It is of high national importance that the very earliest notice should be given of the near appearance of a figure-dancer; but, surely there was no neceffity of saying any thing of the Britannia, in whose fate the fates of fo many little families were involved, until it should have been certainly known whether she was wrecked, or had safely arrived in port. Of late years there has a practice crept in, of making the news-papers not only the vehicle of public intelligence, but also of the misfortunes, real or imaginary, of private families. For example, "We hear that Mrs "Gadabout was lately detected in an illicit " commerce with her husband's postilion, and "that a process of divorce will be brought," &c. Invention immediately bufies itself in aecounting for this incident. After the first ceremonies of surprise and deep regret, the education of the lady is scrutinized; it was too strict, or it was too loose: The character of the husband is laid before the inquest of goffips: He was morose and fullen, or he fet an example of extrayagance and libertinism which poor Mrs Gadabout inconfiderately followed. Then some one, more expert in tracing effects to ! to their cause, recollects having heard, that fomething of a like nature befell the family many years ago; and that the grand aunt of Mrs Gadabout's father, if common fame lie not, stept aside with the Duke of Buckingham, when he attended Charles II. into Scotland. In this state of uncertainty, things remain for a week or two, when fresh intelligence is communicated to the public. "The report "of Mrs Gadabout's affair is premature. — "The former article was copied from an" other paper. We hope that all concerned "will accept of this apology." Doubtless a most fatisfying apology to all concerned ! The writers of news-papers are the historians of the day; but I fee no cause why they. should be the historians of the lie of the day.. N° 76. N° 76. SATURDAY, January 29. 1780. R EFINEMENT and delicacy of mind are not more observable in our ferious occupations, than in the style of our amusements. Of those who possess them, the most vacant hours will generally be informed by taste, or enlivened by imagination; but, with men destitute of that fentiment which they inspire, pleasure will commonly degenerate into grossness, fociality into intemperance, and mirth into riot. Mr Melfort is one of my friend Mr Umphraville's early acquaintance, who continues to reside in this city, and of whom he still retains fome remembrance. That gentleman, in his youth, had applied to the study of the law, and was admitted to the bar; but, having foon after fucceeded to a tolerable fortune, he derives no other benefit from his profeffion than an apology for refiding part of the year in town, and fuch a general acquaintance there, as enables him to spend his time in that society which is suited to : to his disposition. He is often, indeed, to be seen in court; but he comes there only as he does to the coffee-house, to inquire after the news of the day, or to form a party for fome of those dinners which he usually gives. In my friend's last visit to town, he met with this gentleman, and came under an engagement to dine with him. I was asked to be of the party, and attended him accordingly. The company was a large one. Befide Mrs Melfort and her two daughters, there were three other young ladies who appeared to be intimate in the family. The male part of the company was still more numerous. It confifted, beside our landlord, Mr Umphraville, and myself, of two lawyers, a physician, a jolly looking man in the uniform of a fea-officer, and a gentleman advanced in life, who had fomewhat of the air and manner of a foreigner, and, I afterwards learned, had left this country at an early age, and lived chiefly abroad ever fince. Mr Umphraville, who was seated next Mrs Melfort, feemed not less pleased with the conversation, than with the manners of that lady, who is indeed perfectly well bred and accomplished; complished; and the stranger, whose name was Melville, appeared equally to relish the spirit which distinguished the discourse of Mr Umphraville. I had early observed him to mark my old friend, as a member of the company not the least worthy of his attention. The dinner was succeeded by a round of toafts, during which the ladies received scarce any other mark of attention from the company, Mr Umphraville, Mr Melville, and myself, excepted, than that of Mr Melfort's calling for their toasts, which he always distinguished, by defiring us to fill a bumper. Immediately after this ceremony was ended, they withdrew; a circumstance which feemed nowife difagreeable to the company they left, the greatest part of whom had hitherto fat mute, and plainly felt the prefence of the ladies a restraint on the freedom and jollity of converfation. They had no fooner retired, than Mr Melfort, raifing himself in his chair, announced a bumper to the ladies who had left us, an order which was readily complied with, and feemed to fpread an air of fatisfaction around the table. The fea-captain faid, he was glad the frigates had sheered off; "and now," added |