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row and sacrifices in the trials of war and to her permanent collaboration in the processes and destinies of universal culture.

It is also of the opinion that the Latin-American nations should be considered for membership in the Council in view of their proven ideals of international peace and harmony.

With respect to the constitution of the International Court of Justice, Uruguay believes that all differences and controversies between countries which cannot be settled by friendly means or arbitral procedures, should without any exception be submitted to its jurisdiction and decision. It maintains this, because it has the conviction that all international conflicts are susceptible of solution by law; and because it entertains the fear that, if distinctions are made between political and juridical disputes, and if the former should be eliminated from the scope of the International Court of Justice, the situation might tend to strengthen the intervention of force in disputes or controversies between states.

In its opinion, the Court should be universal and the only one, as is due the very attributes of justice, precluding, consequently, courts of special jurisdiction or for specific zones of the world.

Uruguay also favors the establishment of the Economic and Social Council directly elected by the Assembly, which would be free, in social and economic matters, to make recommendations to its member states.

In this Organization and in its wise future action, my country has great interests and hopes, since it previously had the honor of declaring that "peace should not be considered an end in itself but rather a starting point, a means and an instrument to effect the improvement of economic and spiritual living conditions of peoples."

It would not be possible to attain the international peace longed for by all, if social peace is not attained. For this purpose, it is indispensable that the economic life of the world be laid on more equitable foundations, that cooperation between countries respond to active principles and be affected with equity and amplitude; and that the popular masses do not have the dangerous dissatisfaction in their living standard which produces social conflicts, rebellions, and wars. The greatest wealth is man himself, and, consequently, the people without dividing lines-in one word, humanity-composed of persons under all flags. Hence, to promote the economic welfare and development of the human species is to combat war and to base lasting peace on harmony of interests and the extension of justice.

Uruguay has endeavored to preserve, defend, and guard this fundamental and precious wealth by providing under a decree of July 26, 1944, that its delegates to conferences and congresses of the postwar express the need of combating the disturbing practice of "dumping" in international trade. To this end it has proposed: That governments and peoples give preference in commercial interchange to the merchandise and products of countries in which there prevail effectively the juridical and ethical principles of protection of workers against exploitation by the state or by individuals; to reject the merchandise and products of countries which obtain a lower cost for them at the expense of the rights, health, and freedom of the working masses; and to refrain from entering into commercial agreements with nations which maintain labor organizations oppressive to human beings.

This principle, in the opinion of Uruguay, should guide the activities and work of the Economic and Social Council.

If there is to be an organization entrusted with security, another with justice, and another for the economic and social planning of the world, there should also be an organization entrusted with culture.

My country feels that it is desirable to organize a council charged with promoting, encouraging, and initiating the relations of cultural interchange between the nations, for the same reason that it believes in the spirit, in the moral forces, and in the factors of intelligence which have definitely served as decisive motives for taking up arms and stimulating the conscience in the struggle against the Axis powers.

There will not be peace in the world if there is no peace in the spirit.

It is necessary to reach it for the rebirth of the ideals at the end of the painful crisis of the world, the knowledge and the interchange of the values of culture, the dissemination of noble ideas which will pacify the soul and will unite mankind, the propagation of the pacific spirit and the development of the movement called "moral disarmament," which fosters respect and love for law, and ethics, which recommends the correction of history and geography textbooks which prevent understanding and agreement, and unites nations, classes, and individuals in the collective duties and sentiments of civilization.

If poisoned words and dishonest teachers have been able to prepare the war, generous words and truthful teachers must maintain peace.

But a stable and sane peace cannot be attained if nothing is done for the democratization of the world and the rule of freedom. For Uruguay, peace and democracy constitute complimentary objectives, each of which is a guarantee and a motive for the other. This is its thesis of law.

In this regard it feels that in the proposed International Organization there should not be admitted nations professing doctrines of aggression and war, which are inclined to undermine or destroy the order of juridical peace in the world.

However, in order to be a member of international society, it is not enough in its opinion to present the titles of "peace-loving nations," but it is also necessary to be a freedom-loving nation.

For this reason, restating a thought in which it believes, Uruguay puts forward a formula according to which it would be required that the states aspiring to admission to the community of nations effectively respect the essential liberties inherent in the human being. Without this condition, admission should be refused.

The concept of equality imposes necessarily the nonintervention principle, which must be firmly and fully established by the international association under the following conditions alone:

(a) The freedom of a state may not reach at any time a point which is incompatible with the rights and the pacific relations of the others; and

(b) In the event that any state should make an attempt, or prepare for an attempt against such rights and such peaceful relations, collective intervention by all nations in order to re-establish peace would be proper and justified.

Within the international community there is reason for regional organizations, which may even be indispensable, such as the inter-American system, under the condition that their action should fall within the scope of the international community, and that in no case would the regional organizations be able to set one continent or region against another continent or region, and that they do not represent an isolation of the nations composing them in opposition to the other nations of the world.

Uruguay believes that the co-existence of regional systems with the world community could be implemented on the following bases:

(a) The juridical systems of the world Organization and the regional organizations must not exclude or replace each other, but must be implemented and





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co-ordinated so as to strengthen the rule of law; and (b) The states composing a regional organization should have the right to address themselves to all the jurisdictions of the world Organization and shall participate in the juridical guarantees, the security plans, and the systems of co-operation existing therein.

Uruguay, therefore, Mr. President and Delegates, adheres to the establishment of an international juridical order that would not jeopardize but instead consolidate the fruits and results of the victorious thrust of the free peoples against the Axis powers. As the work of peoples which are still engaged in the struggle among ruins, bat

tles, and hopes, it will not yet be a perfect and finished accomplishment. But this will no doubt be attained in the course of time, as a consequence of the aspiration and constructive decision of all peoples of good will. The stage of development will begin immediately upon its foundation.

The first day of its existence will also be the first day of work, of renovation, and of progress. Then, as now, as yesterday and as ever, the Republic of Uruguay will act in the service of the law.

MR. MOLOTOV (translation): This session is now adjourned. The next plenary session will be held in this same place at 3:30 p.m., Monday, April 30.









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Verbatim Minutes...


APRIL 30, 1945, 3:34 P.M.

MR. EDEN: (Presiding Officer) Fellow Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Fifth Plenary Session of the United Nations Conference on International Organization is hereby convened. For the convenience of my fellow delegates, I now announce that the Sixth Plenary Session will be held in this hall tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock.

The first item on our agenda today is the report of the rapporteur of a meeting of the heads of delegations on the organization of the Conference.

I call upon the chairman of the delegation of Cuba, rapporteur of the meeting of the heads of delegations.

MR. BELT: Mr. Chairman, Fellow Delegates: The chairmen of all delegations represented at the United Nations Conference on International Organization held their third meeting on April 30, 1945, at 11 a.m.; the Honorable

Fifth Plenary Session...

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., President of the Conference, acted as chairman.

Seating of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic at the Conference:

The meeting recommends to the Conference in plenary session that the Conference, having decided that the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic be invited to be initial members of the proposed International Organization, their representatives be permitted to take their seats at the Conference immediately, as they have requested through the representative of the Soviet Union.

MR. EDEN: Any observations on that resolution? (pause) No observations? The resolution is approved.

Debate on Seating the Argentine Delegation

MR. BELT: Seating of the Argentine Republic at the Conference:

The meeting recommends to the Conference in plenary session that the representatives of the Argentine Republic should be permitted to take their their seats at the Conference immediately. MR. EDEN: Any observations on that resolution? MR. EDEN: I call on the chief delegate of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.

MR. MOLOTOv (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Soviet delegation consider the question of inviting Argentina to this Conference an important one. MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): I will discuss this question in Russian, which most of you are not familiar with. I know, however, that Russian is quite suitable for a just


MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): The question of inviting Argentina to this Conference was only brought up before the delegates today, and it had never been discussed previously by representatives of the four sponsoring powers. It is quite natural, therefore, that the Soviet delegation, desiring to acquaint themselves with this question, and to let all the other members of this Conference do likewise, suggest that its discussion be postponed for a few days. MR. MOLOTOv (in Russian) :

INTERPRETER (in English): Anbody knows that in this war against our common enemy Argentina has held a special place; it is equally well known that for these past years of war, neither the foreign nor the domestic policies of the Argentine regime has met with the other United Nations' approval. You will know what I mean when I quote a statement made by the former Secretary of State, Mr. Hull, and published on September 8, 1944:

"Secretary of State Hull yesterday branded Argentina as headquarters for a Fascist movement in this Hemisphere and a potential source of infection for the rest of the Americas."

Allow me to quote another authoritative statement made by President Roosevelt on October 1, 1944:

"I have been following closely and with increasing concern the development of the Argentine situation in recent months. This situation presents the extraordinary paradox of the growth of Nazi-Fascist influence and the increasing application of Nazi-Fascist methods in a country of this Hemisphere at the very time that those forces of oppression and aggression are drawing ever closer to the hour of final defeat in Europe and elsewhere in the world." MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): I consider both statements authoritative and reliable. But they were made several months ago. The situation in Argentina may have changed since then. I understand that certain representatives of American countries hold the view that the situation has changed for the better there. All I should like to ask of you is that the Soviet as well as other delegations be given a chance to acquaint themselves at length with the facts and to satisfy themselves that the situation in Argentina has really improved and that statements like the above correspond to the facts. But this takes time, or, at least, a few days.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): Imagine what would happen if we acted rashly and invite Argentina to this Conference, although in the present war she has been assisting the Fascists who are our enemies, and failed to invite Poland which is an Ally. Poland is known to hold in this war an honorable place among Allied nations which have devoted all their efforts to the struggle against our common foe. The heroic Polish people have been fighting in our ranks and making innumerable sacrifices. We cannot afford to forget about all this. To invite Argentina, which has been helping our common enemy throughout this war, and not to invite the Provisional Polish Government, which is now functioning in liberated Poland and enjoys an enormous prestige among the Polish people, would be taking a course that might affect adversely the prestige of this Conference.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (In English): No one can deny the fact that the Polish Government now functioning in Warsaw and all over Poland is a democratic government. This


Provisional Polish Government is strongly supported by the people and is carrying on a struggle against our common enemy side by side with our allies.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): We also remember that the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union had undertaken to promote the reorganization of this Government on a broader democratic basis. I have no doubt that this excellent decision responds to the wishes of the Polish people, too, and so we must do our best to implement it as soon as possible.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): It is also obvious that the question of reorganizing the Polish Government is not a matter for this Conference. It has to be dealt with by the three Allied governments and especially by the Poles themselves. We all want in Poland a government having a broader democratic basis, a government with which diplomatic relations will be esablished by all Allied governments. This is understood. But if we are not supposed to undertake at this Conference the settlement of the Polish issue as a whole, neither must we ignore the fact that an international conference is being held at this very moment which is not attended by representatives of the Polish people. In any case we cannot refuse a seat at this Conference to representatives of the Polish people, our heroic ally, while granting one to representatives of Argentina, which in this war has not been helping us, but our enemies.

MR. MOLOTOv (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): It may be argued that Argentina has sinned, but that her sins may be forgotten. This may be true, perhaps we should really forget Argentina's sins. But let me ask you: If certain sins committed by Argentina may be forgotten, why should we forget Poland's services, why should we forget the great services of the Polish nation in the struggle against our common foe?

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): We have at this Conference an Indian delegation. But India is not an independent state. We all know that the time will come when the voice of an independent India will be heard, too. Nevertheless we share the view held by the British Government which suggested that representatives of India should be granted a seat at this Conference, imperfect though her status is. MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): We have at this Conference a Philippine delegation. But the Philippines are not an independent country. We know full well that the time will come when we shall be able to hear the voice of independent Filipinos, too. But we have agreed with the United States Government, which suggested that the Philippines have a voice even with their present status.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): The Soviet Union still has no diplomatic relations with certain governments represented at this Conference. In spite of this fact the Soviet Government, meeting halfway the suggestions of Great Britain and the United States of America, raised no objections to the invitation of all the delegations present here, no matter whether the countries in question maintain diplomatic relations with all of the sponsoring states. We felt that in this case we were bound to meet the wishes of Great Britain and the United States. All this was prompted by a desire on the part of the Soviet Union to come to terms with the other sponsoring governments on Conference matters.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): Up to now all invitations to this Conference have been approved unanimously by the four sponsoring governments which hold an equal po

sition here. We consider this a very good rule and are opposed to any disruption of our unity.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): I think that we should all value our unanimity and try to insure that any new suggestion that has not been sufficiently studied by anyone, be given serious thought. That is why we think it proper that the question of Argentina should be settled in exactly the same manner as others have been, but not in all haste.

MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): The Soviet delegation suggest that the question of inviting Argentina to this Conference be postponed for a few days for further study. MR. MOLOTOV (in Russian):

INTERPRETER (in English): This is the only request made by the Soviet delegation.

MR. EDEN: I have been asked to recognize the delegate of Colombia. I call upon the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia to speak.

MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): Mr. Chairman and fellow delegates: Spanish has always been the language of justice. I hope that on this occasion it will also be the language of clarity.

MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): As the Latin-American delegate I feel that I must say that there is involved here a question of principle. It is that we do not judge governments in view of their domestic policy, but in view of their international policy and international conduct. MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): In examining the question of Argentina, we must realize that we are dealing here not with a neutral nation but with a nation that has declared war on the Axis powers, a war that is not yet ended.

MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): While it is true that Argentina has declared war at a late hour, it is nevertheless a nation that has adhered to the declaration of war and to the responsibilities involved. While it may not be in a position to participate in the armed conflict, it certainly is in a position to contribute heavily towards the rehabilitation of the peoples Nazi-Fascism has affected in its destructive war.

MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): The United States Government and other American governments, including the Government that I represent, have spoken strong words of reproof concerning the conduct of Argentina. The words quoted by the delegate of the Soviet Union are true; however, those words refer to conduct in the past. MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): The Government of the United States under the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not object to the action of the Mexico City Conference relative to the invitation to Argentina, at the same time requiring Argentina to meet certain conditions, such as the declaration of war on the Axis powers. Argentina has met these conditions. The word of honor of the other American nations on this matter should be confirmed here.

MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): I wish to make but a brief allusion to the comparison that has been established by the delegate of the Soviet Union between the Argentine question and the Polish problem. Surely it would be an act of injustice if Poland who has suffered so much in the war were not to have a voice in the organization of peace. However, I must point out that there is no effort made in sessions of the Conference or its committees to avoid the

question of an invitation to Poland. That is a question pending the action of the three powers regarding the interior organization of Poland and her government, the question being which government represents Poland. But here let me state that fortunately for Poland, her cause is in very good hands, in the hands of those three nations.

MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): The Latin-American governments had not thought to intervene in the Polish question. We maintain the principle that we must not intervene with the interior organization of other governments. We do realize, however, that after the destruction of Poland it has been necessary that the strong hands of the three strong governments should help in Poland to establish a situation that will defend the interests of the United Nations. Colombia's vote will be one in full harmony with whatever may be the vote of the three nations. MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): The Argentine case is different. We are dealing here with a nation that has declared war. We are not interested in determining or analyzing the character or quality of her government. We are merely interested in affirming that as long as there be a government in Argentina that shall maintain Argentina in the position that it has taken we shall consider Argentina as now a belligerent nation.

MR. CAMARGO (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): The other cases, Mr. Chairman, I submit the cases of India and the Philippines, have no relation whatsoever with this problem, no relation at all with the discussion in hand. They could have been considered and can be considered with the question of the acceptance as founding members of the International Organization of the Ukraine Republic and the Byelorussian Republic.

MR. EDEN: I have been asked to recognize the delegation of Mexico. I call upon the chief delegate of Mexico to come to the tribunal.

MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): Let my first expression be one of homage to Poland, the martyr nation, the people that has endured enormous sacrifices throughout its history. I feel certain that in expressing this homage to Poland you do not hear the voice of one man alone; it is the voice of the world expressing such homage. We all aspire to the day, to that early hour, when Poland, possessing all the dignity and respect that she deserves, shall rise from all the destruction and the sacrifices she has endured.

Now I would like to limit my words to the comparison that has been established between Poland and Argentina. These are, indeed, contrasting cases. Surely our Conference would welcome the voice of Poland in our Council. However, her admission is pending, because it is related with the Yalta Agreement drawn up by the powers.

The case of Argentina is different. Of course, there too, there was a pact, an agreement. The Latin-American nations decided to invite Argentina to join the American nations and the United Nations, to make of the whole of America one continental unit. Therefore, Argentina was invited to sign the Act of Chapultepec. What was the result to this invitation? Argentina welcomed that expression as coming from the 20 American nations, and readily expressed its willingness to sign the Act. However, that was not enough. Argentina, it was said, must declare war on the Axis.

MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): When the American nations were informed of the Yalta Conference, we expressed our willingness to co-operate with what had been planned by the powers.

MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): Now I ask why, within that spirit of coherence, unity, and fraternity that binds us all -binds us in such a way that we have expressed our approval to what the powers had compacted or agreed to at Yalta are not the powers now recognizing, in the same spirit, what the 20 American nations have agreed to? MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): Surely in questions of war, in questions where force is necessary to maintain the peace, the four powers must also have the authority for decision.

MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): But when we are dealing, as we do now, with a nation that does not present a situation of danger to unity in the family of nations, I raise the question, what objection can there be to recognizing that situation?

MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): While Argentina has been branded a Fascist nation, we must bear in mind that here a distinction must be made between the nation and her government. Argentina is a nation of democratic traditions, long-standing democratic traditions. Also, she has distinguished herself by her contributions to international law a great nation that works-a great nation that feels a great nation with a people that feels full sympathy with the Allied cause. While it is true that the Government accidentally divorced itself from the sentiments of her people, it would not be fair to punish the people for an accidental separation of the Government from those deep-rooted sentiments of her nation. MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): During the period when Argentina maintained a position of isolation, the other Latin-American governments were constantly pressing upon her to define her situation clearly. Argentina continued its policy. The Latin-American countries then took action, broke relations with the Argentine Government.

At the Mexico City Conference, definite requirements were established and placed before the Argentine Government for action. Action in compliance thereto was required to bring Argentina within the American family of nations again.

Argentina complied with these requirements. It is true that when the Fascist Government of Argentina still existed, President Roosevelt used strong terms of condemnation, but when Argentina broke with the Axis powers and took the further step of declaring war on the Axis powers, President Roosevelt recognized the Argentine Government.

MR. PADILLA (in Spanish):

INTERPRETER (in English): In the Act of Chapultepec, there is a clause that reiterates the adherence of the Latin-American countries to democratic principles. Argentina subscribed to this requirement. We have faith that Argentina will go on complying with these requirements. We fellow delegates also feel that nothing can unite nations more than democracy and liberty. When equality, the principle of democratic equality among nations, shall be practiced in our international conduct, then we shall consolidate the bonds of fraternity, justice, and peace among nations.

MR. EDEN: The delegate of Belgium has asked to be recognized. I call upon the Foreign Secretary of Belgium. MR. SPAAK (in French):

INTERPRETER (in English): We have heard, Ladies and Gentlemen, that the representative of the Soviet Union enjoyed speaking in the language that stood for justice; other delegations have enjoyed speaking in their language for clarity. May I be allowed to speak in the language of conciliation.

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