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U. S. S. R.-Continued.

162; efforts for second front, 161–163;
dissolution of Comintern, 163; rela-
tions with ILO, 185; Moscow Confer-
ence (see Moscow Conference and
Moscow Four Nation Declaration);
Tehran Conference, 199–203; decision
to enter war against Japan, 200, 393;
member, European Advisory Commis-
sion, 228; stabilization-fund agree-
ment, 241; member, War Crimes Com-
mission, 318n; recognition of Provi-
sional Government of France, 344;
spheres of responsibility in Eastern
Europe, 346; withdrawal from Civil
Aviation Conference, 356; Moscow
Reparations Commission, 371; Decla-
ration on Liberated Europe, 372-373,
655-656, 663-664; Crimea Conference
(see Crimea Conference);

postwar planning: U. S. efforts to
enlist cooperation, 55-56, 102-103, 126,
129, 188, 189, 190, 193, 197, 232, 234,
265, 413; proposal on Leith-Ross Com-
mittee, 87; U. S. country committee
on Russia, 177; relief and rehabilita-
tion draft agreement, 186; exchanges
of views on international organiza-
tion, 246-247, 252, 256-257, 262, 265,
266, 277-285, 297, 298; Dumbarton
Oaks Conversations (see Dumbarton
Oaks Conversations); membership of
two Soviet republics in international
organization, 317-318, 327, 333-334,
384, 385, 395-397; position on voting
procedure in Security Council, 317,
320, 324-325, 327, 381, 382, 385, 395,
396; admission of two Soviet republics
to San Francisco Conference, 397n,
423, 440, 440n; San Francisco Confer-
ence (see United Nations Conference
on International Organization); five-
power trusteeship consultations, 430,
431, 433, 445-446, 449, 688-689; "Big
Four" consultations on final draft of
Proposals, 438-440, 442-445, 446-448,
449, 679, 681-685 (text)

United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United Maritime Authority, 244, 362
United Nations:

basic principles underlying interna-
tional cooperation, addresses and

United Nations-Continued.

statements by Secretary Hull, 5, 45-
46, 46-47, 67, 93-95, 137, 154, 165, 189-
190, 195, 198-199, 204-205, 233-235,
258, 260-261; by President Roosevelt,
18, 23, 42-43, 50, 52-53, 203, 268-269,
336-337, 339, 346, 383, 399, 411; by
Acting Secretary Welles, 48-49; by
Secretary Stettinius, 346; see also
Atlantic Charter, Four Nation Decla-
ration, and United Nations Declara-

early concepts of and proposals for
international organization, 24-25, 28,
51, 88-90, 94-95, 101-102, 103, 104,
109-114, 116, 128-129, 135–136, 137–
138, 145, 146, 147-148, 175–176, 190,
201, 235, 458-460, 472-483, 526-534; en-
visaged on regional basis, 25, 28, 89,
112, 137-138, 146-148, 201, 458-460;

League of Nations as background
for new international organization,
109, 112, 175, 250, 298, 378, 436; tran-
sition from League of Nations, 334,
375, 386, 662;

development of favorable public
opinion for, 79, 80, 92-95, 106, 195-
197, 214, 215, 227, 258, 259, 263, 268-
269, 374, 378-380;

Congressional cooperation toward
establishment of (see Congress);
party consultations, 285, 286–290, 297,
315-316, 321-322, 323, 326, 380, 381,

question of establishment prior to
peace, 264, 265, 275;

participation of smaller nations,
265, 266-267, 277, 279-280, 281-282,
285, 287-288, 305, 337, 342, 399-400,
401, 405-406, 435;

naming of organization, 299, 311,
322, 437; location of headquarters,
314, 375, 377, 386; languages to be
used, 313, 375, 377n, 386;

membership of two Soviet repub-
lics, 317-318, 327, 333-334, 384, 385,

see also United Nations Charter
United Nations Charter, development:

proposal for European political
body, 28, 458-460; draft constitution
of international organization (July
1943), 110-111, 472-483; draft Char-

functions of the organization:

nomenclature for the organization,
310-311, 313; membership, 113, 251,
321, 375, 377, 410, 437, 473, 526-527,
612; withdrawal, 299, 437, 441, 532;

U. N. Charter, development-Continued | United Nations Charter, structure and
ter of the United Nations (Aug. 1943),
175-176, 526-534; draft plan for or-
ganization (Dec. 1943), 251, 576-581;
U. S. "Topical Outline" for interna-
tional organization discussions (Feb.
1944), 257, 262, 280, 581-582; U. S.
"Possible Plan" for international or-
ganization (Apr. 1944), 250-255, 256,
263-265, 268, 269, 271, 275, 276, 286,
294, 582-590 (text); U. S. "Tentative
Proposals" (July 1944), 276, 282, 283,
285, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 297,
298, 299, 315, 316, 319, 323, 325, 329,
387, 595-606 (text);

Dumbarton Oaks Proposals (Oct.
1944) formulation (see Dumbarton
Oaks Conversations); views of other
American republics, 279-280, 337, 342,
399-400, 401, 405, 436, 444; unre-
solved questions ("open questions"),
317, 324-327, 335, 337, 374-378, 381-
390 (see also International Court of
Justice and Trusteeship); example of
bracketing used, 610-611; text of
Proposals, 611-619;

International Court of Justice (see
International Court of Justice);

trusteeship proposals (see Trustee-


final review of proposals: review
by U. S. Delegation to San Francisco
Conference, 434-438, 441-442, 444,
447; Delegation memorandum
President (1945), 677-678; changes
in Proposals by U. S. Delegation,
679-681; U. S. additional amend-
ments, 686-687; "Big Four" consulta-
tions on Proposals, 438-440, 442-445,
446-448, 449, 679; text of sponsors'
amendments, 681-685; five-power
trusteeship consultations, 430, 431,
443, 445-446, 449, 688-689; five-power
review of amendments of other par-
ticipants, 449;

signing and ratification of Charter,
427, 450;

see also United Nations and United
Nations Charter, structure and func-
tions of the organization


General Assembly, 251, 252, 255,
319, 321, 333, 397, 413n, 422, 428, 429,
437, 441, 442, 443, 444, 475-476, 527,
576, 579-580, 581, 584-585, 597-598,
612-614, 678, 680, 682, 686;

Security Council (see Security

peace and security arrangements
(see Security arrangements);

economic and social cooperation,
77, 222, 235-244, 253, 255, 271-272,
281, 299, 317, 353, 437, 441, 479-481,
530-531, 576, 582; Economic and So-
cial Council, 253, 311, 320, 321, 436,
444; relationship of Council to spe-
cialized agencies, 271-272, 281, 333,
354, 360; establishment of Council,
603-604, 617-618, 681, 684-685; for or-
ganizations in the fields of cultural co-
operation, food, relief, trade, etc., see
those titles;

trusteeship (see Trusteeship);

International Court of Justice (see
International Court of Justice);

Secretariat, 251, 255, 320, 441, 476–
477, 528, 582, 590-591, 605, 618-619,
681, 685;

human rights, 84, 98, 115-116, 321,
327, 365, 386, 483-485, 530;

amendments, 319, 320, 327, 437,
441, 483, 532, 619, 678, 681, 685

see also United Nations and United
Charter, development

United Nations Commission for Investi-
gation of War Crimes, 116, 186, 318n,
344, 394

United Nations Committee of Jurists
meeting, 412, 425-428, 441-442; see
also International Court of Justice
United Nations Conference on Interna-
tional Organization (1945): selection
of date, name, and location, 324, 327,
393, 398, 421, 661; invitations, 377,
393, 398, 408-410, 661; participants,
385, 392, 396, 396n, 410n, 423, 440,
440n, 661; consultation with national

United Nations Conference on Interna- | Vatican, 19-20, 28, 54
tional Organization-Continued. Venezuela, 25n, 396n, 410n
organizations, 215, 227, 421-422; U. S. Voting procedure in Security Council.
consultation with China and France See Security Council
prior to convening, 395, 397-398, 408-
409, 410, 430, 661; address of Presi-
dent Roosevelt to Congress, 410-411;
U. S. Delegation, 393, 398, 413, 414-
420, 433; international Secretariat,

preconference preparation : con-
sultations with Members of Con-
gress (see also Congress), 408, 411,
412-414; administrative arrange-
ments, 414-416, 420-422; meeting of
Jurists (see also International Court
of Justice), 425-428; drafting of final
proposals on trusteeship (see also
Trusteeship), 428-434; final review
of Proposals (see United Nations
Charter, development);

convening of Conference, 440-441;
address of Chairman of U. S. Delega-
tion, 447; signing of Charter, 427,


United Nations Declaration (1942), 61,
62, 101, 110, 189, 199, 235, 344, 377,
396, 410, 440
United Nations draft declaration on
dependent peoples, 110, 187, 254, 470-

United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization, projection
of a permanent organization, 53, 235-
238, 355; draft agreements, 238, 272,
365-366, 644-648, 649-654; creation,

United Nations Food and Agriculture
Conference, 107, 143-145, 159, 170
United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, 145, 184, 186, 243, 272,
354, 355, 355n, 360
United Nations Relief and Rehabilita-
tion Administration (UNRRA), early
plans for, 54-55, 83, 84, 86, 87, 90-91,
133, 135; draft agreement, 83, 137,
186, 515-517; Office of Foreign Relief
and Rehabilitation, 137, 156, 205;
signing of agreement, 203-204; First
Session of Council, 144, 205-206; see
also Displaced persons and Refugee

Uruguay, 25n, 396n, 410n

War and Peace, Inter-American Con-
ference on.
See Inter-American Con-
ference on Problems of War and Peace
War crimes, 98, 114, 115, 116, 130, 186,
198, 344, 394

War Crimes, German, Allied Declara-
tion on (1942), 116

War Crimes, United Nations Commis-
sion for Investigation of, 116, 186,
318n, 344, 394

War Refugee Board, 364
Wartime Economic Affairs, Office of,
State Department, 217, 354
Wartime Trade Controls, Subcommittee
on (of ECEFP), 224
Washington Conference on Limitation
of Armament, 8
Washington Naval Treaty, 13
West Indian Conference, 230-231

West Indian Conference Recommenda-
tions, Subcommittee on (of ECEFP),

Western Hemisphere, transfer of terri-
tory in, U. S. and inter-American pol-
icy, 17, 30, 32, 35-36; belligerent ves-
sels in waters of, 17, 59-60
Western Hemisphere Aviation Commit-
tee, 17

Wool, Subcommittee on (of ECEFP),


Working Committee on Problems of De-
pendent Areas (formerly Colonial and
Trusteeship Problems Committee),
221, 254, 429

Working Security Committee, 133n, 225,
226, 229, 271, 273, 368, 369, 370
World Court, 232
World Health Organization, 363-364,

World War II, 7, 14-15, 17-18, 26-29,

30-32, 36-38, 43-44, 47-48, 59-60, 61,
160-163, 167, 200, 207, 229, 244, 246,
270, 301-302, 343-346, 391-392, 393n,
448, 450

Yalta Conference. See Crimea Confer-


Yugoslavia, Conference of Neutrals, | Yugoslavia-Continued.

25n; World War II, 43-44, 344, 345,
391; Atlantic Charter, 52; United Na-
tions Declaration, 62; agreement with

Greece (1942), 146; problems of liber-
ation, 187, 372; new government, 393;
San Francisco Conference, 410n

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