" doute pas que vous avez perusé les ouvraiges " de Mongfeer le Counte de Bouffan; que un " charmang creature! il met philofophes et di"vins par les oreilles." That is, "I doubt "not that you have read the works of Count "Buffon; what a charming creature! he fets "philosophers and divines by the ears." I answered her, that I had never read the works of that renowned author, but that I had read the Principia of Sir Isaac Newton. Why, indeed, replied she, Sir Ifaac may have been a man of better principles, but affbeurement the theories of the Count are wittier. It is a happy circumstance that Miss Winterbottom did not make the grand tour. Had she visited Italy, she would have proved as great an adept in statuary and in painting, as she is at present in philosopy. But Miss Winterbottom cannot, in confcience, talk of her having visited Italy, while her travels were limited to the borders of Piedmont. I never heard her mention Italy but once, and then she got no great encouragement to proceed in her remarks. At dinner she said, " I remember that, in Italy, they have fome"thing very like our veal, which they call "vitello." "Well, Sifter Juddy," cried Captain Winterbottom, " and why should they not? " for if vitello means veal in their lingo, what "elfe would you have the poor devils call " it?" It was refolved to postpone my lessons for a while, " that," as Mr Flint expressed it, "I " might come to know the ways of the house "first." Miss Juliana constantly teafed me with questions about my plan for her nephew's education. To puzzle her a little, I faid, that, fome weeks hence, I proposed to teach him to make "nonsense verses. "Mifericorde," cried the, "nonsense verses!" Is that part of the etiquaitte? "Let the boy alone," added Captain Winterbottom, "when he is old enough to be in "love, he will make nonsense verses, I warn't you, without any help of your's; ay, al"though it should be on Mamma's dairy"maid." Mr Flint laughed loud, and Mrs Flint faid gently, "Oh! fy, brother." Perceiving that, on this encouragement, the captain was about to be more witty, I recalled the converfation to nonfenfe verses, endeavoured to explain their nature, and observed, $ 3. that that their main use was to instruct one in the quantity of fyllables. Quantity of fyllables," exclaimed the captain, "there is modern education for you! "Boys have their heads lumbered with great " quantities of Latin syllables and words, when "they should be taught to understand things, "to speak their own language rough and "round, and so cut a figure in parliament. "I remember Will. Fitzdriver; but he is gone! Honest Will. knew no tongue ex"cept a little of his own, and yet he would "talk to you for an hour, and you would " have thought that he had scarcely entered " on the fubject at all. He never valued any " of your outlandish lingos, not he!" I faid, that, if my pupil were of an age to go into parliament, I should be apt to advise him to follow the precepts of Pythagoras, and be filent for seven years. "He must have " been a fure card, that Mr Pythagoras," observed the captain, " and I do fuppofe that " he lived up to his own precepts; for I ne"ver heard of any speaker of that name; no, "not even in committees. People, to be "fure, may hold their tongues, and have a "flice of the great pudding; but this is not a " time for your dumb senators. No, we must " have bold, well-fpoken men, to tell poor "Britannia, that she is beggared, and bleed"ing, and expiring, ay, and dead too, for "ought that some folks care." He rounded this pathetical period with one of his best oaths. "Were all men to make fpeeches," said I, "what time would there be left for doing bu"finess ?" Business," cried the captain, " is not oratory business ? and why cannot "they set to it, watch and watch, as we do at "fea?" Mrs Flint expressed her hope, that I would not load her poor boy's memory, by making him get a deal by heart. "When I first got the multiplication-table " by heart," said Mr Flint, who generally falls, in the rear of conversation, " it was a plaguy "troublesome job; but now that I am master " of it, I don't perceive that it loads my me "mory at all." " Learned men have remarked," said Mifs Juliana, " that it is not the getting by heart " that is cenfurable, but the getting by rote, " as one does one's catechifm." "There she goes, the travelled lady," cried the the captain; " she must always have a fling at "her catechifm." 66 "Mr Winterbottom," replied Mifs Juliana, with exceeding dignity, you wrong me "much. I am fure that I should be the last " woman alive to say any thing, especially in " mixed companies, to the disparagement of "the religion of the state, which I have al"ways confidered as the great lyeng [lien] of " fociety." "You have always confidered religion as "great lying; and who taught you that, fifter "Juddy? your god-fathers and your god"mothers! No, fure." Here I was laid under the neceffity of interpofing, and of affuring Captain Winterbottom, that he mistook his fister, and that the had inadvertently used a French word to express her own idea, " that religion was the great tie of "fociety." Perhaps I prevaricated a little in my office of interpreter. " if her "Well, well," said the captain, "tongue was tied, society would be no lofer." To divert the storm which seemed gathering, I spoke of my purpose to explain the tenth fatire of Juvenal, a poem, for method, compofition, |