 440.

April 9. A memorial presented by the British ambassador to the States-General re

quiring the succours stipulated by treaty 164.

- 12. Adm. Palliser tried for his conduct on the 27th and 28th of July 8778 416. - 20. Several highlanders killed in a mutiny at Leith 219. May 1. French repulfed in an attack upon the island of Jersey 274. May 10. Maj.-Gen. Matthew lands at Portsmouth in Virginia 328.

13. Sir J. Wallace destroys some French ships in Concale bay 176.
18. An act pafsed for relief of Protestant Dissenting ministers and school-masters
in England 273.335.

Jase 16. A hoftile manifesto delivered to Lord Weymouth by the Spanish ambassa dor 316.

18. Letters for Reprisals ordered in consequence of the above manifesto 338. 16. St Vincent's taken by the French 437.

20. Americans attack and are repulsed by Col. Maitland at Stono Ferry 499. 23. The claim of damages to be paid to the city of Edinburgh to the Roman

Catholics afcertained 454.

Jane 23. Three seventy-four gun ships offered to government by the East-India

Company 338.

July 16. Stoney point taken by the Americans 484.

29. A great fire at Conftantinople 503.

Aug. 8. A great eruption of Mount Vesuvius 446.

10. Mortmain and Servitude fuppressed in France 443.

14. An American fleet destroyed in Penobscot river by Sir George Collier 492.

16. The combined fleets of France and Spain appear off Plymouth 450.

Sept. 11. A proposal by the county of Dumfries, to raise ten volunteer companies,

refused by the Secretary at war 572.

17. Paul Jones's squadron appears in the frith of Forth 509.

- 13. The Serapis and Scarborough taken by Paul Jones after a desperate

engagement 564.

24. Plates of copper forbid to be exported, or carried coastwise 504.

08. 8. The West Fencibles mutiny 573.

9. The Quebec frigate blows up in an engagement 568.

Count D'Estaing repulfed at Savannah in Georgia 678.

- 12. Great dissatisfaction in the Irish parliament against England 544

14. The Irish address for a free trade 548.

20. Omoa taken by Capt. Dalrymple 667.

Nov. 15. The Irish parliament insulted by a mob 608.

24. A short money-bill carried in the Irish parliament 613.

Dec. 9. Propositions in favour of Ireland made by Lord North 639. On which

the oppofition are neuter 661.

-14. These propofitions highly fatisfactory to the Irish parliament 664. & feqq.

- 18. Public rejoicings in Dublin on that account 666.


direct to places of this collection; the first numFigures inclosed thus [ ber directing to the volume, the second or following numbers to the page or pages. If different volumes be referred to, they are separated by a short line -3; of both which there are examples, p. 12. col. 1. lin. 45. and col. 2. lin. 43. of this volume. - Vol. I. answers to the year 1739, vol. 2. to the year 1740, and so on, a vokame every year. A fingle number refers to the volume in which the reference is made; of which see an example above, p. 172. col. 2. lin. 4.

These references answer, in good measure, the purposes of an appendix to a history, by directing to vouchers, &c. as above, p. 19. col. 1. lin. 42.;-and sometimes they serve to explain, confirm, or refute, as above, p. 315. col. 1. 1. penult, note; p.722. col. 1. 1. 35. and many other places.

]for explaining or illustrating any thing in a paper or Notes inclosed thus [ extract, as above, p. 214. are generally our own. Notes added by the authors, or by the compilers of the works from which we take them, are not so inclosed, as above, p. 41.

The day of the week on which every month of 1779 began: A help to find the date of any article expressed as falling on a certain week-day before or after a date mentioned.

[The 1st, 8th, 15th, 22d, and 29th, of a month, fall on the same week-day.The month-day advances one week-day every common year, and two every leap year : fo, as 1780 is a leap year, Fanuary and February advance only one day in that year, but all the rest of the months advance two days, after the week-day on which the Sams

month-day fell in 1779.]



[blocks in formation]

September, Wednesday.

February, Monday.









November, Monday.





December, Wednesday.

[blocks in formation]

55.-59. Tranfpose the words. We now proceed. by making them the last of

the pas

[blocks in formation]

1. 19. for an read in.

[blocks in formation]

27. for Howe read Heath
38.-47. delete the whole paragraph.

s. read the article thus: At London, Thomas King, Lord King. His Lordship was the fourth son of Lord Chancellor King; and it is remarkable, that all the brothers successively succeeded to the Barony. He is succeeded in title and estate by his eldest son, Peter, now fixth Lord King.

44.-49 delete the whole paragraph. - The Noble Lord is still alive; and what is faid

of his family was a mistake.

4.-8. delete the whole paragraph, that Noble Lord likewise is still alive.
16.-25. delete that paragraph; and instead of it fay, Sir Edward Hughes having
found that the French had abandoned the island of Gorée, he took pof-
session, and left a garrifon in it, under the command of Lt-Col. Rooke

17. read coolly.
571. 1. 48. for 5000 read 500
629. I. 7. 8. delete for a limited time.
684. 1.

39. make the reference thus. [675, 76, 84.715.]

To the BINDER.

UT off the blue covers, and the advertisements stitched in any of the Maga-
and place this quarter of a sheet, containing the General Tite-page, the
Chronological Series of Events, &c. before the Magazine for January.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small]


The MIRROR. An account of the author 1. and of the reception of the first number of that paper 3.

An account of perfons who could not distinguish COLOURS 4.

10 A view of ROUSSEAU in his last moments 6. By HISTORY 1777. Great Britain: Indifference



prevalent 9. 10.

-East Indies: Of the Nabob of Arcot 10.
Interference of administration rr. Rajah
of Tanjour 12. Lord Pigot 13. Differences
in the council of Madrass 14. Seizure of
Lord Pigot's perfon 15. His Lordship's
extraordinary resolution ib. Deposed ib.
Another governor appointed ib. Bengal
council approve 16. East-India courts ib.
and the Commons 18.

PARLIAMENT. Commons on their address:
Speeches by Mess. Greville, Campbell,
Townsend, Fox, and Ld G. Gordon 19.
Mr Wilkes 20. Gov. Johnstone 22. Sir W.
Meredith 30. Lord North ib. Gen. Bur-
goyne, Lord G. Germaine, &c. 31.

Anecdote of Mr NECKER 31.


AMERICA. Recapitulation 32. Treaty with
France ib. S. Deane's address to the Ame-
ricans 33. and Gen. Lee's 38. Pennsylva-
nia affembly on the manifesto ib. Loyalists
sentenced ib.

Books. Pulteney on the present state of af-
fairs 39. Stuart on the law and conftitution
of Scotland 43. Grant on Popith perfecu-
tion 44. Protestant Interest on the statutes
against Popery ib. Loch on trade, &c. 45.
POETRY, &c. To Administration 46. Epi-
taph on Dr Goldsmith ib. Anfwer to the
question, What is Grace? 47. Verses to a
lady with an artificial rose ib. The Maca-
roni ib. Winter's amusement ib. Sun-fet-
ting and Moon-rifing 48. Elegiac ode on
Garrick ib. Inscriptions to the Deity ib.
land so. Ireland 51.
LISTS, &c. Stations of the land-forces 52.
Marriages, Births, Deaths, and Prefer-
ments 54, 5. War-ships commissioned 56.
Mortality-bill ib. Prices of grain, stocks,
&c. ib.

hip The MIRROR, Nor. Saturday, Jan.23.1779.



ing of

A periodical paper, published on Tuesdays. and Saturdays, by Mr Creech, Edinburgh, price three halfpence.

Quis novus hic hofpes?



Hen a stranger is introduced
into a numerous company,
he is scarcely feated before
every body present begins

the length of his pedigree; and all estimate his merit, in proportion as he feems to poffefs, or to want, those qualities for which they themselves wish to be admired. If, in the course of conversation, they chance to discover, that he is in use to make one in the polite circle of the metropolis, that he is familiar with the great, and fometimes closeted with the minister, whatever contempt or indifference they may at first have shown, or felt themselves disposed to show, they at once give up their own judgement; every one pays a compliment to his own fagacity,

to form fome notion of his character, The gay, the sprightly, and the inconfiderate, judge of him by the cut of his coat, the fashion of his periwig, and the cafe or aukwardness of his bow. The by affuming the merit of having discovercautious citizen, and the proud country- ed, that this stranger had the air of a gentleman, value him according to the man of fashion; and all vie in their atopinion they chance to adopt, the first, tention and civility, in hopes of estaof the extent of his rent-roll, the latter, of bhshing a more intimate acquaintance. VOL. XLI. An

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