composition, and animated language, univerfally admired. "What does that Juvenal write about? " faid Miss Juliana; " I am not acquainted "with his works: was he a member of the " French academy ?"- " Perhaps," replied I, fmiling, " he would be no favourite with you, "Miss Juliana; he has been very fevere upon "the Roman ladies." Ay, they were Papists," faid Captain "Winterbottom, "and they are all wh-.” "Give me leave to tell you," cried Mifs Juliana, in a higher key, " when I was abroad, I had "the honour of being known to several ladies "of the Roman perfuafion, and they were "persons of the strictest virtue." " I suppose you asked them whether they were wh, and they faid they were not. "Poor fifter Juddy! it is true, I never was " in the gallies at Nice, as you have been; " but I have touched at Marseilles, and have "laid close off the mole of Genoa, and that "is farther than ever you travelled; and I "fay they are all wh-." How this wonderful controversy would have ended, I know not; but happily we were called to coffee, which separated the combatants. I I was now pretty well acquainted with the ways of a house, in which ignorance, felf-conceit, and illiberality of sentiment and manners, had fixed their refidence. It was agreed, that, on the Monday following, I should begin my lessons. Appearances, I must acknowledge, were not very favourable. My pupil had been generally present at the conversations of which I have given you a specimen, and, indeed, they were not fuch as could either enlarge his mind, or improve his understanding. I flattered myself, however, that he would be left to profecute his studies under my direction, and that every new acquifition in knowledge would increase his love for letters. In what way our studies were conducted, will best appear from a faithful journal of the progress which we made during the first week. But of this hereafter. Meanwhile, I am, Sir, &c. HYPODIDASCALUS. N° 98. N° 98. I SATURDAY, April 15. 1780. To the AUTHOR of the MIRROR. SIR, Now send you a faithful narrative of the progress of our studies in Mr Flint's family, from Mondy morning to Saturday at bedtime, carefully distinguishing the proficiency made in each day. MONDAY. Mrs Flint had previously informed me, that her fon's constitution did not agree with much study before breakfast, and that, whenever he read on an empty stomach, he was apt to be disturbed with uneasy yawnings; we therefore refolved that he should have a short lefson only at eight in the morning. After waiting in the parlour till within a quarter of nine, I learned from Mrs Flint, that her fon had been observed 'to turn himself twice or thrice during the night, and that he he feemed to be threatened with a fort of stuffing and wheesing; and that, by way of prevention, she judged it best to give him a little fenna, and confine him to his chamber for a few hours; but that, in the evening, we might profecute our studies without farther interruption. Accordingly, at fix, my pupil and I prepared to read the tenth fatire of Juvenal. After having explained to him the general scope and method of the fatirist, I began, Omnibus in terris quæ funt a Gadibus usque, At that moment I heard a gentle tap at the door, and then entered Miss Juliana and her sister, with Mr Flint and the captain, a little behind, walking on tiptoe. "You must par. "don our femelle curiofité," said Miss Juliana, "we come to see Jemmy take his first lesson "from you. What have you got here? I "fancy, from my knowledge of French, that "I could pick out the meaning of some part "of it. Oh! I understand; there is auroram, "does not that mean, break of day ? "I learned it in a French Chanfong a boar. "What is that boar song," demanded Captain Winterbottom, "is it a hunting one?" "Oh "fy, no," said Miss Juliana, "it is a drinking " fong." " And who taught you drinking " songs," sister Juddy; " did you learn them "from your outlandish ladies of honour?” A tremendous affault on the knocker announced the approach of a person of quality. -"The Countess of -." On this joyful news the ladies hurried to the drawing-room. Mrs Flint presently returned. "I must "make an apology," said she, " for thus "interrupting the course of my son's studies; " but the Countess has made a flying visit to "tell me, that there is a meeting of young "people at her house this evening, and that "there will be a dance and a little fupper, " and she insists to have Jemmy of the party; " but I would not engage, for any thing, "without asking your leave, as you have the "whole charge of his education. There will "be many rich folks, and many fine folks; " and there will be Miss Punaise, the great "heiress; she has a vast improveable estate, "hard by the borough of Ayno, and who can "tell." The good woman was busy in weaving the web of futurities, when I reminded VOL. III. her T |