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Political Studies Division, State De- | Post-War Foreign Policy, Advisory
partment. See Research Staff
Portugal, 25n

"Possible Plan" for international or-
ganization. See United Nations

Charter, development

Post-War Economic Policy, Inter-
American, Committee on, 224
Post-War Foreign Economic Policy
Committee (Taylor Committee), cre-
ation, 138-139; membership, 139;
scope and structure, 139–141, 142, 144,
145, 179-183, 191, 219, 238, 536-545
Post-War Foreign Policy, Advisory Com-

mittee on, creation, purpose, and
membership, 3, 58-59, 63-65, 69-70,
71-79, 85, 91, 464-467; special com-
mittees, 74-75; meetings, 78-84, 85-
92; publicity, 79, 92-95; subcommittee
composition, 80-83, 132; Subcommit-
tee on Coordination, 83, 169; suspen-
sion, 163-164, 168, 213; policy sum-
maries of work, 173-176; review of
country and area committee work,
178-179; coordination of work of sub-
committees, 99-100, 171, 467;

Subcommittee on Economic Policy:
membership, 81, 134, 135, 136; scope,
81, 83-84, 88, 90, 133-134, 135-136;
coordination of work with other com-
mittees, 99-100, 130; fusion with
Economic Reconstruction Subcommit-
tee, 133-136; replacement by Post-
War Foreign Economic Policy Com-
mittee, q. v., 138; see also Economic
Foreign Policy, Executive Committee

Subcommittee on Economic Recon-
struction: membership, 81, 134, 135,
136; meetings, 83; scope, 81, 86-88,
90-91, 133-134, 135-136, 515-517; co-
ordination of work with other com-
mittees, 99-100; fusion with Economic
Policy Subcommittee, 133-136; re-
placement by Post-War Foreign Eco-
nomic Policy Committee, q. v., 138;
see also Economic Foreign Policy,
Executive Committee on;

Subcommittee on Political Prob-
lems: membership, 82, 96-97; meet-
ings, 83, 84, 100-101; scope, 82, 85-
86, 87, 88-89, 91, 101-104, 110; struc-
ture and procedure, 97-101, 104-108;

Committee on: Political Problems
agenda-paper method of discussion,
104-105, 468-470; coordination of
work with other committees, 99-100,
118, 130, 132; Special Subcommittee
on International Organization, 98,
108-114, 116, 130, 154, 235, 363, 472n;
Special Subcommittee on Legal Prob-
lems, 98, 109, 114-117, 130, 154, 268,
423, 424; Special Subcommittee on
Problems of European Organization,
146-148, 179

Subcommittee on Security Prob-
lems: membership, 82, 90, 91, 124-125;
scope and work, 82-83, 125-129, 131-
132, 176, 196; structure and procedure,
131-132; coordination with other
committees and bodies, 99, 108, 109,
110, 111, 129-131, 132, 134; Security
Technical Committee, 132–133, 226;
inactivity, 226, 347;

Subcommittee on Territorial Prob-
lems: membership, 82, 117-118, 119,
119n; scope, 82, 84, 86, 89-90, 117,
120-123, 179; procedure, 83, 118-120,
123, 150, 492-513, 514; coordination
with other committees, 99, 105, 118,

Post-War Foreign Policy, Advisory
Council on, 213-215, 422


Post-War International Economic Prob-
lems and Policies, Interdepartmental
Group to Consider, creation, member-
ship, and duties, 29-30, 45, 47; steps
to strengthen inter-American
nomic cooperation, 32-33, 35; organ-
ization for basic research on post-war
problems, 38-40, 42, 460-461; taper-
ing off of work, 40, 42
Postwar preparation, general procedure,
1-3, 38-40, 41-42, 44-47, 56, 104-107,
120, 167-169, 173-179, 207-208, 215,
220-223, 224, 226-227, 250, 271-272,
341-342, 347, 368
Post-War Programs Committee, estab-
lishment and membership, 208-211,
248; field of work, 210, 564-565; oper-
ations, 211-212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 220,
221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 229, 233, 238,
239, 240, 243, 252, 254, 257, 268, 270-
271, 272, 273, 274, 279, 347, 358, 362,

Post-War Programs Committee-Con.
363, 365, 367, 372, 393, 399; replace-
ment, 349, 350, 368

Post-War Requirements, Inter-Allied
Committee on, 55, 86-87

Refugee Board, War, 364
Refugee Organization, International,
363, 364-365



See Displaced persons and

Potsdam Agreement (1945), 228, 371, Refugees, Intergovernmental Committee


Power, Special Committee on (of Taylor
Committee), 140, 180, 537-538
Preparatory Commission for Reduction
and Limitation of Armaments, 8
Private Monopolies and Cartels, Sub-
committee on (of ECEFP), 224, 354,
358, 360

"Problem papers." See Research Staff
Problems of Foreign Relations, Advisory
Committee on. See Foreign Relations,
Problems of, Advisory Committee on
Problems of Peace and Reconstruction,
proposed Division for the Study of,
State Department, 20-21, 453-454
Problems of War and Peace, Inter-
American Conference. See Inter-
American Conference on Problems of
War and Peace

Programs Committee, Post-War. See
Post-War Programs Committee
Property Rights, Reparation, and Resti-
tution, Committee on 222–223
Public Affairs, Office of, State Depart-
ment, 379

Public opinion, informed, 79, 80, 92-95,

106, 195-197, 214, 215, 227, 258, 259,
263, 268-269, 289, 374, 378-380

Quebec Conferences: First (1943), ad-
vance planning, 107, 123, 132, 171, 172,
178; meeting, 187-189, 191, 200, 553n;
Second (1944), 244–245, 323n, 343, 369

Reciprocal Assistance, Inter-American
Treaty of, 406

Recommendations of the West Indian
Conference, Subcommittee on (of
ECEFP), 224

Reconstruction and Development Bank,
International, 141-142, 184, 186, 224,
240-242, 272, 354, 355, 360
Reconstruction and Development Bank
and Stabilization Fund, American
Technical Committee on, 141, 142, 184,
224, 241, 242

on, 54, 364

Regional arrangements, international,
135, 137-138, 146-148, 276, 298, 320,
435, 440, 444, 448, 482, 531, 617, 686;
Caribbean, 230-231; inter-American
defense, 17, 36, 402, 406
Regional basis for international or-
ganization, 25, 28, 112, 137-138, 146-
148, 201, 458-460

mittee on.

Regional Organization, Special Subcom-
See European Organiza-
tion, Problems of
Relaxation of Trade Barriers, Special

Committee on (of Taylor Committee),
140, 180, 358, 538-539, 622-624
Relaxation of Trade Barriers, Subcom-
mittee on (of ECEFP), 224, 354, 359
Relief, foreign. See Displaced persons,
Inter-Allied Committee on Post-War
Requirements, Migration and Reset-
tlement Committee, Refugee Organi-
zation, and UNRRA

Reparation, Restitution, and Property
Rights, Committee on, 222-223
Research, Special, Division of. See Re-

search Staff

Research Staff, State Department, defi-
nition, 517; procedure for postwar
preparation, 38-40, 41-42, 44-47, 53-
57, 215, 223, 224, 226–227; assistance
of private organizations, 19, 56, 80,
82-83, 106, 131, 152; agenda-paper
method of committee discussion, 104-
107, 468-470; problem papers, policy
summaries, and country handbooks,
120, 151, 158, 173-176, 188, 211, 492-
495, 496-509, 509-513, 545–552, 554-
557, 558-560; studies for country and
area committees, 176-179, 220-223,
229, 273-274, 368, 534-536; example of
bracketing used in drafts of Pro-
posals, 610-611;

Special Research Division: creation
and functions, 41-42, 43, 44, 47, 59, 80,

Research Staff-Continued.

142, 149-153, 517-520; personnel and
structure, 41-42, 44, 53, 92, 152-155;
economic and political studies, 53-55,
55-58; studies and secretariat for
Advisory Committee on Post-War For-
eign Policy, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88,
92, 100, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 118-120,
129, 131, 139, 142, 149-153; abolish-
ment, 156-157, 521;

Political Studies Division: crea-
tion, 157, 520-526; personnel and
functions, 158-159, 188, 196, 200, 236,
237; draft constitution of interna-
tional organization, 171, 175–176, 526–
534; abolishment, 216, 565, 566;

Economic Studies Division: crea-
tion, 157, 520-526; personnel and
functions, 158-159, 181, 188, 196, 205,
241, 253; abolishment, 217, 565;

further reorganization, 215-217,
350-352, 565-576; Office of Special
Political Affairs, 215, 216, 217, 239,
350, 351, 366, 386, 416, 565-576; Inter-
national Security and Organization
Division, 216, 220, 238, 249, 253, 254,
291, 298, 351, 565-566, 568-569, 570;
Territorial Studies Division, 216, 217,
220, 221, 229, 240, 351, 368, 393, 565,
566, 571, 573-576; International Or-
ganization Affairs Division, 351, 352,
355, 366, 379, 386, 400, 565, 570, 571-
572; International Security Affairs
Division, 351, 565, 570, 572–573; De-
pendent Area Affairs Division, 351,
388, 429, 565, 570-571, 573

Rio de Janeiro Foreign Ministers meet-
ing (1942), 70

Rockefeller Foundation, 56
Rubber problems, postwar, 243n
Rumania, 25n, 31, 36, 37, 47, 246, 270, 302
Russia, Interdivisional Country Com-
mittee on, 177

St. Pierre, 32

San Francisco Conference. See United
Nations Conference on International

Saudi Arabia, 25n, 396, 410n

Scandinavia, Interdivisional Area Com-
mittee on, 221

Scientific and Cultural Organization,
United Nations. See United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural

Second front, World War II, 161–163
Secretariat of the United Nations, 251,
255, 320, 441, 476-477, 528, 582, 590-
591, 605, 618-619, 681, 685
Security Affairs Division, International,
State Department, 351, 565, 570, 572-

Security and Organization, Interna-
tional, subcommittee of Latin Amer-
ican Area Committee, 221, 403
Security and Organization Division, In-
ternational, State Department, 216,
220, 238, 249, 253, 254, 291, 298, 351,
565-566, 568-569, 570

Security arrangements, United Nations:
pacific settlement of disputes, 128, 252,
255, 276, 280-281, 288, 299, 319, 321,
333, 376, 441, 444, 477-478, 529, 582,
586-587, 600, 615-616, 659, 680, 683;

threats to the peace and acts of ag-
gression, 251, 252, 255, 319, 478-479,
529-530, 582, 587-589, 600-603, 616-
617, 659, 680, 684;

enforcement action, 252, 255, 316,
321, 322, 444, 445, 582, 588, 601;

armed forces, 90, 110-111, 126, 129,
130, 251, 252, 255, 264, 265, 275, 288,
289, 316, 319, 323, 333, 337, 381, 459,
582, 588-589, 602, 659;

armaments regulation, 114, 125, 126,
128, 129, 130, 131, 251, 252, 319, 459-
460, 476, 478-479, 582, 589-590, 602-

regional arrangements, 276, 298,
320, 435, 440, 444, 448, 482, 531, 617,

self-defense, right of, 441, 444, 448,

Security Aspects of the Preparation for
the United Nations Conference, Com-
mittee on, 436

Security Committee, Working, 133n, 225,
226, 229, 271, 273, 368, 369, 370
Security Council, United Nations, 251,
252, 255, 264, 299, 317, 319, 321, 376,
385, 390, 429, 445, 473-475, 527-528,

Security Council-Continued.

576, 578-579, 581, 585-586, 598-599,
614-615, 678, 680, 682-683;

voting procedure, 255, 319, 321, 326,
327, 333, 335, 374, 381-386, 392, 395,
408, 409-410, 413, 435, 614, 659-660,
661; unanimity of permanent mem-
bers (veto power), 264, 317, 320, 324,
376, 382, 384, 385, 395, 429, 448-449,
449n. 657-658, 664-665; abstention by
parties to dispute, 264, 299, 317, 320,
324, 376, 381, 409-410, 657-658, 664-
665; size of majority vote, 299, 377,
409, 657-658; U. S. compromise for-
mula, 324-325, 376-377, 381, 382, 384,
385, 611

Security Problems, Subcommittee on.
See Post-War Foreign Policy, Advi-
sory Committee on

Security Technical Committee of Sub-
committee on Security Problems, Ad-
visory Committee on Post-War For-
eign Policy, 132-133, 226
Security zone, naval, 17
Seventh International Conference of
American States (1933), 11
Shipping, postwar, 138

Shipping, Special Committee on (of
Taylor Committee), 140, 180, 181, 219,
224, 243, 362, 544

Shipping Coordinating Committee, 139
Siam. See Thailand
Sicily, invasion, 160, 167
Singapore, defense of, 43
Social Policy, Interdepartmental Com-
mittee on, 353n

Social Security and Labor Standards,
Special Committee on (of Taylor Com-
mittee), 140, 179, 180, 185, 224, 239,

Special Studies, Committee on, 158, 173,

Specialized International Economic Or-
ganizations, Subcommittee on (of
ECEFP), 353–354, 355, 361
Stabilization Fund, International. See
Monetary Fund

Stabilization Fund and Reconstruction
and Development Bank, American
Technical Committee on, 141, 142, 184,
224, 241, 242

Staff Committee, Secretary's, 349, 355,
361, 362, 363, 366, 368, 371, 383, 384,
388, 422, 425, 430

State Department, general reorganiza-
tion (Jan. 1944), 208, 215-217, 220-
221, 565, 566-569; (Dec. 1944), 348-
352, 393, 565, 569-573
State-War-Navy Coordinating Commit-
tee (SWNCC), 226, 229, 347-348, 349–
350, 368, 369, 370, 371–372, 393
State-War-Navy Liaison Committee, 16–
17, 124

Strategic Survey Committee, Joint, 248-

Supply and Resources Division, State
Department, 217

Surrender terms, 126–127, 130, 131, 163
Sweden, 25n

Switzerland, 25n

Syria and Lebanon, invasion, 59, 410


Committee. See Post-War
Foreign Economic Policy Committee
Tehran Conference (1943), 199–203
Telecommunication Union, Interna-
tional, 362, 362n

Telecommunications Coordinating Com-
mittee, 139

South Africa, Union of, 15, 51, 62, 410n
Soviet Union.

"Tentative Proposals" for international
See United Nations
See Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics
Spain, 9, 25n, 31

Special committees of Taylor Commit-
tee. See Post-War Foreign Economic
Policy Committee

Special Political Affairs, Office of, State

Department, 215, 216, 217, 239, 350,
351, 366, 386, 416, 565-576
Special Research Division, State Depart-
ment. See Research Staff

Charter, development
Territorial, definition of term, 122
Territorial disputes, ad hoc drafting
committee on, 274, 592-595
Territorial problems, definition of term,

367; question of commitments prior
to war's end, 62–63, 71, 102, 123, 271;
studies of, 84, 86, 89-90, 99, 120-122,
173, 174, 220–222, 225, 492-513; see
also Country and area committees

Territorial Problems, Subcommittee on. | Transport, Inland, Special Committee

See Post-War Foreign Policy, Advis-
ory Committee on

Territorial Studies Division, State De-
partment, 216, 217, 220, 221, 229, 240,
351, 368, 393, 565, 566, 571, 573–576
Territorial trusteeship. See Trustee-


Thailand, 25n, 44

on (of Taylor Committee), 140, 180,
243, 544-545

Transport Organization, European Cen-
tral Inland, 232, 243, 363
Transportation and Communications,
Office of, State Department, 217, 354
Transylvania, loss by Rumania, 36
Tripartite Pact, 37, 62, 93

Three Powers, Declaration of (1943), Trusteeship, United Nations: early

"Topical Outline" for international or-
ganization discussions, 257, 262, 280,

Trade, General Agreement on Tariffs
and, 361n

Trade, Methods of, and Commodity

Agreements, Special Committee on
(of Taylor Committee), 140, 180, 539-
540, 619-621

Trade, Methods of, and Commodity
Agreements, Subcommittee on (of
ECEFP), 224

proposals and drafts, 35, 99, 103-104,
109-110, 112, 200, 201, 253, 254, 276,
294, 481-482, 531, 576, 582, 606-607;
omission from Dumbarton Oaks Con-
versations, 276, 295-296, 374, 375, 387,
388, 660-661; later work on U. S. pro-
posals, 376, 377-378, 381, 386, 387-390,
660-661, 661-663; Yalta decisions,
392, 397; drafting of final proposals,
412, 413, 428-434, 686-687; five-power
consultations, 430, 431, 433, 445-446,
449, 688-689; see also Dependent


Trade agreement with United Kingdom, Trusteeship Council. See Trusteeship


Trade Agreements, Committee on, 26,

Trusteeship Problems Committee. See
Colonial and Trusteeship Problems,
Interdivisional Committee on

Trade agreements acts, 10-11, 24, 140, Turkey, 25n, 201-202, 396, 410, 410n
355, 360

Trade Agreements Division, State De-
partment, 43

Trade and Employment, International
Conference on, U. S. proposals, 361,

Trade Barriers, Special Committee on
Relaxation of (of Taylor Committee),
140, 180, 358, 538-539, 622-624
Trade Barriers, Subcommittee on Re-
laxation of (of ECEFP), 224, 354, 359
Trade Controls, Wartime, Subcommittee
on (of ECEFP), 224

Trade Organization, International, 358,
360, 361n, 627-641
Trade policy, U. S., 12, 33, 34-35, 355-
356, 358-361, 619-621, 622-624, 625;
discussions with British (1943), 190–
193, 194, 198, 232, 235, 357, 562-564,
620; (1945), 361, 361n; with Canada,
193, 358; see also Cartels and Com-
modity policy

Turkey, Interdivisional Country Com-
mittee on, 177

Ukraine, membership in international
organization, 317-318, 327, 333-334,
384, 385, 395-397; on War Crimes
Commission, 318n; admission to San
Francisco Conference, 396n, 423, 440,

"Unconditional surrender" policy, 127,

Under Secretary-Liaison, Office of,
State Department, 16-17
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 9,
10; World War II, 18, 27, 31, 36, 37,
43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 59, 160, 161-163, 200,
207, 246, 270, 302, 344, 391, 393; sup-
port of Atlantic Charter, 51; United
Nations Declaration, 62; relations
with Poland, 18, 71, 146, 163, 197, 345-
346, 393, 496-513; Eden mission, 62-
63, 71, 102; Treaty of Alliance with
Great Britain, 71, 102; lend-lease
agreement with U. S., 102-103, 135,

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