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Great Britain-Continued.

Conference, 107, 123, 132, 187-189,
191; close U. S.-British war collabo-
ration, 161, 162, 234; Churchill con-
ferences with Stalin, 162, 346; Con-
ference of International Labor Organ-
ization, 185; Moscow Conference (see
Moscow Conference and Moscow Four
Nation Declaration); Tehran Con-
ference, 199-203; Cairo Conferences,
201-202, 203; member European Ad-
visory Commission, 228; West Indian
Conferences, 230-231; proposals for
European inland transport organiza-
tion, 232, 243, 363; Conference of Al-
lied Ministers of Education, 236-238;
stabilization-fund agreement, 241;
United Maritime Authority, 244; Sec-
ond Quebec Conference, 244–245, 343,
369; recognition of Provisional Gov-
ernment of France, 344; spheres of
responsibility in Eastern Europe, 346;
Anglo-American conference on refu-
gees, 364; Declaration on Liberated
Europe, 372-373, 655-656, 663-664;
Crimea Conference (see Crimea Con-

economic and financial relations
with U. S.: trade agreement, 11;
British financial needs, 37-38; lend-
lease, 43, 54, 83n, 88, 133, 181, 190-193,
241, 244, 361n, 463-464, 562-564;
Anglo-American economic conversa-
tions (1943), 191-193, 194, 198, 232,
235, 357, 562-564, 620; (1945), 361,
361n; petroleum agreement, 238-239,
239n; rubber talks, 243n;

postwar planning, 19, 26-27, 234;
inter-Allied meetings on postwar re-
quirements, 51, 54-55, 86-87; interest
in juridical organization, 57, 116;

Great Britain-Continued.

ing procedure in Security Council, 381,
382, 384; San Francisco Conference
(see United Nations Conference on
International Organization); five-

power consultations on trusteeship,
430, 431, 433, 445-446, 449, 688-689;
"Big Four" consultations on final
draft of Proposals for international
organization, 438-440, 442-445, 446-
448, 449, 679, 681-685 (text)
Greece, 25n, 52, 62; World War II, 37,
44, 344, 345; agreement with Yugo-
slavia (1942), 146; problems of libera-
tion, 187, 372, 383; United Maritime
Authority, 244; San Francisco Con-
ference, 410n

Greece, Interdivisional Country Com-
mittee on, 177
Greenland, 30, 44
Guatemala, 25n, 62, 410n
Guiana, Dutch, occupation, 60

Habana Foreign Ministers meeting
(1940), 33-36, 70
Haiti, 25n, 62, 410n
Harriman mission to Moscow (1941),
49, (1945) 449n

Health, Labor, and Social Affairs, In-
ternational, Division of, State Depart-
ment, 352, 364

Health Organization, World, 363-364,


Heavy Industry and Metals, Special
Committee on (of Taylor Committee),
140, 180, 543

Honduras, 25n, 62, 410n
Human rights, 84, 98, 115-116, 321, 327,
365, 386, 483-485, 530
Hungary, 25n; World War II, 36, 37, 44,
344, 344n, 391

plans for relief organization, 137, 186; Iceland, 27, 30, 48, 144, 396n, 410
Anglo-American conversations


peace, 186, 187; U. S. area committee
on, 221; Stettinius mission to London
(1944), 231-233; exchanges of views
on international organization, 246-
247, 252, 254, 255-257, 261-262, 265,
266, 277-285, 289, 297; Dumbarton
Oaks Conversations (see Dumbarton
Oaks Conversations); negotiations
with U. S. and Soviet Union on vot-

India, 15, 62, 302, 410n; see also Burma
Indo-China, 36, 44, 48, 60-61
Informal Policy Committee on Germany,
370, 371
Informal Political Agenda Group. See
Political Agenda Group
Information, Coordinator of, 57
Inland Transport, Special Committee on
(of Taylor Committee), 140, 180, 243,

Inland Transport Organization, Euro- | International Justice, Permanent Court
of. See Permanent Court of Inter-
national Justice

pean Central, 232, 243, 363
Inquiry, The, 19, 58, 121, 150

Inter-Allied Committee on Post-War Re- International Labor Organization, 10,
quirements, 55, 86-87

Inter-Allied meetings in London, 51, 54–

52, 145, 354, 360, 443; conference
(1944), 185, 222, 239-240, 272
International Labor Organization, In-
terdepartmental Group on, 185
International Labor Organization, In-
terdivisional Committee on the
Agenda of, 185, 239
International Labor, Social and Health
Affairs Division, State Department,
352, 364

Inter-American Conference on Problems
of War and Peace (1945), need for,
398-399; scope, 400-401; agenda, 401-
402; preparatory work, 402–404; U. S.
Delegation, 215n, 404-405; resolutions,
405-407, 436, 444
Inter-American conferences, 11, 13, 16,
17, 33-36, 70, 215n, 398-407, 436, 444
Inter-American Economic Development,
Subcommittee on (of ECEFP), 224
Inter-American Financial and Economic
Advisory Committee, 34, 35, 70
Inter-American Juridical Committee, 70, International Organization, Interdepart-

402, 436

[blocks in formation]

International Monetary and Economic
Conference (1933), 10

International organization, establish-
ment of. See United Nations and
United Nations Charter

mental Committee on Dependent Area
Aspects of, 388, 389-390, 428-429, 433
International Organization, Special Sub-
committee of Political Subcommittee,
Advisory Committee on Post-War
Foreign Policy, creation and member-
ship, 98, 108, 154; coordination with
other committees, 108, 109, 110, 111,
130; structure, scope, and procedure,
109-114, 116, 235, 363; draft constitu-
tion on international organization,
110, 472-483

International Organization Affairs Di-
vision, State Department, 351, 352,
355, 366, 379, 386, 400, 565, 570, 571-

Intergovernmental Committee on Refu- International Organization Group (for-

gees, 54, 364

International Bank and Fund. See Re-
construction and Development Bank
and Monetary Fund
International Conferences, Committee
on, 350

International Court of Justice, early
proposals, 109, 114, 116, 267-268, 300,
319, 423, 459, 477, 485-491 (text of
Statute), 528-529, 576, 581, 587, 599,
615; U. S. final draft of Statute,
424-425, 666-677 (text); draft by
United Nations Committee of Jurists,
320-321, 375, 386, 425-428, 441-442


merly Informal Political Agenda
Group), meetings, membership, and
drafting procedure, 248-249, 250-253,
255; absorbed into "American Group"
for Dumbarton Oaks Conversations,
International Refugee
363, 364-365
International Security Affairs Division,
State Department, 351, 565, 570, 572-
International Security and Organiza-
tion, subcommittee of Latin American
Area Committee, 221, 403

International Security and Organiza- | Labor Office, International, 239

tion Division, State Department, 216, Labor Organization, International, 10,
220, 238, 249, 253, 254, 291, 298, 351, 52, 145, 354, 360, 443; conference
565-566, 568-569, 570
(1944), 185, 222, 239–240, 272

International Trade Organization, 358, Labor Organization, International, In-
360, 361n, 627-641

Iran, 25n, 59, 144, 197, 410n

Iran, Declaration on (1943), 197, 201
Iran, Interdivisional Country Commit-
tee on, 177

Iraq, 25n, 44, 410n
Ireland, 25n

Italy, 8, 9, 13, 25n; World War II, 10,

15, 26, 28, 31, 32, 37, 44, 47, 59-60, 61,
160, 246, 270, 343, 391; surrender, 127,
131, 167, 187, 207, 274; postwar treat-
ment, 39, 110, 188, 198, 207, 234, 343-

Italy, Advisory Council for, 207

Italy, Declaration regarding (1943),

terdepartmental Group on, 185

Labor Organization, International, In-
terdivisional Committee on the
Agenda of, 185, 239

Labor Relations Division, State De-
partment, 217, 239, 240

Labor, Social, and Health Affairs, In-
ternational, Division of, State Depart-
ment, 352, 364

Labor Standards and Social Security,
Special Committee on (of Taylor
Committee), 140, 179, 180, 185, 224,
239, 537

Latin America, Interdivisional Area
Committee on, 178, 221, 403
Latvia, 18, 25n, 31, 36

Italy, Interdivisional Country Commit- League of Nations, U. S. cooperation
tee on, 221, 274

Japan, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14; policy in Far
East, 27, 30, 32, 36, 43, 44, 48, 59;
U. S. embargoes, 36, 37, 48; Tripartite
Pact, 37; relations with Soviet Union,
44, 48; conversations with U. S. on
Far Eastern settlement, 48; pre-Pearl
Harbor exploratory talks with U. S.,
48, 60-61;

World War II, 160, 167, 207, 302,
343, 391, 392, 393; surrender, 127,
450; postwar treatment, 39, 110, 130,
202, 228, 273, 287, 371-372, 430, 591-

Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 248-


with, 8, 10; withdrawal of Japan,
Germany, and Italy, 9; expulsion of
Soviet Union, 18; as possible regional
group in world organization, 25; as
background for new international or-
ganization, 109, 112, 175, 250, 298, 436;
question of transition to new organ-
ization, 334, 375, 386, 662
Lebanon, 59, 410

Legal Problems, Special Subcommittee
of Political Subcommittee, Advisory
Committee on Post-War Foreign Pol-
icy, creation, 98, 114, 154; coordina-
tion with other committees, 109, 130;
membership, 114-115; scope, 115-117,
268, 423, 424

Leith-Ross Committee, 55, 86-87

Juridical Committee, Inter-American, Lend-lease legislation and agreements,

70, 402, 436

Jurists, United Nations Committee of,
meeting, 412, 425-428, 441-442; see
also International Court of Justice
Justice, International, Permanent Court
of. See Permanent Court of Inter-
national Justice

38, 43, 44, 51, 60, 102-103, 103n, 162;
agreement with Great Britain, 43, 54,
83n, 88, 133, 181, 190-193, 241, 244,
361n, 463-464, 562-564; Article VII,
51, 54n, 83-84, 88, 103, 133, 135, 181,
190-194, 241, 361, 436, 463-464, 562-

Justice, International Court of. See In- Liaison Committee (State-War-Navy),

ternational Court of Justice

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 8, 112

Korea, 202

16-17, 124

Liberated areas, Allied policy, 189, 228,

344, 367-373, 394-395, 655-657, 663-

Liberated Areas Committee, 224
Liberated Areas Division, State Depart-
ment, 217

Liberia, 25n, 144, 410n

Libya, 44

Lima Conference (1938), 13
Limitation and Reduction of Arma-

ments, Preparatory Commission for, 8
Limitation and Reduction of Arma-
ments, Subcommittee of Advisory
Committee on Problems of Foreign
Relations, membership, 22

Lithuania, 18, 25n, 31, 36

Locarno Pact (1925), 8

Ministers of Foreign Affairs, meetings.
See Foreign Affairs, Ministers of
Miquelon, 32

Monetary and Economic Conference, In-
ternational (1933), 10

Monetary and Financial Conference,
International (1944), 144, 186, 240-
242, 272, 355, 360

Monetary Fund, International, creation,
141-142, 184, 186, 192, 224, 240–242,
272, 354, 355, 360

Monopolies and Cartels, Private, Special
Committee on (of Taylor Committee),
140, 180, 538, 625

London Economic Conference (1933), Monopolies and Cartels, Private, Sub-

London naval conferences and treaties,
8, 10, 13

committee on (of ECEFP), 224, 354,
358, 360

Montevideo Conference (1933), 11

Low Countries, Interdivisional Country Moscow Conference (1943), advance

Committee on, 177

Luxembourg, 25n, 27, 52, 62, 277, 301,

343, 344, 363, 410n
Luxembourg, Interdivisional Country
Committee on, 177

Major-power collaboration, 87, 129, 171,
194, 207, 227; see also Cairo, Crimea,
Moscow, Quebec, and Tehran Confer-
ences and Dumbarton Oaks Conversa-

Mandates. See Dependent areas and

Maritime Authority, United, 244, 362
Maritime Consultative Organization,

Intergovernmental, 362n
Membership in the United Nations, 113,

251, 317-318, 321, 327, 333-334, 375,
377, 384, 385, 395-397, 410, 437, 473,
526-527, 612

Metals and Heavy Industry, Special
Committee on (of Taylor Committee),
140, 180, 543
Mexico, 25n, 410n

Mexico City Conference. See Inter-
American Conference on Problems of
War and Peace

Migration and Resettlement, Special
Committee on (of Taylor Committee),
140, 180, 181, 224, 365, 543-544, 641-
644; see also Displaced persons and

preparation, 171, 172, 178, 194-197;
meeting, 197-199, 202, 203, 204, 207,
222, 228; U. S. memorandum on eco-
nomic cooperation, 192, 198, 560-564
Moscow Four Nation Declaration
(1943), 188, 189, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200,
201, 204, 246, 247, 264, 265, 274, 276,
282, 553

Moscow Reparations Commission, 371
Munich Pact, 9, 14
Mutual-aid agreements. See Lend-lease

Naval conferences and treaties, 8, 10,

Navy, U. S., expansion, 13, 14, 16, 32;
defense of territorial waters, 59-60
Near East Area Committee, Interdivi-
sional, 221

Netherlands, Conference of Neutrals,
25n; World War II, 27, 31-32, 344,
344n; Caribbean possessions, 27, 31-
32, 231, 231n; Atlantic Charter, 52;
United Nations Declaration, 62; rub-
ber talks, 243n; United Maritime Au-
thority, 244; international organiza-
tion, 277, 410n; European Central
Inland Transport Organization, 363
Netherlands, Interdivisional Country
Committee on, 177

Netherlands East Indies, 27, 30, 32
Neutrality acts, 7, 11–12, 14, 16, 31, 60`
Neutrals, Conference of, 24–28, 456–457


Neutrals, Interdepartmental Advisory | Petroleum Committee (interdivisional),
Committee on Economic Consulta-

tions with, 26, 457

New Zealand, 15, 51, 62, 410n
Newfoundland, 36

Nicaragua, 25n, 62, 410n

Nonpartisan foreign policy, 72, 74-75,
195-197, 227, 235, 258-269, 286-290,
297, 315-316, 321-322, 323, 326, 380,
381, 417, 418; see also Congress
Normandy invasion, 200, 231, 246, 270
Norway, 25n, 27, 31, 52, 62, 244, 277, 363,

Ottawa agreements, 51

Panama, 25n, 62, 410n
Panama, Declaration of, 18
Panama Canal, 16, 17

Panama Foreign Ministers meeting
(1939), 16, 17

Paraguay, 25n, 396n, 410n

Peace, Inter-American Conference for
the Maintenance of (1936), 11, 13
Peace, Inter-American Conference on
Problems of (1945). See Inter-
American Conference on Problems of
War and Peace

Peace, threats to. See Security ar-

Peace, U. S. efforts toward, 7-18, 19,
20, 23, 27, 28, 37, 44, 60

Peace and Reconstruction, proposed
Division for the Study of Problems of,
State Department, 20-21, 453-454
Pearl Harbor, 61

Permanent Court of International Jus-
tice, 116, 268, 423, 427, 485-491, 666-

Permanent Court of International Jus-
tice, Informal Inter-Allied Committee
on the Future of, 268
Permanent Joint Board on Defense,
U. S. and Canada, 36
Peru, 25n, 396n, 410n
Petroleum, Special Committee on (of
Taylor Committee), 140, 180, 238,

Petroleum Agreement with Great Brit-
ain, 238-239, 239n
Petroleum Committee
mental), 239


238, 239

Petroleum embargo, 48

Philippines, 44, 343, 391, 410n

Poland, World War II, 7, 10, 15, 18, 31,
302, 345, 391; relations with Soviet
Union, 18, 71, 146, 163, 197, 345–346,
393, 496-513; Atlantic Charter, 52;
United Nations Declaration, 62;
Polish-Czechoslovak Committee of
Coordination, 146; United Maritime
Authority, 244; postwar situation,
201, 372, 383, 393, 413; question of
admission to San Francisco Confer-
ence, 410, 423, 440n; examples of
"policy summaries" and "problem
papers" used in U. S. postwar prepa-
ration, 84, 120, 151, 173, 492-513
Poland, Interdivisional Country Com-
mittee on, 177

Policy Committee, establishment and
membership, 208–211; functions, 211-
212, 218, 220, 221, 223, 224, 233, 233,
347; replaced, 349, 350

Policy Committee (for Mexico City
Conference), 403

Policy Committee on Germany, Infor-
mal (IPCOG), 370, 371

Policy summaries. See Research Staff
Political Affairs, Special, Office of,
State Department, 215, 216, 217, 239,
350, 351, 366, 386, 416, 565-576

Agenda Group, Informal,
origin, participants, and work, 108,
169-172, 188, 189, 213; preparatory
work on international organization,
175-176, 194, 226–227, 247, 254, 256,
257, 267-268, 276, 423; name changed
to International Organization Group,
q. v., 170, 248, 276
"Political Committee." See Post-War
Foreign Policy, Advisory Committee
on: Subcommittee on Political Prob-

Political Planning Committee on, 130,
156-157, 158, 177

Political Problems, Subcommittees on.
See Foreign Relations, Problems of,
Advisory Committee on, and Post-
War Foreign Policy, Advisory Com-
mittee on

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